Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 10 Jul 1968
They were chosen, after keen, open competition, by the East-West Center Selection Committee. Both M r. Cheng and Miss Chan had excellent academic records at United College and held scholarships throughout their undergraduate years. The awards were made by the East-West Center, the aims of which include the provision of study and research opportunities fo r promising students in the Asian Pacific region and the pro motion of understanding between East and West. • Mrs. Chen Ch'eng Ch'i-ya, w ife o f M r. Chen Shih-wen, Lecturer of the Fine A rts Department of New Asia College, was drowned on 22nd June in a tragic accident when a launch capsized. The launch, carrying staff and students of the Depart ment, was leaving on a cruise when it overturned. A funeral service fo r the late Mrs. Chen was held on 25th June, and cremation on the follow ing day. • The Student Welfare Fund Raising Committee of the Student Union and the Science Annual Committee of New Asia College jo in tly sponsored a Movie Soiree of the film ‘‘The Seventh Dawn" on 16th June at the London Theatre. The purpose of this film evening was to raise money to finance a scholarship programme and a student interest-free loan programme of the Student Union and also to meet the publication cost of a Science A n nu a l • M r. Wong Yu-hang, a third year student of the Department of Sociology of United College, won the first prize in an Essay Contest (Post-Secondary Section) sponsored by The Wah K iu Yat Po in commemoration o f its Fo rty-th ird Anniversary Celebration. His winning article on the Increasing Incidence of Juvenile Delinquency and Methods of E lim ination was among thousands of entries to the Contest which was divided into five sections. Cash prizes were awarded to the best three essays of each section, all of which were published in a special issue o f that newspaper on 5th June, 1968. • The Student Union of New Asia College is sponsoring a Tooth Health Programme, in which Dr. Shien Tan-ka, dentist, has consented to conduct a free dental examination fo r the students of the College from 17th to 28th June. • On 30th June, the Student Union of New Asia College held a dinner and dance party at the President Hotel, Kow loon, to bid farewell to gra duands of the year. The party was well attended by graduands, leaders of the Student Union, staff and other students of the College. • The Farewell Ball of Class 1968 of Chung Chi College was held on 29th June at the Mandarin Hotel. The Un iv er s it y Bul l e t i n of The Chinese U n iv e rs ity o f Hong Kong is published and d istrib u te d free by the U n iv e rs ity E d ito ria l Board among the U n iv e rs ity fa c u lty and staff. Copies are also sent to frie n d s o f the U n ive rsity. M e mb e r s o f t h e U n iv e r s it y B u l l e t in E d it o r ia l B o a r d : M rs. E lizabeth W . K o (Convenor) M r. John T. S. Chen D r. A . T. Roy M r. N. H. Young B u l l e t in S t a f f : E d ito r— M rs, E lizabeth W . Ko Associate E d ito r— M r. James C, Y uan C o l l e g e C o r r e s p o n d e n t s : M r. Fang- H sin Hou (Chung Chi College) M r. P. C. Yao (U n ite d College) M r. W ei Yu-chen (N ew A sia College) A d d r es s : c/o The Chinese U n iv e rs ity o f Hong Kong, H ang Seng Bank B u ild ing , 677, N athan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 中文大學校刊爲本大學純粹 品,專爲大學及三間成員書院之 出版。 大學校刊編輯委員會;委員有:髙伍若梅女士 (主 席),陳佐舜先生,芮陶菴博士,楊乃舜先生。 校刊編輯:髙伍若梅女士(編輯),袁昶超先生(中 文編輯)。書院通訊員:方信侯 魏羽展先生,姚柏 春先生。 通訊處:香港中文大學 九龍彌敦道六七七號 恒生銀行大厦十三樓 Printed by Local Property & Printing Co., Ltd., H . k . — 6 —
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