Newsletter No. 421
6 No. 421, 19.8.2013 中大中文行 Chinese Literary Walk 中國語言及文學系於7月4日舉辦「中大中文行」,三百多名來自十三所中學的中五學生及 教師應邀參加,體驗與別不同的語文學習。活動名副其實,以「行」為活動重點,學生先 以小組形式循不同路線遊覽中大校園,按描寫校園的文學篇章索驥,親身見證作者筆 下中大之美。隨後他們參加語文能力評估,並出席有關語文和文化的講座。 The Department of Chinese Language and Literature held the Chinese Literary Walk on campus on 4 July. Over 300 Secondary 5 students and their teachers from 13 schools took part in the event and explored the special learning experience of Chinese at the University. There is no better way to appreciate the beauty of the University than to visit the scenic or historical spots on its campus described in literary works. The walk was followed by a language assessment and a talk on Chinese language and culture. 三十九中大生獲滙豐獎學金 39 CUHK Students Receive HSBC Scholarships 三十九名中大生於2012至13學年分別獲頒「滙豐香港獎學金」、「滙豐社會工作獎學 金」、「滙豐海外獎學金」及「創新科技獎學金」。 獎學金慶祝典禮於7月29日舉行,部分得獎者出席活動,並與程伯中副校長( 前排中 )、 英國駐香港總領事吳若蘭女士( 前排左二 )、滙豐香港區總裁馮婉眉女士( 前排 左一 )及滙豐慈善基金諮詢委員會非執行主席王䓪鳴博士( 前排右二 ),分享獲獎 喜悅。 A total of 39 CUHK students have been granted awards under the HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship, HSBC Social Work Scholarships, HSBC Overseas Scholarship and Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Schemes for the academic year 2012–13. Some of the scholarship recipients attended the HSBC Scholars Day on 29 July and shared their joy with Prof. P.C. Ching ( middle, front row ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Ms. Caroline Wilson ( 2nd left, front row ), Consul General, British Consulate- General Hong Kong; Ms. Anita Fung ( 1st left, front row ), group general manager, CEO HK, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited; and Dr. Rosanna Wong ( 2nd right, front row ) non-executive chairperson, Advisory Committee, The Hongkong Bank Foundation. 《春日之草莓印象》 2013,彩色鉛筆繪畫,17.85×13厘米 建築學院任超教授 Strawberry Spring 2013, colour pencil drawing, 17.85×13cm Prof. Ren Chao, School of Architecture u
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