Newsletter No. 427
6 No. 427, 19.11.2013 中大與Google聯手推動青年創業 CUHK and Google to Nurture Young Entrepreneurs 中文大學與Google於11月4日宣布合作推出創業培訓計劃,幫助本地年輕人和大學生踏出創 業的第一步。中大與Google將聯手設計一項為期一年的培訓及導師計劃,讓創業者有機會與 一眾經驗豐富但在本地難以接觸的導師交流。表現出色者將獲邀往訪Google美國山景城總 部,廣結世界各地的專家。計劃亦將致力凝聚本地創業社群,協助他們克服創業初期的困難, 例如昂貴的租金。 Google執行主席Eric Schmidt在「與世界接軌:推動年輕創業家勇闖新數碼時代」活動表 示:「一直以來,香港孕育出很多成功的創業家。我們很希望透過這個計劃,幫助香港持續發 展創業文化,勇闖新數碼時代。」中大校長沈祖堯教授表示:「很高興成為Google的重要合 作夥伴,鼓勵學生和年輕的創業者敢於創新、訂立遠大的目標,並協助他們與全球企業家保 持聯繫。」 CUHK and Google announced on 4 November that they will be partnering on a programme to help students and young entrepreneurs in Hong Kong to innovate and connect with the global community. The one-year scheme will include an incubation and mentorship programme, which will give Hong Kong’s entrepreneurs access to mentors that maybe hard to reach in Hong Kong. A sponsored trip will be provided for outstanding participants to Google headquarters in Mountain View to meet and connect with experts in the global community. And efforts will be made to help young entrepreneurs overcome the start-up costs like high rents. Speaking at ‘Connecting with the World: Empowering Young Entrepreneurs for the New Digital Age’ event, Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt said, ‘Hong Kong has been one of history’s most successful incubators for entrepreneurs. Our goal with this programme will be to help sustain and enhance that culture, enabling the next generation of digital innovators in Hong Kong.’ Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said, ‘We are pleased to become a key partner of Google to create a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem in Hong Kong; encourage students and young entrepreneurs to innovate, think big; and connect to the global community of entrepreneurs.’ 老齡科技研討會 Symposium to Promote Use of Gerontechnology 「流金頌︰賽馬會長者計 劃新里程」在10月11日舉 行第六屆流金頌研討會, 以「科技應用配合長者 需要」為主題,探討如何 善用科技改善長者生活 質素,讓他們安享晚年。 中大沈祖堯校長聯同食 物及衞生局局長高永文 醫生( 右二 )、馬會副主 席葉錫安博士( 左二 ) 及安老事務委員會主席 陳章明教授( 左一 )携手 主持開幕禮。 研討會講者包括日本機械海豹開發者柴田崇德博士,機械人專家、中大(深圳)校 長徐揚生教授,以及香港應用科技研究院生物醫學電子經理周洋明女士。同場攤 位展示多款老齡科技產品,包括最新引入香港的機械海豹PARO、引導上肢運動 的書法機械臂,以及由本地研發、全球體積最小的反射式脈搏血氧測量器。 「流金頌」計劃是馬會慈善信託基金於2006年捐款推行的長者計劃,由中大內科 及藥物治療學系系主任胡令芳教授出任計劃總監。 On 11 October, CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors staged the 6th CADENZA Symposium with the theme ‘Matching Technology to Needs’ to discuss how technology can improve the quality of life of elderly people. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung joined Secretary for Food and Health Dr. Ko Wing-man ( 2nd right ), The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) deputy chairman Dr. Simon S.O. Ip ( 2nd left ) and Elderly Commission chairman Prof. Alfred C.M. Chan ( 1st left ), to officiate at the opening ceremony. Key speakers included seal robot inventor Dr. Takanori Shibata; robotics expert Prof. Xu Yangsheng, President of CUHK (Shenzhen); and The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute bio-medical electronics manager Ms. Alice Chow. Latest hi-tech devices were showcased, including a therapeutic seal robot called PARO, which was newly introduced to Hong Kong; a calligraphy robot for upper-limb exercise called Callibot; as well as the world’s smallest reflective device developed by a local institute to measure blood oxygen content and heart rate. Established by the HKJC Charities Trust in 2006, CADENZA is a service programme targeted at the elderly which is led by Prof. Jean Woo, chairman, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK. 全球領袖系列經濟論壇 Global Leader Series Economic Forum 商學院校友及企業事務辦公室主辦的「全球領袖系列經濟論壇」於10月16日舉行,參加 者逾六百人。論壇以「亞洲新紀元的崛起」為題,四位享譽全球的經濟學家劉明康教授 ( 右二 )、羅伯特 ‧ 默頓教授( 左二 )、劉遵義教授( 左一 )和胡祖六教授( 右一 )就中國 持續強勢為亞洲經濟及金融發展帶來的挑戰與機遇各抒見解。 常務副校長華雲生教授及商學院院長黃德尊教授為當日主禮人,大會邀得香港特區政 府財政司司長曾俊華先生擔任主禮嘉賓,並致開幕辭。在同一場合,「中大商學院發展 基金」宣布成立。論壇所得收益全數撥歸該發展基金,以支持中大商學院延續世界級卓 越教育,培訓商業專才。 Organized by the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the Business School, the ‘Global Leader Series Economic Forum’ was held on 16 October with over 600 attendees. Titled ‘The Rise of the Asian Century’, the forum featured four world- renowned economists: Prof. Liu Mingkang ( 2nd right ), Prof. Robert C. Merton ( 2nd left ), Prof. Lawrence J. Lau ( 1st left ), and Prof. Fred Hu ( 1st right ). They presented their views on the challenges and opportunities of Asia’s economic and financial development as China continues to gain prominence. Hosted by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost of CUHK and Prof. Wong Tak-jun, dean of Business Administration, the opening ceremony was officiated by Mr. John C. Tsang, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR government, who also delivered the opening address. On the same occasion, the ‘CUHK Business School Development Fund’ was officially established. All proceeds contributed to the forum were directed to the development fund, ensuring the world-class excellence of the Business School continues to benefit future generations. 左起︰沈祖堯校長、Google執行主席Eric Schmidt,以及中大創業研究中心主任區玉輝教授 From left: Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google; and Prof. Kevin Au, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, CUHK
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