Newsletter No. 427
No. 427, 19.11.2013 9 續任/新任校董 Reappointed/New Council Members • 陳黃麗娟博士獲監督再度委任為大學校董,任期三年,2013年11月27日生效。 Dr. Anissa L.K. Wong Chan has been re-nominated by the Chancellor as member of the Council for a further period of three years from 27 November 2013. • 鄭振耀教授及李子芬教授獲教務會推選, 出任大學校董,任期由2013年8月28日至 2016年7月31日,接替陳啟明教授及何培斌 教授。 Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng and Prof. Diana T.F. Lee have been elected by the Senate as members of the Council from 28 August 2013 to 31 July 2016, succeeding Prof. Chan Kai-ming and Prof. Ho Puay-peng. 新任書院院長 New College Head 理學院院長、化學講座教授黃乃正教授獲委任為新亞書院院長, 任期四年,2014年1月1日生效。 Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, Dean of Science and Professor of Chemistry, has been appointed as Head of New Asia College for four years, with effect from 1 January 2014. 榮休教授 Emeritus Professor 生命科學學院胡應劭教授獲頒榮休教授名銜,2013年10月23日 生效。 Prof. Norman Y.S. Woo, School of Life Sciences, has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor, with effect from 23 October 2013. 香港國際詩歌之夜2013 International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2013 由中文大學文學院、香港浸會大學文學院及香港科技大學人文社會科學學院主辦的 第三屆「香港國際詩歌之夜」將於11月21日至24日舉行,今年的主題是「島嶼或大陸」, 邀得十八位來自世界各地的著名國際詩人和漢語詩人共聚香江。節目詳情請瀏覽 www. 或 臉書專頁International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong。 International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2013 will be held from 21 to 24 November. The event was jointly organized by the Faculty of Arts of the Chinese University, the Faculty of Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University, and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This year’s theme is ‘Islands or Continents’. Eighteen renowned poets from around the globe will participate in the event. For details, please visit or Facebook Page ‘International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong’. 平安夜及新年除夕之辦公安排 Staffing Arrangements on University Holidays on Christmas Eve and New Year Eves 根據大學關於平安夜及新年除夕等大學假日辦公之安排,所有部門於2013年12月 24日、31日,以及2014年1月30日上午須留有職員值班。當值之(乙)或(丙)類服務條例 職員可獲補假半天。 保健處、大學圖書館系統、資訊科技服務處之電算機操作組、保安處、交通處、物業管理 處等部門須留駐足夠人手,以維持基本服務。 The following staffing arrangements for the University holidays on Christmas Eve and New Year Eves will apply on 24 and 31 December 2013, and 30 January 2014, respectively. Departments/units should arrange for skeleton staff to be on duty on these mornings to handle urgent matters and enquiries. Offices will be closed in the afternoon. Skeleton staff (Terms [B] or [C]) on duty on each morning will be given compensation off of half a day. For essential service units such as the University Health Service, the University Library System, the operations team of the Information Technology Services Centre, the Security Office, the Transport Office, and the Estates Management Office, adequate workforce should remain on duty to provide basic services. 中大史學五十年慶祝活動 Department of History Golden Jubilee Celebrations 歷史系將於12月9日和10日舉辦中大史學五十年學術研討會暨校友聯歡晚宴,誠邀師生 及歷屆校友參與。 研討會邀得三十多名來自美國、中國、澳門及香港的著名史學專家及學者出席。晚宴則 訂於12月10日假崇基學院教職員餐廳舉行。詳情請瀏覽 history50/index.html 。 The Department of History will hold a conference cum reunion banquet ‘Fifty Years of Historical Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: A Symposium in Celebration of the University’s 50th Anniversary’ on 9 and 10 December. Alumni and friends of the Department are welcome to join. Over 30 distinguished specialists and scholars from the US, mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong will attend the conference. The dinner banquet will be held on 10 December in Chung Chi College Staff Club. Please visit html for details. 職員審議事宜 Annual Staff Review 大學已函請各學系及部門主管,就2014至15年度職員審議有關(甲)、(乙)及(丙)類服 務條款非教學僱員之退休、延任、擢升及由定期合約轉為長期聘用事宜提出意見。有關意 見或提名須於2014年1月10日或以前,經部門送交人事處轉呈有關委員會考慮。 The University has invited department chairmen/unit heads to make recommendations concerning the retirement, extension of service, promotion and conversion from fixed- term contract to continuous appointment for non-teaching staff members on Terms of Service (A)/(B)/(C) for the 2014–15 staff review exercise. Recommendations from the departments/units should be submitted to the Personnel Office on or before 10 January 2014, for further referral to the relevant University Committee(s) for consideration. 大學出版社講座 CU Press Book Talk 中文大學出版社邀請清華大學社會學系教授郭于華將蒞校演講,題目是「從普通人的日常 生活透視一種文明的邏輯」,歡迎報名。 The Chinese University Press invites Prof. Guo Yuhua, Professor of Anthropology at Tsinghua University, to host a lecture on ‘The Narration of the Peasant: How Can “Suffering” Become History?’ on 27 November. Registration is now open. 日期 Date 27.11.2013 時間 Time 4 pm–6 pm 地點 Venue 康本國際學術園一樓大學書店 University Bookstore, 1/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park 報名 Registration 查詢 Enquiries 3943 9800 五十周年刊物派贈 Free 50th Anniversary Publication 由資訊處編製的《中文大學︰五十年光影紀事》圖冊已經出版,全書 一百二十頁,以圖片為主,介紹中文大學半世紀以來的發展,供中大 教職員免費索取。有興趣人士請親到本處取書,派完即止。 Prepared by the Information Services Office (ISO), the 120-page CUHK: Five Decades in Pictures has been released. Detailing the development of the University over the past five decades, the book will be distributed free of charge to CUHK staff on a first-come- first-served basis. Please collect your copy in person from ISO: 日期 Date From 25.11.2013 起 星期一至五 Mon to Fri 時間 Time 10 am–12 nn, 3 pm–5 pm 地點 Venue 大學行政樓G07室資訊處 Information Services Office, Room G07, University Administration Building 醫學院院務及策劃處負責統籌學院內派書事宜,醫學院成員請上網登記 https://www. , 成功者將接獲電郵通知取書方法。 The Faculty and Planning Office of the Faculty of Medicine will coordinate the distribution of books for the Faculty. Faculty members please register online at . . Successful registrants will be notified of collection method by email. Corrigendum In p. 2 of issue no. 426 of the CUHK Newsletter , the honorary degree conferred upon Prof. Barry James Marshall should be Doctor of Science, instead of Doctor of Laws. 鄭振耀教授 Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng 李子芬教授 Prof. Diana T.F. Lee
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