Newsletter No. 326
No. 326, 4.11.2008 NEWS & EVENTS 英國總領事談氣候變遷 British Consul-General on Climate Change at CUHK • 中 大邀得新任英國駐香港及澳門總領事奚安竹 先生蒞校,在10月20日以「氣候轉變:香港在 全球挑戰中的角色」為題演講,有近二百名嘉賓出席。 奚安竹先生指出氣候轉變不但是英國政府要處理 的頭等要務,世界各國也無法置身事外。他 認同工業化國家應帶頭應付這問題,而中 國等發展中經濟體系的參與也同樣重要。 應付氣候轉變的支出固然龐大,但若置 諸不理,全球為經濟和安全付 出的代價會更高。因此,各國須 一同邁向低碳經濟,這個改變 將帶來新的經濟和 商業契機。而這種 新契機的規模現時 已日益顯現。 奚安竹先生於本年4月就任英國駐港總領事。 這次講座是中大自2005年起舉辦的駐港領事/ 外交家講座系列之一。 C UHK presented a public lecture by Mr. Andrew Seaton, the newly- appointed British Consul-General to Hong Kong and Macao on ‘Climate Change: Hong Kong’s Role in the Global Challenge’ on 20 October on campus. About 200 guests attended the lecture. Mr. Seaton discussed how climate change has become a top policy priority of the British government and 諾貝爾獎得主論胚胎幹細胞的起源 Nobel Laureate on Origins of Embryonic Stem Cells • 中 大與新鴻基地產(新地)於10月10日合辦第十 三次新鴻基地產諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講座系 列,講者為2007年諾貝爾生理醫學獎得主馬丁.埃文斯 爵士。 埃文斯爵士以「胚胎幹細胞的起源」為題,介紹胚胎幹 細胞的發現史,並指出在實驗室培養的胚胎幹細胞能分 化為其他具有組織特異性的祖細胞,有助於再生醫學的 研究。 這次講座共吸引了逾五百名聽眾參加。埃文斯爵士更於講 座前與過百名大學生及中學生敍談。 S un Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) and CUHK presented the 13th instalment of the widely acclaimed Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures on 10 October, featuring Prof. Sir Martin J. Evans, 2007 Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine. In the lecture on ‘The Origins of ES Cells’, Sir Martin presented the history of embryonic stem cells (ES cells) discovery. He pointed out that embryonic differentiation is experimentally accessible in culture and ES cells provide a potential source of other tissue specific progenitor cells which may be useful for regenerative medicine. The lecture attracted an audience of over 500. Sir Martin also met with more than a hundred tertiary and secondary school students before the lecture. 新鴻基地產諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講座系列四周年慶祝會。左起:新地執 行董事黃奕鑑先生、中大副校長廖柏偉教授、劉遵義校長、郭炳聯博士及 中大副校長楊綱凱教授 From left: Mr. Michael Wong, executive director of SHKP; Prof. Liu Pak-wai, Pro-Vice- Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau; Dr. Raymond Kwok; Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, at the celebration marking the fourth anniversary of the Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures one of the most truly global of issues. He recognized that industrialized countries need to take a lead on the issue, and the full participation of the major emerging economies, including China, is crucial to the success of the global effort. There are significant costs to tackling climate change, he said, but the costs of not tackling it will be far higher for our economies and security. Therefore all countries need to move to a low carbon economy. This shift will create major new economic and business opportunities — the scale of which is only now becoming clearer. Mr. Seaton has been British Consul-General in Hong Kong since April 2008. His lecture is one of the Consul- Generals/Diplomats Lecture Series organized by CUHK since 2005. 諾貝爾獎得主講座系列邁入第五年 Nobel Laureates Lectures Series Entering Fifth Year • 新 地與中大自2004年起開始合辦諾貝爾獎得獎學 人傑出講座系列。為慶祝這項學術界盛事舉辦四 周年,新地與中大在10月23日舉行慶祝會,由新地副主席 兼董事總經理郭炳聯博士與中大校長劉遵義教授主持,並 宣布邀得三位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主肯尼斯.阿羅教授、威 廉.夏普教授和道格拉斯.諾斯教授,將於11及12月來港 主持三場講座。 郭炳聯博士鼓勵青年學生積極參與這項城中盛事,他說: 「香港要成為國際大都會,港人必須有豐富知識、廣闊視 野、創新思維及不斷求進的精神。」 劉遵義教授則認為:「諾貝爾獎得主的學養和識見,開闊 了本地學者的眼界,激勵他們不斷精進;他們的個人魅力 和風範,更啟發了香港年輕人做學問的興趣和動機,推動 社會上尋探新知的風氣。」劉教授並對新地的慷慨支持表 達謝意。 T he Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures series, launched in 2004, is a collaboration between SHKP and CUHK. To mark the fourth anniversary of the event, SHKP and CUHK held a celebration on 23 October. Dr. Raymond Kwok, vice chairman and managing director of SHKP, and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, announced that three Nobel Laureates in Economics, namely, Prof. Kenneth J. Arrow, Prof. William F. Sharpe and Prof. Douglass C. North, will present lectures in November and December. Dr. Kwok encouraged the young to attend the lectures. ‘Hong Kong people must be knowledgeable, visionary, innovative, and seek constant improvement if Hong Kong is to develop into a world-class metropolis.’ Prof. Lau said, ‘The scholarship and insights of the Nobel laureates broaden the perspective of local scholars, while their personal charisma motivates our young. The relentless pursuit of knowledge will help Hong Kong attain the highest international standards on all fronts.’ Prof. Lau also thanked SHKP for their generous support.
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