Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 11 Aug 1968
COLLEGE NEWS • New Asia College celebrated the 17th Gradua tion of its Undergraduate Departments and the 12th Graduation of its Research Institute on 8th July. A t the ceremony President Ou reported on College affairs, and Dr. the Hon P.Y. Tang, Chairman of the College Board of Governors, gave an address. President Ou then distributed diplomas to the 6 graduands o f the Research Institute and the 132 graduands o f the Undergraduate Departments. Valedictories were delivered by representatives of the graduating class. • M r. Sun Kuo-tung, Lecturer and Head of the H istory Department at New Asia College, has received a grant under the Staff Development Pro gramme of the University to do research at the University o f London fo r one year. • M r. Wang Ning, Lecturer in English at New Asia College, has been granted tuition waiver to further his studies in Linguistics fo r one year at the University of California. His study tour is also financed by a grant under the Staff Development Programme. • Dr. Lee Yu-yang, Lecturer in Physics, and M r. Wu Chen-hsiung, Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, both o f New Asia College, returned to the College in July after completing their advanced studies abroad. Dr. Lee went to America in August 1967 to take part in the research in Theoretical Physics sponsored by the Physics Department of the University of California (Berkeley). The title of his particular project was " A New Tunneling Mechanism in the Transition Metal Complex” . M r. Wu left fo r the United States in the summer of 1966 to pursue advanced studies in Economics at Southern Illino is University. During his stay in America, he had the opportunity of representing that University at the International Students As sembly held at Williamsburg. He spent his summer vacations visiting over ten American universities, including California and Stanford. The study tours of M r. Lee and M r. Wu were financed by grants under the Staff Development Programme. • Dr. Ma Lin , Senior Lecturer in Chemistry at United College, and Dr. S.T. Chang, Lecturer and Chairman of the Department of Biology at Chung Chi College, attended the Seminar on Basic Sciences in Southeast Asian Universities sponsored by the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (A S A IH L ) and held at Chulalongkorn University from 25th to 29th July. A t the Seminar, Dr. Ma gave a brief account of small group teaching at this University and presented a paper on "Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes in Hydatidiform Mole "; and Dr. Chang presented two papers, on “ Our Experience in the Teaching of Biology as L ife Science— Experimental Seminar" and "Nuclear Phenomena in the Basidia and Basidiospores of Straw Mushroom". Dr. Ma was elected the First Vice-Chairman of the Seminar. • Dr. Joseph C.C. Hwang, Lecturer in Biology at Chung Chi College, has been awarded a grant by the International Congress o f Physiological Sciences to attend the X X IV International Meeting held in Washington D.C. this month. • Under an exchange programme Miss Alice Law Muk-lan, first-year student of the Sociology and Social Work Department at Chung Chi College, w ill pursue her studies at the University of Redlands during the coming academic year, and M r. Robert Beckwith Althouse, first-year student in General Studies at Redlands, w ill come to Chung Chi fo r the year. • The Academic Board of United College, at its 60th Meeting held on 31st July, 1968 , approved a proposal to enlarge the membership of the College L ib ra ry Committee by adding two student repre sentatives to be nominated by the Student Union. The nominees were M r. Pang Chung-tat, Union President, and M r. Ng Siu-wah, Assistant Editor-in- Chief of “ United Students". • Two students of Chung Chi College, M r. L iu Lup-wah, third-year student in English, and M r. Ho Hoi-lap, first-year student in Chinese; two students of United College, M r. Wong Yu-hang, third-year student in Sociology, and Miss V ivian Kung, second-year student in Sociology; and a student of New Asia College participated in the 15th Inter national Student Conference held in Tokyo from 21st July to 11th August, as members of the Delegation from the Hong Kong Federation of Students. The theme of the Conference was ‘‘For the Harmony of the Peoples". • To help students to further their studies during the summer vacation , the Chinese Literature Depart ment of New Asia College is offering six Summer Supplementary Courses fo r both majors and minors of the Department between 1st July and 17th August. The courses are: “ The Book of Han", “ Selected Lyrics", “ H istory of Chinese Literature", "Selected Songs ", "Chinese Philology" and "Wen-hsin Tiao- lung " . • On 12th August, the New Asia Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre embarked on a pilot project o f offering a four-week Summer Mandarin Course, in which the most up-to-date teaching method is used. The course is financed by the — 1 0 —
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