Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 6 Feb 1971
the workshops on Government Services and Teaching as a Career, which follow this Opening Session. Tomorrow each student has the option of attending three workshop s of his own choice. The panel composition of each workshop has also been enlarged to cope with the increasing enrolment. We shall also have a Summary Report to cover intra-workshop discussions tomorrow evening. We are striving, I hope, to achieve a full utilizatio n of both the time and manpower available to us. We are also introducing for the first time a Careers' Exhibition to be held simultaneously with the Workshop. It is located in th e Exhibition Gallery, which is on the 7th Floor of the City Hall High Block. You are al l invited to visit this Exhibition. The Exhibition is another attempt on our part to show the students visually the corporate or institutional set-up in which they may associate themselves in their future careers. This Exhibition is a new venture, and we expect that more exhibitors will want to participate in the future. To all exhibitors, the University is most appreciative and grateful. You may be interested to know that there are 239 students, 86 panelists, 22 administrativ e staff members and 23 student workers participating in this Workshop. Together with a number of specially invited guests, there are over four hundred persons involved. I shall not go further into the particulars, as the Director of the Appointments Service will make his report a little later. However, I d o wish to thank once more our sponsors, the exhibitors, the Panel Chairmen and the Panel Members. I also wish to add a special word of appreciation to Dr. Francis K. Pan and to the members of the staff of the Appointments Service, as it is their imagination, initiative, hard work and attention to details that have made this Workshop possible. You ar e all working together toward a new target of achievement in the University's placement programme. Now it is my pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Peter M. Whyte, Dean of Students of the University of Hong Kong. Mr. Whyte has come to assume a very important post, that of supervising and coordinating all student affairs at our sister university. On an occasion like this, we feel most privileged to have him as our keynote speaker. Programme As a new feature, the two-day Workshop was devoted wholly to discussions of professional aspects divided into 15 workshop panels. Prominent community leaders and members of staff o f the University were invited to form the panels covering the following fields of careers: I. Hong Kong Government Services (Chairman: Mr . S. W. Rainbird) II. & III. Teaching as a Career (Chairman: Mr. W. M. Kwok) IV. Industry (Chairman: Mr. K. S. Lo) V. Marketing (Chairman: Mr. John L. Soong) VI. Banking & Finance (Chairman: Mr. G. W. Lanchester) VII. Insurance (Co-Chairmen: Mr. H. Donald Lon g Mr. Ron K. Schnurr) V I I I. Transport (Chairman: Mr . R.F.C. Horwood) I X. Accounting (Chairman: Mr. David W. Gairns) X. Data Processing & Computer Work (Chairman: Prof. S.C. Loh) X I . Scientific Research & Laboratory Work (Chairman: Mr. Gordon J. Bell) X I I . Mass Communications (Chairman: Mr. N.J.V. Watt) X I I I . Tourism & Hote l Management (Chairman: Mr. T.C . Lai) X I V . Executive Secretarial Services (Chairman: Mrs. Christine L. Wong) XV . Personnel Management & Appointments Service (Chairman: Mr. T.D. Poland) The workshops previously devoted t o the orientation of basic subjects of job applications, interviews etc. have been dispensed with this year. In their place, a booklet entitled Your Job—To Have and To Hold in the Pre-Employment Information Series has been published b y the Appointments Service to provide students with many practica l suggestions. Another book, named Career Prospects in Hong Kong, published in the same Series, is a practical reference covering 103 local companies for all job-seeking university graduates. Both books — 6 —
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