Newsletter No. 448
4 448 • 4.12.2014 伍尚宗先生 (右二) Mr. Arthur Wu (2nd right) 「『宜孫』不僅是我祖父的名字,也包含特殊意義。『宜』是指適宜及裨益,而『孫』 意指百世子孫。『宜孫』兩字道出教育乃是裨益百世子孫的大事。伍宜孫書院將秉承 我祖父的抱負和信念,循循善誘,培育後進。」 ‘“Yee Sun” is not only the given name of my grandfather but also carries special meaning. “Yee” means propriety and benefit while “Sun” means descendants. “Yee Sun” represents a belief in education and its benefits to future generations. My grandfather’s philosophy is precisely the values and motto that Wu Yee Sun College strives to instil in its students.’ 時間囊放置儀式 Time capsule dedication ceremony 協理副校長馮通教授 演奏琵琶助興 Pipa performance by Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Vice-President 李沛良教授(中)與嘉賓 Prof. Rance P.L. Lee (centre) with guests 沈祖堯校長 (中) Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (centre) 「伍宜孫書院也正式開幕,標誌着中大的一個新里程。期望各成員書院爭妍鬥麗,從 競爭中求取進步,繼續通力合作,發揮書院的傳統,全面照顧學生的全人發展。」 ‘With the opening of Wu Yee Sun College, all five new Colleges have inaugurated their campuses, marking an important milestone in the development of CUHK. I hope all Colleges will continue to make good progress, create synergies through collaboration, follow the tradition of providing the best whole-person education and comprehensive guidance to our students.’ 彭玉榮博士 (左二) Dr. Joseph Y.W. Pang (2nd left) 「伍宜孫家族熱心支持教育,正正是書院院訓『博學篤行』的典範。」 ‘The Wu Yee Sun Family are staunch supporters of education, and as such, embody the spirit of the College motto “Scholarship and Perseverance”.’ 馮琪峰 (左一) Mr. Frankie K.F. Fung (1st left) 「擔任書院學生會會長的經歷,讓我成熟、堅強……希望將勇於改進的精神傳承下 去,使書院更壯大。」 ‘Taking up the presidency of the student union is an experience that has made me stronger and more mature.… I hope to pass on the spirit of striving for progress to future students, so that the College will grow and strengthen.” 李沛良教授 (右一) Prof. Rance P.L. Lee (1st right) 「書院的教育使命是『彰顯創新志業及承擔社會責任』。書院致力培育及鼓舞年輕人, 不論做任何事都要有清晰的目標,有策略,有創新,及要有熱誠和激情,同時要顧及他 人的安危及社會福祉,關心社會及環境的種種問題,秉持公義及扶助弱勢社羣。」 ‘Our College mission is to promote an “entrepreneurial spirit with social responsibility”. We wish to educate our students so that they have clear vision and effective strategies, as well as innovative ideas and passion in anything they undertake. But they should also be mindful of the welfare of others, especially in terms of socio-environmental issues, social-justice, and the needs of the underprivileged.’ 伍 宜孫書院上月21日舉行開幕典禮,由 沈祖堯 校長、書院院監會主 席 彭玉榮 博士、伍宜孫慈善基金會有限公司代表 伍尚宗 先生、書 院院長 李沛良 教授,以及書院學生會會長 馮琪峰 主禮。約三百五十位大 學教職員、捐款人、學生及書院好友蒞臨出席,見證書院的歷史時刻。 因應於2012年本科課程回復四年制,學生增加,大學自2006年起陸續成 立的五所新書院現已全部正式開幕,蓬勃運作,中大的書院文化也變得 更加豐盛多采。 W u Yee Sun College (WYS) celebrated its grand opening on 21 November. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , Vice-Chancellor; Dr. Joseph Y.W. Pang , chairman of the College Committee of Overseers; Mr. Arthur Wu , representative from Wu Yee Sun Charitable Foundation Limited; Prof. Rance P.L. Lee , Master of WYS and Mr. Frankie K.F. Fung , president of the WYS Student Union. Over 350 guests including staff members of the University, benefactors, students and friends witnessed the historical moment of the College. To cater for the admission of additional students upon reversion to a four- year undergraduate curriculum in 2012, CUHK has established five new Colleges since 2006. The Colleges are now in full operation, enhancing the University’s already unique college system. 伍宜孫書院開幕了 Wu Yee Sun College Formally Opens
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