Newsletter No. 405
No. 405, 19.10.2012 9 陳垣崇教授公開講座 Chen Yuan-tsong Public Lecture 聯合書院2012至2013年「到訪傑出學人」、台灣中央研究院院士陳垣崇教授將於10月 30日至11月2日訪港,並主持兩場公開講座,歡迎參加︰ Prof. Chen Yuan-tsong of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, will visit Hong Kong between 30 October and 2 November 2012 as United College’s Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2012–13. Professor Chen will deliver two public lectures. All are welcome. 導致藥物過敏的遺傳基因 Preventing Drug Toxicity with a Gene Test 31.10.2012 4:30 pm * * 李兆基樓6號講室 LT6, Lee Shau Kee Building 研發新藥的挑戰:從實驗室到醫務所,以至好萊塢 Challenges of New Drug Development: From Laboratory to Clinic to Hollywood 1.11.2012 4:30 pm * * 邵逸夫堂Sir Run Run Shaw Hall 查詢請致電聯合書院學生輔導處林先生(3943 7598)或楊小姐(3943 7455)。 For enquiries, please call Mr. Lam (3943 7598) or Ms. Yeung (3943 7455) of the Dean of Students’ Office, United College. 講師職級晉升評審 Advancement Review of Lecturers 繼人事處就2013 – 14年教學人員評審發出的通函(GC05/2012),有關講師(前稱導師) 職級之晉升評審現已展開,詳見人事處網頁通函(GC09/2012)︰ PersonnelAnnouncements/tabid/72/Default.aspx 。 Further to General Circular No. GC05/2012 on the annual staff review exercise for professoriate staff (2013–14), the review for advancement of Lecturers (formerly Instructors) has now commenced. Please refer to General Circular No. GC09/2012 at the Personnel Office website: Default.aspx . 大學書店開幕 University Bookstore Opens 由商務印書館經營的大學書店正式開業。 The new University Bookstore run by the Commercial Press is in full operation. 地址 Address 康本國際學術園一樓101室 Room 101, 1/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park 營業時間 Business hours 一至五 Mon to Fri 10:00 am – 8:00 pm 六 Sat 10:00 am – 6:00 pm 日 Sun 12:00 nn – 6:00 pm 電話 Tel 2603 6308 傳真 Fax 2603 6399 電郵 e-mail 大學站北面出入口啟用 University MTR Northern Exit Opens 港鐵大學站北面出入口 於9月28日啟用,教職員 及學生前往新教學大樓 及3、4號校巴站將更方 便。 On 28 September, the northern entrance/exit of the University MTR Station opened for the benefit of staff and students going to the new teaching buildings and the bus terminals of shuttle bus routes No. 3 and No. 4. 菠蘿.菠蘿包 Pineapple Buns, Literally 香港人鍾情菠蘿包,任何以沖調鴛鴦(咖 啡奶茶)聞名的茶餐廳,多會兼售這道充滿 香港風味的西式包點。這麼說,當聯合書院 教職員餐廳的菜單說有菠蘿包奉客,有甚麼出 奇?奇就奇在,道地的菠蘿包,是緣於包面呈金 黃色格狀的脆皮看似菠蘿(鳳梨)而得名,實際上無半點菠蘿 成分。不過,在中大校園品嚐到的則是表裏如一、名實相符的真 菠蘿餡菠蘿包,菠蘿粒鮮甜多汁,性格鮮明,令人喜出望外,一 試傾心。 Pineapple buns are no stranger to Hong Kong. Any cha chaan tang (local cafe) worth its yin-yeung (coffee-tea) have these Western-style pastries with Hong Kong characteristics. So what’s so special about the buns that appear on the menu of the United College staff canteen? Well, while ‘real’ pineapple buns are named for the visual resemblance of their golden crumbly topping to the skin of a real pineapple, but do not in fact contain a trace of the said fruit, the ones on CUHK campus are rather generously stuffed with bits of sweet, juicy pineapple. And having tasted the buns, we must say the sharper flavours and the crunchier texture are indeed a very delicious surprise!
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