Annual Report 2001–02
•應用化學與管理學理學士課程 •材料科學與工程學理學士課程 研究院課程 •精神健康護理學學士後文憑課程 •人類學(華人社會硏究)文學碩士課程 •中國政治文學碩士課程 •文化管理文學碩士課程 •社會工作文學碩士課程 •材料科學與工程學哲學碩士課程 •分子生物技術學哲學碩士課程 •健康敎育及促進健康理學碩士課程 •社會工作社會科學碩士課程 •材料科學與工程學哲學博士課程 •分子生物技術學哲學博士課程 教與學的素質 校方除了定期檢討保證敎學素質的機制、課程結構 及敎學方法外,還在敎務會設立了十二個學生委員 議席,以開闊與學生之間的溝通渠道。 校方又於二零零二年一月把新生必修的普通話、專 語及英語精修課程的普通話科,繼英文科後改為網 上授課,以增加敎與學的靈活性。該課程的粵語科 亦將於二零零二至二零零三年度在網上講授。各學 院亦因應本身學生的需要而提供更多語文改善課 程;今年各語文敎學單位便合共提供四十七個科 目,供學生選修。四所書院則繼續開辦硏討會及海 外遊學計劃等非形式語文改善活動。 校方向來極為重視敎學素質,是年共有七名不同學 院的敎師,以其突出的敎學表現,獲授「校長模範 敎學獎」。 • Master of Social Science Programme in Social Work • Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Materials Science and Engineering • Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Molecular Biotechnology Teaching and Learning Quality The University continued to make conscious efforts at improving its teaching and learning quality. Apart from conducting regular reviews of its various quality assurance processes, academic programmes and teaching methods, the University also established more channels of communication with students by allocating a total of 12 seats for student representatives in the Senate. To further enhance students' language proficiency, the Putonghua course under the compulsory Intensive Programme in Putonghua, Cantonese and English, like the English course, was web-enabled in January 2002, allowing greater flexibility in both teaching and learning. It is expected that the Cantonese course under the programme 李國章校長親授獎狀予第三屆模範敎學獎得主。左起:陳雄根敎授、陳志輝敎授、 Prof. Allan Walker 、李國章校長、張樹中敎授、鄭彦銘敎授、范劍青敎授及 Prof. Gordon Mathews。 The Vice-Chancellor with winners of the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2001. From left: Prof. Chan Hung-kan, Prof. Andrew Chan, Prof. Allan Walker, Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, Prof. Zhang Shuzhong, Prof. Gregory Cheng, Prof. Fan Jianqing, and Prof. Gordon Mathews. a c a d e m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 學術發展 15
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