Newsletter No. 454
454 • 19.3.2015 7 宣布事項 Announcements 生態行攝影比賽 2015 Eco Tour Photo Contest 2015 為鼓勵親近大自然,宣揚綠色生活,賽馬會氣候變化博物館正舉行生態行攝影比賽2015。由 即日起至3月23日,只要在生態行路線沿途拍下喜愛的景、物、人,再透過地球保源行動網頁 的報名表( ) 遞交作品,即有機會 角逐冠亞季軍等獎項,贏取現金獎。比賽詳情請參閱地球保源行動網頁。 To encourage people to get closer to nature, the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC) is hosting the Eco Tour Photo Contest 2015. To participate and win a prize, simply snap your favourite Eco Tour scene and submit the photo via the online form ( cloud.itsc. ) by 23 March. Details of the contest can be found on the Gaia Website. 警惕校園罪案 Campus Crime Alert 由於校園最近接連發生失竊案,保安處提醒眾人在使用大學的圖書館、嶺南體育館及大學體 育中心時,務必小心保管個人財物,切勿在無人看管情況下隨意擺放現金、電腦及貴重物品 於場館公眾地方。 In view of the recent spate of theft incidents occurring in campus facilities, the Security Office advises members of the University to be vigilant about their personal belongings and not to leave their cash, computers and valuables unattended particularly in the public areas of libraries, Lingnan Stadium and University Sports Centre. 「風再起時——吳昊留給我們的五六十年代香港」展覽 Remembering the Breeze: Hong Kong in the 50s and 60s from the Ng Ho Collection 為向吳昊先生研究香港文化及推動其發展之貢獻致意, 並承蒙吳昊夫人黃嘉慧女士鼎力協助,圖書館特此舉辦 「風再起時——吳昊留給我們的五六十年代香港」展覽, 展出吳先生所藏珍貴物件與資料,如大眾讀物、生活用 品等,以呈現五六十年代香港民間的生活風景。 To pay tribute to the late Mr. Ng Ho who made significant contributions to the development of and research on Hong Kong culture, with the full support of his wife, Mrs. Ng Wong Kar-wai, an exhibition ‘Remembering the Breeze: Hong Kong in the 50s and 60s from the Ng Ho Collection’ will be held from 27 March to 30 September. Items on display include valuable materials collected by Mr. Ng in the past decades, such as popular literature and materials from daily life. The exhibition presents Hong Kong ordinary people's life in the 50s and 60s. 日期 Dates: 27.3.2015 – 30.9.2015 地點 Venue:大學圖書館地下展覽廳 Exhibition Area, G/F, University Library 時間 Hours: 圖書館開放時間 Library Opening Hours 查詢 Enquiries: 圖書館特藏組 Special Collections, CUHK Library 電話Tel:2603 5225 / 3943 8740 大學出版社年度大減價 The Chinese University Press Annual Sale 中文大學出版社於3月19日至4月2日舉行年度大減價,所有書籍一折至七折發售。銷售地點 為康本國際學術園101室大學書店,查詢可致電3943 9800或電 郵。 The Chinese University Press will hold its annual sale during 19 March to 2 April at the University Bookstore, Room 101, Yasumoto International Academic Park, selling books published and distributed by the Press. All titles are 30% to 90% off. For enquiries, please call 3943 9800 or email . 北島《給孩子的詩》讀者見面簽書會 Bei Dao Book Signing: Selected Poems for Children 中文大學出版社邀請文學院榮譽教授趙振開(北島)舉行讀者見面簽書會,詳情如下: The Chinese University Press invites Zhao Zhenkai (Bei Dao), Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Arts, to host a book signing meeting. Details are as follows: 日期 Date:22.3.2015 時間 Time:14:00 – 16:00 地點 Venue:商務印書館尖沙咀圖書中心 尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華商場 B1地庫 The Commercial Press Tsimshatsui Book Centre B1/F., Miramar Shopping Centre, 132 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon 語言 Language:普通話 Mandarin 費用 Fee:免費活動(座位有限,先到先得) Free (First-come, first-served) 報名 Registration: 查詢 Enquiries:3943 9805 投選最喜愛網站及流動應用程式 Vote for the Most Favourite Websites and Mobile Apps 中文大學網站和 CUHK Mobile 流動應用程式今年再度符合「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」的金獎 準則。該計劃由政府資訊科技總監辦公室與平等機會委員會合辦,現正接受市民投票選出 「最喜愛網站」及「最喜愛流動應用程式」,嘉許具備優秀無障礙設計而受大眾歡迎的網站 和流動應用程式。中大去年榮獲最受喜愛網站大獎,歡迎大家繼續到 支持。 Both the CUHK website and CUHK Mobile have met the gold award criteria of the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission. The scheme's ‘Most Favourite Websites’ and ‘Most Favourite Mobile Apps’ awards give recognition to exemplary and popular websites and mobile apps pursuing best practices in accessibility. We were the most favourite last year. Let’s keep it that way with a simple click: . 巴赫清唱劇講座音樂會 BACH 330 Cantata Lecture-Concert 2015年是巴赫誕生三百三十周年,聲蜚合唱節(SingFest)舉行長達一年的 BACH 330 講座 音樂會系列。香港中文大學合唱團應邀參與其中,將與聲蜚合唱學院、德國男高音列殊 (Richard Resch)、本地男中音林俊及多位客席樂手,在中大合唱團指揮朱振威及合唱節 總監校友趙伯承分別指揮下,呈獻兩部巴赫經典清唱劇BWV4《基督躺在死亡的桎梏中》及 BWV171《神啊,你的榮耀如你之名》。 To celebrate the 330th anniversary of Johann Sebastian Bach’s birth, SingFest holds a year-long BACH 330 Project, with a marathon series of Bach Cantata Lecture-Concerts performed by various local choirs. CU Chorus is invited to take part in this project. The chorus will join the SingFest Choral Academy, German tenor Richard Resch, Hong Kong baritone Albert Lim, and a group of guest musicians to perform two cantatas by Bach, Christ lag in Todes Banden , BWV 4 and Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm , BWV 171, under the direction of Leon Chu, music director and conductor of CU Chorus, and Patrick Chiu, director of SingFest, respectively. 日期 Date:17.4.2015 時間 Time:20:30 地點 Venue:祟基學院禮拜堂 Chung Chi College Chapel 票價 Ticket Prices: $240 (VIP)、$140(設有全日制學生、高齡及殘疾人士優惠 half-price tickets are available for full-time students, senior citizens and people with disabilities) 訂票 Booking :
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