Newsletter No. 427
No. 427, 19.11.2013 5 堂奧裏的咖啡 Coffee in the Cathedral 走進鄭裕彤樓的亮麗大堂,處身中文大學商科教育的大本營之中,目光不期然會被樓梯頂的Café12吸引。 中大商學院的皇牌課程之一是酒店及旅遊管理學,這所咖啡店開在這裏起着示範作用。環境開闊,地板明淨, 日光從天窗透入,顧客可以悠閒地享用它具專業水準的餐飲服務。不管你是工管學士、工管碩士或是其他金融 商科學生,這兒都適合你與同窗聚頭,或是帶同你的手提電腦好好利用空閒。 奉客的咖啡充滿勁道,入口堪嚼。擁有分析型腦袋的人最對胃口,甚至有助啟發思維。求知慾旺盛的人得吃飽 才有精力。這裏供應的沙拉、三明治和其他滋味小吃能照顧大家的口腹,讓你保持頭腦清晰,活力十足。 When one walks into the cathedral of light that is the foyer of Cheng Yu Tung Building, the bastion of business education at CUHK, one’s eyesight is naturally attracted upwards where Café 12, a flight of steps above, beckons. That such an eatery exists fits the bill of the CUHK Business School where one of its brand programmes is hospitality. That the environment is so spacious with shiny floor-tiles and an abundance of natural light makes the delicatessen experience leisurely and yet professional. Whether you are a BBA, MBA or other species of the business or high finance strain, you can really spend some productive time with your classmates or your laptop here. The coffee served has power and an almost chewable palate. It is meant for the analytic mind and may well be a fountain of inspiration. A hungry mind does not thrive on an empty stomach. Other delicacies including salads, sandwiches, and snacks equally crisp and clean will keep you fresh and energized. 李卓敏博士於1964年9月9日就任 中文大學首任校長,典禮假大會堂 舉行,會上崇基、新亞和聯合三所 創校書院院長向李校長奉贈學院 金鑰各一把。 Dr. Li Choh-ming assumed vice- chancellorship of the Chinese University on 9 September 1964. At the ceremony held at the City Hall, Dr. Li was presented with three gold keys by the heads of the three founding Colleges—Chung Chi, New Asia and United College.
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