Bulletin Special Supplement Bidding Farewell to Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao
A p ionee r in the fie ld o f op tica l fib re comm un ica tion and regarded w o rld w id e as the father o f this modern technology, Prof. Kao has pub lished and presented w e ll over 100 papers on the subject. He has ed ited and au tho red several major texts on optical fibres and has w ritte n a b o o k on h ig h te chno logy. He is cu rren tly a mem be r o f the National Academy o f Engineering (USA), foreign member o f the Royal Swedish Academy o f Engineering Sciences IVA (Sweden), overseas academ ician o f the Chinese Academy o f Sciences, and fe llow o f the Academ ia Sinica in Taiwan, the Institute o f Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA), the Institute o f Electrical Engineers (UK), the Royal Academy o f Engineering (UK ), and the Royal Society o f Arts (UK ). H is distinguished con tribu tion to the p rom o tio n o f science and te c h n o lo g y has w o n h im num e rous in te rn a tio n a l honours and awards. P rof. Kao's association w ith The Chinese U n ive rs ity dates back to 1970 w h e n he was a p p o in te d reade r and cha irm an o f the then n e w ly established D e p a rtm en t o f E lectronics. In the ensuing fo u r years, he was instrum en ta l in d e ve lop in g academ ic p rog ramm es in e le c tro n ic s and became the firs t p ro fe s so r o f the depa rtm en t. In recogn ition o f his outstanding achievements in scientific research and his con trib u tio n to tertiary education, the U n ive rsity conferred on h im an hono ra ry degree o f D octo r o f Science in 1985. As v ic e -c h a n c e llo r o f the U n iv e rs ity since O c to b e r 1987, P rof. Kao has made substantial con tribu tions to the University's g row th and developm ent. The scope and conten t o f the University's academ ic programmes have been expanded and enhanced in response to the n ew and changing needs o f the comm unity. New research institutes 一九八七年五月,高錕教授 以候任校長身分訪港,在歡 迎會上講話。旁爲其夫人高 黄美芸女士及馬臨教授。 Prof. Kao at a w elcom ing party on his visit to H ong Kong as vice-chancellor- designate in May 1987. On his left are Mrs. Gwen Kao and Prof. Ma Lin. 中文大學校刊。特刊 Chinese University Bulletin .SpcialSupplement 4
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