Excellence with Purpose and Responsibility
Strategic Plan 2021–2025

Building on a strong foundation, “CUHK 2025” delivers a clear roadmap that will guide us further to fulfill our vision in achieving “excellence with purpose and responsibility”, as we carry out the role of a civic university that contributes to Hong Kong, our country, the region and the rest of the world.
- Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President

Introducing ‘CUHK 2025’

Founded in 1963, with fewer than 1,400 students and 300 staff, CUHK is home to over 30,000 students and 8,000 staff members today. Recognized globally as a leading comprehensive research university, and one of the finest in Asia, CUHK has come a long way.

Road Map to Excellence

“CUHK 2025” is the result of extensive consultations. With a dual focus on cultivating the fundamentals and leading positive change, we critically examined seven key areas of University operations. Though conceptually distinct, they form an integral whole and must thrive together to create and nourish an ecosystem that is conducive to the flourishing of knowledge and human development.

– Professor Alan K.L. Chan, Provost

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