Newsletter No. 455
6 455 • 4.4.2015 校園消息 Campus News 婦女節午餐會 Women’s Day Celebration Luncheon 為誌慶婦女節,中大女性及家庭友善政策小組於3月9日舉辦午餐會,邀請香港科技大學 女教授協會創會會長、電子及計算機工程學系馮雁教授擔任主講嘉賓,出席者包括沈祖堯 校長和六十五位教職員。 午餐會上,馮教授簡介了科大女教師政策的形成和發展,並分享她力爭女性教員權益的經 驗。隨後,出席的教職員分組討論,探討女性教員關注事宜,以及所需的支援網絡。 女性及家庭友善政策小組於去年5月成立,旨在進一步改善大學工作環境,以應對女性教職 員的需要,好讓她們公私兼顧。小組成員如下: A luncheon was organized for female faculty members on 9 March to celebrate International Women’s Day by the Task Force on Women and Family-Friendly Policies in CUHK. Prof. Pascale Fung, founding chair of the Women Faculty Association and professor of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), was invited as guest speaker. In attendance were Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and 65 colleagues. Professor Fung shared with the participants the HKUST programme for female faculty, how it was developed and sustained, and what she found to be useful for her colleagues. The talk was followed by group discussion about the concerns of female faculty members and what a women’s support network could do for them. The task force was established in May 2014 to promote a working environment that is responsive to the needs of women and colleagues with family responsibilities. The task force has the following composition: 召集人 副校長張妙清教授 Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Co-convenors 副校長霍泰輝教授 Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 成員(以個人身份被委任) Members appointed on ad personam basis 社會學系及性別研究中心聯席主任蔡玉萍教授 Prof. Choi Yuk-ping Susanne, Department of Sociology and co-director of Gender Research Centre 校園規劃及可持續發展處處長何婉兒女士 Ms. Ho Yuen-yi Vivian, Director of Campus Planning and Sustainability 人事處處長利順琼女士 Ms. Lee Shun-king Corinna, Director of Personnel 工程學院院長汪正平教授 Prof. Wong Ching-ping, Dean, Faculty of Engineering 歷史系系主任葉漢明教授 Prof. Yip Hon-ming, chairperson of Department of History 聯合書院院長余濟美教授 Prof. Yu Chai-mei Jimmy, Head of United College Secretary 秘書 特別項目辦公室主任顏文慧女士 Ms. Alice Ngan, Director, Special Projects Office 工作小組最近完成了一項輔助女性教員在職發展的調查,受訪者反映設立輔助及支援網絡 的需要。小組並分別於崇基學院行政樓、龐萬倫學生中心、陳震夏館及曾肇添樓翻新了四 個房間作哺乳室,為授母乳的教職員提供衞生的私人空間。 A recent survey on Mentoring on Career Development for Female Academic Staff was launched by the task force. Respondents to the survey expressed the need for mentoring and a support network among female faculty members. The task force has also identified four nursing rooms in Chung Chi College Administration Building, Pommerenke Student Centre, Chan Chun Ha Hall, and Tsang Shiu Tim Building to be renovated to provide a private and hygienic environment for breast-feeding mothers. 中大與劍橋加強自閉症研究合作 CUHK and Cambridge Deepen Ties in Autism Research 沈祖堯校長(後右)及劍橋大學校長LeszekBorysiewicz爵士(後左)見證中大副校長霍泰輝教授(前左) 與劍橋副校長(國際策略)Jennifer Barnes博士(前右)簽訂合作協議 Signing of MOU by Prof. Fok Tai-fai (left, front), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Dr. Jennifer Barnes (right, front), Pro-Vice-Chancellor for International Strategy, University of Cambridge, witnessed by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (right, back), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Prof. Sir Leszek Borysiewicz (left, back), Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge 劍橋校長 Leszek Borysiewicz 爵士2月27日到訪中大,簽訂合作協議,推動自閉症及其他 範疇的研究,開展兩校首項校際合作。 副校長張妙清教授表示:「中大與劍橋在自閉症研究邁進新里程,令人鼓舞。除了現時由賽 馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院倡導的流行病學和醫療資源研究,我們將會開展一項新的自 閉症研究,探索同時患有專注力不足及過度活躍症的自閉症兒童的病理。此合併症最近才 獲正式確認,正是最佳時機探索致病的基因。中大將成立一支跨學科團隊參與這項研究, 成員包括心理學家、精神病學家、神經學家和遺傳學家。」 劍橋訪問團由 Borysiewicz 爵士率領,隨團成員包括副校長(國際策略)Jennifer Barnes 博士、常務副校長及耶穌學院院長 Ian White 教授,以及負責大學拓展與校友關係的 Clare Birch女士。訪問團與沈祖堯校長等領導層及資深學者會晤,討論自閉症和其他領域的 協作,包括工程、生物倫理、老年學及語言學。 兩校自2006年起建立夥伴關係,劍橋更是大學的策略性夥伴。兩校歷年來簽訂了多份合作 協議,開拓不同層面的合作,包括 Clare Hall 訪問學者計劃、書院學生交流計劃及環球醫 學領袖培訓計劃。 During a recent visit led by Prof. Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor, University of Cambridge, on 27 February, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed to promote joint research in autism and other areas. This is the first university-level partnership between the University of Cambridge and CUHK. Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said, ‘We are pleased to see our collaboration in autism research evolving in a new direction. In addition to studies undertaken by the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care focusing on epidemiology and health care resource, a new stream of autism research will be pursued on autistic children who have comorbid attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. As this comorbidity was only recently formally recognized, it is timely to explore this new area to look for genes associated with this disorder. A multidisciplinary team of experts at CUHK comprising psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and geneticists will be involved in the study.’ The Cambridge delegation led by Sir Leszek comprised Dr. Jennifer Barnes, Pro-Vice- Chancellor for International Strategy; Prof. Ian White, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Master of Jesus College; and Ms. Clare Birch, Chief of Staff, Development and Alumni Relations. The delegation met with the University’s leadership and senior academics, including Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor. Besides autism research, collaboration in other areas such as engineering, bioethics, ageing, and linguistics were also explored. CUHK and Cambridge have established partnership since 2006 and Cambridge has been identified as a strategic partner of the University. A number of agreements are in place for multifaceted collaborations, including the Clare Hall Visiting Fellowship Programme, college-level student exchange, and cooperation in the Global Physician-Leadership Stream of the MB ChB Programme.
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