Newsletter No. 421
No. 421, 19.8.2013 5 徐揚生教授出掌中大(深圳) Prof. Xu Yangsheng Appointed First President of CUHK (SZ) 香港中文大學(深圳)理事會 於7月31日宣布聘任徐揚生 教授為香港中文大學(深 圳)首任校長,任期四年,由 2013年8月1日起生效,徐教 授並於同日辭任中大副校長 一職。 徐教授為自動化與計算機 輔助工程學講座教授,擔任 副校長期間,一直負責深圳 和內地事務。徐教授對於獲委任感到榮幸,他表示:「將 致力把中大的辦學理念及人文精神帶入內地,為國家培 養具有國際視野、專業知識、高尚品格及對社會有承擔 的人才。」中大(深圳)校園位於深圳市龍崗區,預計於 2014年正式招生。 The Governing Board of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK [SZ]) announced on 31 July the appointment of Prof. Xu Yangsheng as the first President of CUHK (SZ) for a period of four years from 1 August 2013. Professor Xu stepped down from the position of CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor with effect from the same date. Professor Xu is the Professor of Automation and Computer-aided Engineering at CUHK. Throughout his tenure as Pro-Vice-Chancellor, he supervised the University’s projects and affairs in Shenzhen and mainland China. Professor Xu feels deeply honoured by the appointment. He said, ‘I pledge to do my best with my colleagues to take CUHK’s core educational philosophy and values to our motherland. By leveraging on our strengths, we shall nurture generations of university graduates who are international in outlook, learned in the disciplines, upright in their character, and committed to serving the needs of society.’ CUHK (SZ) is located in the Longgang District of Shenzhen. Admission of its first batch of students is expected to commence in 2014. 成立外科手術成效研究中心 Centre of Surgical Outcome Research Established 承蒙黃梓林基金會、興德 慈善有限公司及黃氏家族 慷慨捐貲支持,大學成立 黃梓林—興德外科手術成 效研究中心。這是香港首 個透過研究手術成效改 善手術質素的單位,目標 是提早發現、減低或阻止 術後併發症,進一步提高 手術質量。 中心以中大的教學醫院威 爾斯親王醫院為基地,成 立典禮於7月3日舉行,主 禮嘉賓包括沈祖堯校長 ( 左二 );黃梓林基金會 和興德慈善有限公司的代表黃宜淞先生( 右四 )、黃宜厚先生( 左四 )、黃宜讓先生( 左三 )及黃宜定教授( 右三 );霍泰 輝副校長( 右二 )、醫學院院長陳家亮教授( 左一 )、外科學系系主任兼該中心主任賴寶山教授( 右一 )。 外科學系自2010年1月起全面審核外科手術成效及病人的術後情況,外科團隊每月提交手術後併發症及死亡率報告, 並聚集專科醫生及外科訓練生召開檢討會議,研究病例。會議紀錄和收集的數據均上載於部門內聯網,以便各外科 團隊參考和自我監測。 With a generous donation from Wong Tze Lam Foundation, Hing Tak Charity Company Limited and the Wong family, CUHK established the Wong Tze Lam–Hing Tak Centre of Surgical Outcome Research. The centre is the first of its kind in Hong Kong with the mission of improving the quality of surgery through surgical outcome research by promptly identifying common complications and initiating measures to fix problems or reduce the risk of complications. Based at the Prince of Wales Hospital, the teaching hospital for the Faculty of Medicine, the centre was inaugurated on 3 July. Officiating guests of the ceremony included Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 2nd left ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Mr. Wong Yee-soong ( 4th right ), Mr. Wong Yee-hou ( 4th left ), Mr. Wong Yee-yeung ( 3rd left ), and Prof. Wong Yee-ding Patrick ( 3rd right ), representatives of Wong Tze Lam Foundation and Hing Tak Charity Company Limited; Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( 2nd right ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Francis K.L. Chan ( 1st left ), Dean of Medicine; and Prof. Paul B.S. Lai ( 1st right ), chairman of the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, and director of the centre. The Department of Surgery initiated a department-wide surgical audit programme in the hospital in January 2010 to audit patients undergoing surgical operations. The surgical teams produce monthly reports on post-operative surgical complications and mortalities for their specialists and trainees to go through all these cases monthly. The data collected through the surgical audits are made available on the departmental intranet so that continual self- monitoring could be conducted. 擴大鼻咽癌基因篩檢研究 Screening Study for Early Detection of Nasopharynx Cancer 化學病理學系於1999年首創一項基因血液測試,以檢驗血液內是否有鼻咽癌腫瘤基因來辨識患者, 並於2008年進行研究,抽取超過一千三百名無鼻咽癌病徵者的血液,驗證以此技術為早期鼻咽癌篩 查工具的成效,發現準確度高達九成半以上。 為進一步確認測試技術的成效,研究團隊於今年7月起展開大規模「鼻咽癌血液測試研究計劃」,在三 年內分批招募約共二萬名年齡介乎四十至六十歲、無鼻咽癌病徵的華裔男性接受測試,以收集更多數 據作分析之用。 是次計劃承蒙嘉道理慈善基金會資助,並獲不少機構及組織支持和協助,研究小組歡迎任何團體及符 合研究資格的市民參與,詳情可瀏覽 。 The Department of Chemical Pathology developed an innovative DNA-based blood test in 1999 for the detection of nasopharynx cancer (NPC) by analysing the cancer-derived DNA in blood plasma. Since 2008, over 1,300 asymptomatic individuals had been recruited for a pilot study, which successfully identified patients with early NPC through the blood test. The accuracy is over 95%. To further affirm the effectiveness of this DNA-based blood test for early NPC screening, the CUHK research team launched a large-scale NPC blood screening study in July, recruiting 20,000 Chinese male subjects aged 40 to 60 and without NPC symptoms in the next three years to receive the test. Funded by the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation and supported by other organizations, the study welcomes interested and eligible citizens or groups to join. For details, please visit www.cpy.cuhk . . 右起:化學病理學系系主任盧煜明教授和陳君賜教授及腫瘤學系名譽臨床副教授 梁承暉介紹鼻咽癌血液測試研究計劃 From right: Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis, chairman, Department of Chemical Pathology; Prof. Allen K.C. Chan, professor, Department of Chemical Pathology; and Prof. Leung Sing-fai, clinical associate professor (honorary), Department of Clinical Oncology; briefing on the screening study
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