Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 7 Jul–Aug 1970
dindigenous musics. While in Manila, Dr. Craig spoke at the University of the Philippines on "East-West Hybrid Music". • Other visitors to the University include Dr. Charles F. Bonser, Associate Dean of Graduate School of Business, Indiana University; Prof. A. Brandon Conor, University of Western Ontario; Prof. George Pinnell, Dean of Graduate School of Business, Indiana University; and Dr. Eugene S. Staples, Director of the Asia Programme of the Ford Foundation, and Mrs. Staples. Co l l ege News • Chung Chi College announced changes in membership of the Board of Governors as follows: a. Officers for 1970-1973 Mr. L i Fook-wo, Chairman The Hon, Wilfred S.B. Wong, Vice-Chairman Mr. Chan Tak-tai, Treasurer b. Representing church organizations in Hong Kong The Rev. Liu Yee in place of the Rev. Luthard N. Eid The Rev. Alfred Eglin in place of Dr. R. R. Deutsch c. Representing mission boards i n Hong Kong The Rev. William Gepford in place of the Rev. H.H. Pommerenke Dr. John Espy in place of the Rev. Loren E. Noren The Rev. Raymond L. Whitehead in place of the Rev. Carl T. Smith d. Co-opted by the Board Judge T.L. Yang e. Elected by the College Alumni Association Mr. Wai Lik-sun in place of Mr. Leung Pui-kee f. Representing other bodies University of Hong Kong: Prof. L.B. Thrower in place of Mr. Bernard Mellor • The 16th Graduation Ceremony of Chung Chi College was held on 7th June, at which Dr. K.L. Stumpf, Hong Kong Director of the Lutheran World Federation, Department of World Service, addressed the graduates on the subject of "Social Change and Social Justice". Mr. R.N. Rayne, Acting President of the College, who distributed the certificates and presented the Bibles to the graduates, also addressed the congregation. • New Asia College observed the 19th Graduation Ceremony of its Undergraduate Departments and 14th Graduation Ceremony of its Research Institute on 9th July. Dr. the Hon. P.Y. Tang, Chairman of the College Board of Governors, addressed the Ceremony. Dr. Y.T. Shen, College President, reported on College affairs and distributed the diplomas. This was followed by a valedictory by the representative of the 1970 graduands, Miss Chen Ning-ping. There were four graduates from the Institute and 135 graduates from the undergraduate departments this year. • As Chairman of the Management Committee of the Police Children's Education Trust Fund, Mr. T.C. Cheng, President of United College, spoke at the annual presentation ceremony of bursary certificates to children of police officers in the Police Club, Kowloon, on 10th June. In his address to the gathering, Mr. Cheng said that the Police Children's Education Trust Fund, established shortly after the 1967 disturbances, had now become a symbol of appreciation and gratitude expressed by the peopl e of Hong Kong toward the Royal Hong Kong Police Force for its performance and steadfastness in maintaining law and order. Mr. Cheng urged members of the public to continue to contribute to the Fund since the demand for financial assistance from it would grow as the Police Force expanded in the years to come. • Mr. Timothy Light , formerly lecturer in English of New Asia College, has been appointed Representative of the Yale-in-China Association . • The Williams-in-Hong Kong Programme at United College held its annual Summer Intensive English Course for teachers of English and teachers who use English as a medium of instruction from 20th July to 21st August. 113 teachers were enrolled; they were streamed according to their proficiency in English and divided into 5 classes. Six graduates of Williams College, Massachusetts, U.S.A., who arrived in Hong Kong earlier in July, were conducting the course. — 1 3 —
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