Newsletter No. 376

No. 376, 19.4.2011 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 四 名中大生獲頒澳洲獎學金,頒獎典禮於3月11日假澳洲駐香港總領事館舉行。 社會工作學系的李嘉豪( 左三 )、經濟學系的連嘉穎( 右一 )和來自澳洲拉特 羅布大學的陳羽西( 左二 )同獲「長江澳洲毅進獎學金」,李嘉豪和連嘉穎於2010年 7月至11月赴澳洲拉特羅布大學交流,陳羽西則於本學期以交流生身分入讀中大。此外,來 自阿德萊德大學的李亦兒( 左一 )獲頒「澳亞研究生毅進獎學金總理獎」,她現為中大的 訪問學生,從事中醫研究。 「長江澳洲毅進獎學金」每年資助二百五十名學生參加交流,其中一半名額予澳洲生前赴 亞洲,另一半予亞洲生往澳洲,當中三分之二專予本港及內地生。「澳亞研究生毅進獎學 金總理獎」每年頒予亞洲和澳洲的研究生,資助他們參與國際研究及工作實習。 F our CUHK students received the Australia Awards and the presentation ceremony was held on 11 March at the Australia Consulate-General Hong Kong. Lee Ka-ho ( 3rd left ) from the Department of Social Work, Lin Ka-wing ( 1st right ) from the Department of Economics and Chen Yuxi ( 2nd left ) from La Trobe University were awarded the Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Scholarship. Ka-ho and Ka-wing participated in an exchange programme at La Trobe University, Australia between July and November 2010 while Yuxi came to CUHK as an exchange student in the second term of 2010–11. Lee Yick-yi Michelle ( 1st left ), an incoming student from the University of Adelaide, has been granted the 2010 Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Award. She is a visiting student at CUHK conducting research on Chinese Medicine. The Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Scholarships funds approximately 250 undergraduate exchange opportunities each year, with half apportioned to Australian 促進藥物安全策略 • Pharmacovigilance Strategy to Maximize Drug Safety 由 中大醫學院食物及藥品安全研究中心、衞生署及醫 院管理局用藥安全委員會聯合舉辦的第二屆年度 藥物警戒研討會,於3月4日舉行,共有一百七十七名來自 四中大生獲澳洲獎學金 Four CUHK Students Receive Australia Awards 中國社會工作座談會 • Seminar on China Social Work 中國、香港、英國和泰國的專家醫生、藥劑師、護士和跨國 製藥公司員工出席。衞生署署長林秉恩醫生( 前排右四 )及 中大醫學院院長霍泰輝教授( 前排左三 )致開幕辭。是次 會議讓醫護專業人員及製藥人員交流意見,討論如何共同 努力,促進藥物安全,確保市場藥物安全和質量。 O rganized by the Centre for Food and Drug Safety, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, the Department of Health of the HKSAR Government, and the Medication Safety Committee of the Hospital Authority, the Second Annual Symposium on Pharmacovigilance was held on 4 March, attracting 177 doctors, pharmacists, nurses and pharmaceutical associates from mainland China, Hong Kong, the UK and Thailand. Officiated by Dr. P.Y. Lam ( 4th right, front row ), Director of Health, and Prof. T.F. Fok ( 3rd left, front row ), Dean of Medicine, CUHK, the symposium provided a platform for the participants to exchange knowledge on how their joint efforts can help safeguard the efficacy, safety and quality of the medicines available in the market. students undertaking exchanges to Asia, and half for Asian students undertaking exchanges to Australia. Two-thirds of the awards are earmarked for Hong Kong and mainland China. The Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Award provides scholarships for Australian and Asian postgraduates to undertake international study and research, as well as internship or work placement. 社 會工作學系於3月2日舉辦座談會,題為「中國社會 工作發展多面觀:三次質性研究之反思」,邀請該 系訪問教授殷妙仲博士( 左 )主講,約六十位師生及社工 界前線工作者出席。殷博士為加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學社 會工作學院副教授,他在會上發表過去十年所作三次有關 中國社會工作發展之研究的重點,並講述中國社會工作發 展的情況,從而帶出國際社工界在當中的角色及反思。 O rganized by the Department of Social Work, a seminar entitled ‘Multiple Snapshots on the Development of China Social Work: Lessons Learned from Three Qualitative Studies’ was held on 2 March with  Dr. Yan Miu-chung ( left ), adjunct associate professor in the department, as the speaker. Close to 60 teachers, students and frontline workers from the industry participated in the seminar. Dr. Yan, associate professor at the School of Social Work, University of British Columbia, Canada, reported his findings of three qualitative studies on social work development in China conducted in the past decade. He also highlighted some major observations of the development of social work in China and suggested some implications for the international social work community for discussion.