Newsletter No. 376

4 No. 376, 19.4.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 工程學院二十周年 • 20th Anniversary of Engineering Faculty 工 程學院於3月28日舉行二十周年院慶開幕典禮暨座 談會,邀得香港特區政府創新科技署副署長黎志 華先生( 左四 )、匯賢智庫主席葉劉淑儀女士( 左二 )、立 法會(資訊科技界)議員譚偉豪博士( 右二 )、工程學院諮 詢委員會主席黃仲翹博士( 左一 ),以及香港資訊科技聯 會副會長鄭松岩先生( 右一 )擔任主禮嘉賓,聯同中大常 務副校長華雲生教授( 左三 )和工程學院院長汪正平教授 ( 右三 )主持開幕典禮。 座談會於典禮後舉行,主禮嘉賓以「香港科技教育廿年願 景」為題,分享在科技及教育上的意見和經驗。 T o celebrate its 20th anniversary, the Faculty of Engineering held the Kick-off Ceremony cum Discussion Forum on 28 March. Mr. Andrew Lai ( 4th left ), 生物醫學發明產業化 • Commercialization of Biomedical Inventions 知 識轉移處和生物醫學學院於3月14日合辦「知識轉 移經驗分享午餐—生物醫學發明產業化」,邀得 前美國Vion製藥公司研究和發展部副總裁敬祥林博士出 席。敬博士分享他在製藥行業技術產業化的經驗,並鼓勵 本地科研人員積極尋找工業合作夥伴和投資者。 C o-organized by the Knowledge Transfer Office and the School of Biomedical Sciences, the Knowledge Transfer Experience Sharing Lunch—Commercialization of Biomedical Inventions was held on 14 March. Dr. Ivan King, former vice president of Research and Development, Vion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USA, was invited to share his experience in technology commercialization in the pharmaceutical industry. He encouraged local researchers to adopt proactive strategies when reaching out for industrial partners and investors. Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government; Mrs. Regina Ip ( 2nd left ), chairperson, Savantas Policy Institute; Dr. the Hon Samson W.H. Tam ( 2nd right ), legislative councillor (information technology); Dr. C.K. Wong ( 1st left ), chairman of Advisory Board, Faculty of Engineering; and Mr. Rocky Cheng ( 1st right ), vice president, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council, officiated at the ceremony together with Prof. Benjamin W. Wah ( 3rd left ), Provost, CUHK, and Prof. C.P. Wong ( 3rd right ), Dean of Engineering. Following the ceremony, the guests joined a discussion forum titled ‘20-year Vision for Technology Education in Hong Kong’ to share their insights and experiences in technology and education. 司馬文談香港歷史建築 • Zimmerman on Architectural Heritage M r. Paul Zimmerman, a district councillor representing the Pokfulam constituency and CEO of Designing Hong Kong, a non-profit organization devoted to improving urban planning, was invited by the Research Centre for Human Values to speak at its monthly lunch-time seminar series ‘Values under Debate’. The talk entitled ‘Architectural Heritage: Why Does It Matter?’ took place on 31 March. By citing the failed attempt to save the old General Post Office Building in the 1970s and recent success in preserving King Yin Lei Mansion, Mr. Zimmerman gave the audience a general picture of the endeavours to save Hong Kong’s architectural heritage from the 1970s to the present. There are now 1,444 historical buildings in the city, which have heritage, tourism, and architecture value, but Mr. Zimmerman said, if we want to keep them, we are faced with the questions of who is going to take care of them and how we are going to use them.’ He asked, ‘Are we going to have 1,444 restaurants, 1,444 museums or 1,444 offices of charity?’ He said that the authorities are trying to promote a lot of models and see which one works. By preserving our architectural heritage, our cityscape will be more than just a jungle of high-rises. And  Mr. Zimmerman believes that variety and diversity will bring more spirit to the city. 薄 扶林選區區議員司馬文先生在3月 31日應人文價值研究中心之邀,蒞 校演講,題為「歷史建築緣何重要?」。 司馬文先生身兼致力改善本港都市規劃的 非牟利組織「創建香港」行政總裁。他在演 講中首先縷述香港保護歷史建築運動的發 展,並舉1970年代爭取保留舊郵政總局失 敗,以及近期成功保留景賢里為例。 他提到現時全港有一千四百四十四幢歷史 建築,具文物價值,又有建築美感,也能作 為觀光景點。問題是如果保留它們,那該 由誰來管理和作何用途?他問:「我們想要 一千四百四十四家餐廳,或者一千四百四 十四座博物館,還是一千四百四十四間慈 善機構辦公室?」他說當局正嘗試不同活化 模式,看哪一種成功。 城市有歷史建築,景觀才不會千篇一律是高樓大廈,如司 馬文先生所說:「有所變化和有所不同,我們的城市才更會 有活力。」