Newsletter No. 434
No. 434, 19.3.2014 9 1963年底,大學校徽校袍委員會邀請崇基、新亞、聯合三所成 員書院之中文系就中大校訓提供意見。1964年1月17日,委員 會通過採用新亞書院建議之「博文約禮」為中大校訓。 「博文約禮」為孔子的主要教育規訓,其言載於《論語》:「子 曰:君子博學於文,約之以禮,亦可以弗畔矣夫。」建議書指出, 「博文約禮」四字不單對仗勻稱,平仄協調;而「博文約禮」追 求知識之深廣,並以遵守禮儀為依歸的意思,與中大溝通中外 文化、重視德育的辦學思想相通,實屬校訓之佳選。 當年由新亞書院中文系主任潘重規先生撰 寫的建議書,現於大學展覽廳展出。 In late 1963, the University Distinctive Marks and Ceremonial Dress Committee invited the Departments of Chinese Literature of three Foundation Colleges to contribute ideas for the Chinese University’s motto. The committee agreed to use ‘ Po Wen Yueh Li ’ (Through Learning and Temperance to Virtue), which was proposed by New Asia College, as the University’s motto on 17 January 1964. ‘ Po Wen Yueh Li ’ is considered to be emblematic of the teachings of Confucius. According to the Analects of Confucius , Confucius says, ‘The superior man, extensively studying all learning, and keeping himself under the restraint of the rules of propriety, may thus likewise not overstep what is right.’ (James Legge’s translation) New Asia College’s proposal letter says that ‘ Po Wen Yueh Li ’ is parallel in structure and harmonious in tone. Moreover, it is a fitting motto for CUHK as it reflects the University’s vision of placing emphasis on both the intellectual and moral aspects of education. Written by Mr. Pan Chung-kwei, head of its Department of Chinese Literature, the proposal letter is now on display in the University Gallery. 餐桌上的「好夥伴」 ‘Good Companions’ on the Dining Table 過往英國菜粗劣的惡名,早就因為Jamie Oliver、Rick Stein和 Gordon Ramsey這些名廚的出現而一掃而空,倫敦現在更是 米芝蓮星級餐廳滿布,成為世界美食之都。不過,如果要你說 出一種最典型的英式食品,首先浮現腦海的,很可能是炸魚薯 條。連名廚Rick Stein也在康和爾開了家炸魚薯條店,可見英國 人多愛這種食物。 這道不列顛「國民美食」在晨興書院餐廳也能找到。裹着炸漿 的魚柳,外皮金黃酥脆。在英國,炸魚薯條常灑上鹽巴和醋同 吃。這裏則配以檸檬瓣,把汁擠在魚塊上,口味清新;另外也可 以在調味料櫃台拿他他醬來蘸。為迎合本地人口味,配菜則由 傳統的豌豆泥改成蔬菜沙律。 據說邱吉爾曾把炸魚薯條形容為「好夥伴」。大家不妨找個悠 閒下午,到晨興書院餐廳,在室外長廊坐下,尋訪這些「好夥 伴」,感受一下英倫風情。 The bad reputation for British cuisine has long been shed by its celebrity chefs like Jamie Oliver, Rick Stein and Gordon Ramsey. And London is now one of the food capitals of the world with plenty of Michelin-starred restaurants. Yet if you are asked to name one iconic British dish, fish and chips may still be the first to pop up in your head. The fact that Rick Stein has a fish and chips restaurant in Padstow, Cornwall, is testimony to the weight that this dish carries in the minds of the British. Those who want to try this national dish of Britain can visit the Morningside College Dining Hall. The battered fish fillet is golden brown and crisp. In British chippies, the dish may be served with the traditional salt and vinegar. Here it is served with lemon wedges. Tartar sauce, another popular condiment, is also available at the condiment counter. To cater for local palates, a vegetable salad is used to replace the traditional mushy peas as the side dish. It is said that Winston Churchill called fish and chips the ‘good companions’. If you are an Anglophile, it won’t be a bad idea to find a pleasant afternoon to call on these ‘good companions’ at the outdoor dining area of the said dining hall. 潘重規先生 Mr. Pan Chung-kwei
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