Newsletter No. 456
456 • 19.4.2015 7 中大於無障礙網頁嘉許計劃摘五金 CUHK Hits Five Golds at Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 大學於2015無障礙網頁嘉許計劃中再度榮獲五項金獎,並蟬聯公眾票 選的最喜愛網站( 詳見附表 )。 頒獎典禮於4月13日假政府總部舉行,由副校長許敬文教授( 左三 )代表 大學領獎。許教授表示︰「中大很高興大學網站能三度蟬聯網站組別金 獎,而創新的流動應用程式及以錄像為主的中大視野同獲肯定,我們感 到十分鼓舞。日後本校同仁亦當以此自勉,在公開、廣涵的原則下,繼續 推動無障礙網路資訊工作。」 頒獎典禮由商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長(通訊及科技)何淑兒女士主 持,獲獎企業、非政府機構、教育機構和公營機構的多位代表出席。該計 劃由政府資訊科技總監辦公室和平等機會委員會合辦,旨在鼓勵各行各 業採用方便各界人士使用的無障礙網頁設計,並表揚致力於此的機構。 金獎是無障礙網頁嘉許計劃的最高榮譽,獲獎機構的網站和流動應用程 式須分別符合二十四及十八項評審準則。最喜愛網站獎則是由公眾從過去三年曾獲金獎的 網站中選出三個網站。 中大獲獎項目 CUHK Awards 網站組別金獎 Gold Award, Website Stream 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong ( ) 大學展覽廳 University Gallery ( ) 傳訊及公共關係處 Communications and Public Relations Office ( ) 中大視野 CUTV ( ) 流動應用程式組別金獎 Gold Award, Mobile Application Stream CUHK Mobile 最喜愛網站 Most Favourite Websites 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong ( ) CUHK receives five gold awards ( see table ) in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2015 in the Website Stream and the Mobile Application Stream, and was voted one of ‘My Favourite Websites’. The University was represented by Prof. Michael K.M. Hui ( 3rd, left ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, in the award presentation ceremony which took place at the Central Government Offices on 13 April. The recognition scheme was jointly organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission to encourage web accessibility among organizations in various industries and sectors, and to showcase corporations that have demonstrated outstanding efforts in facilitating access to their websites and mobile applications. Commenting on the award, Professor Hui said, ‘The Chinese University is very pleased to be recipient of the gold award in various categories. I believe that these awards will prompt us to work harder and aim higher in efforts related to web accessibility.’ The award presentation ceremony was officiated by Miss Ho Shuk-yee Susie, Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology), and well attended by representatives from award winning enterprises, NGOs, educational institutions and public sector organizations. The gold award is the highest accolade in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme. It is presented to organizations whose websites and mobile applications have fulfilled 24 and 18 judging criteria, respectively. The ‘Most Favourite Websites’ is awarded to three from among all gold award winning websites in the past three years. Members of the public, including those from various user groups, are invited by the government to vote for their favourite websites. 2013 – 14教學人員年度考績 2013–14 Annual Appraisal Exercise for Teaching Staff 2013 – 14年度工作表現評審經已完成,有關教學人員的2013 – 14年度考績亦已展開。相關資 料和年度考績指引,請參閱人事處網頁;其他有關年度考績的詳情會以電郵方式通知有關教 學人員。 Following completion of the 2013–14 Annual Performance Assessment, the 2013–14 Annual Appraisal Exercise for Teaching Staff has commenced. Information about the annual performance assessment and the appraisal guidelines can be found at the Personnel Office website. Other details on the Annual Appraisal are covered in a mass e-mail separately sent to relevant staff members. 文物館展覽 Art Museum Exhibition 宜興紫砂陶藝與文化 日期:即日至2015年10月4日 地點:文物館展廳 II及 IV 展覽由文物館、康樂及文化事務署和茶具文物館合辦,旨在全面展示及探討宜興紫砂陶器的 工藝成就與發展,及其所反映的文化要義與社會影響等。展品為文物館北山堂藏品一百六十八 項及茶具文物館羅桂祥藏品五十項。展覽內容分為兩大主題,其一是宜興茶壺的文化內涵與 鑑賞,分為七個副題:供春壺的故事;紫砂壺獨領風騷;曼生壺創式製銘;孟臣壺與工夫茶; 清末民初與仿古紫砂;現代壺藝承傳;外銷紫砂及影響。其二則是茶文化以外的紫砂製作, 包括:博古陳設、文房雅玩及像真雕塑等。 The Art and Culture of Yixing Zisha Stoneware Date: From now to 4 October 2015 Venue: Gallery II & IV, Art Museum Jointly presented by the Art Museum, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, the exhibition aims to demonstrate and explore the artistic achievement and development of Yixing zisha stoneware, as well as its cultural significance and social impact. The exhibits include 168 items from the Bei Shan Tang Collection of the Art Museum and 50 items from the K.S. Lo Collection of the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware. The exhibition presents two main themes. The first theme— the Culture and Connoisseurship of Yixing Teapot—is divided into seven sections: the story of Gongchun teapot; works attributed to or by masters of the late Ming and early Qing; significance and influence of Mansheng teapots; Mengchen teapot and Gongfu tea; the late Qing to early Republic era and forgeries; contemporary achievement; and Yixing export and its influence. The second theme centres on the uses of Yixing stoneware beyond tea culture, with special focuses on archaistic vessels, elegant items for the scholar’s studio, and realistic sculptures. 訃告 Obituary 本校職員李文廣先生於2015年3月23日逝世,大學深表哀悼。李先生於1993年10月4日加入 中大,擔任實驗動物中心動物飼養室管理員。 The University mourns the passing of Mr. Li Man-kwong on 23 March 2015. Mr. Li joined the University on 4 October 1993 and had served as veterinary attendant in the Laboratory Animal Services Centre. 宣布事項 Announcements
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