
The programme is jointly organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Oxford Mindfulness Foundation (OMF).
After completion of the certificate programme, all will be trained to teach Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L), Finding Peace in a Frantic World and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Depression depending on their intended setting of teaching (e.g. MBCT-Depression for clinical settings). The completion of this certificate will fulfil the first step requirement in teaching mindfulness in the respective settings.
Programme Highlight:
- QF Level 6 Professional Certificate Programme
- Duration: 1 Year Part-Time Study
The three courses in the programme are:
- Learning to Teach Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Practices and Exercises
- Origins of Mindfulness and Retreat
- Teaching a Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Curriculum in a Group
For enquiry, please email sphpc.mbct@cuhk.edu.hk
醫療管理學課程是一門涉及多學科領域研究和實踐的課程,關注個體及群體醫療保健服務的供應、質素和成本。本專業證書課程以現有的一門非常成功的醫療管理學理學碩士課程(MScHSM)為模板,並強調 "開闊你的眼界,增長你的思維,鋪平你的道路"。本課程的設計初衷是為解決中醫及中西醫協作管理面對的主要挑戰,故本課程由中醫及中西醫協作範疇和醫療管理學理學碩士課程中的部分學科組成,因此對有意增進知識的醫療管理者而言是最適合的入門級課程。
- 資歷架構第5級別課程
- 香港中醫藥管理委員會認證課程
- 修讀期: 1年兼讀制學習
- 質素及安全管理 (2學分)
- 醫療體系、政策及管理 (1學分)
- 醫療機構管理學 (2學分)
- 中醫實踐管理專題 (2學分)
職業與環境醫學|健康實踐|衞生學 (新課程) 專業文憑課程
2020-2021學年的職業與環境醫學|健康實踐|衞生學 專業文憑課程現已開始接受報名申請。
如有查詢,請電郵dip.oemph@cuhk.edu.hk 或致電2252 8795。
Professional Certificate Programme in Epidemiology
The discipline of epidemiology is concerned with conducting research in human populations to address practical issues related to health, disease, and health care. The programme aims to provide comprehensive training in collecting, analyzing and interpreting epidemiological data. This programme is to develop students’ ability in addressing practical public health and clinical issues, planning and designing epidemiological studies, and interpreting and using findings from such studies for patient care, public health interventions and policy making.
Programme Outcome:
Upon completion of this programme, students will have acquired the ability to:
- know what epidemiology is and the role of epidemiology in medical care and in health research;
- learn the major types of epidemiological study and the main principle for their design and conduct;
- understand the concepts and terminology in epidemiology;
- have some exposure to the applications of epidemiology in control of disease and improving health;
- learn how to apply the principles in design of a research project; and acquire the skills in the critical appraisal of published research evidence for making health and medical decisions.
The 4 courses in the programme are:
- Introduction to Epidemiology
- Epidemiology II
- Epidemiology III
- Protocol Development I
For enquiry, please email epibiostat@cuhk.edu.hk
Professional Certificate Programme in Biostatistics
The objective of Professional Certificate Programme in Biostatistics is to equip students with basic analytical skills of conducting biostatistics analysis and study design in clinical research. The students are required to study four core courses ranging from fundamentals of biostatistics, advanced data modelling to research protocol development. Three introduction to biostatistics data analysis courses cover the common types of medical data including continuous, categorical and survival data, and relevant statistical tests suitable to be applied for the data types. The courses have practical sessions and tutorials that teach students to carry out data analysis using statistical software SPSS.
Upon completion of the programme, the students are expected to be able to conduct basic data analysis in clinical research setting. The programme also places emphasis on study design and protocol development – the teachers will guide students to propose and design an independent study involving data collection, hypothesis making, analysis, interpretation and drawing conclusions. The programme is very suitable for clinical researchers to strengthen their basic analytic skills and research study design.
Programme Outcome
Upon completion of this programme, students will have acquired the ability to
- set up their database efficiently so as to describe and explore data graphically and statistically;
-test their hypothesis statistically and interpret results of hypothesis testing correctly;
- make good use of the common statistical software, i.e. SPSS, to analyze data; and
- gain the practical hands on experience in analyzing data examples in medical research setting by using various statistical tests.
The 4 courses in the programme are:
Course 1: Introduction to Biostatistics
Course 2: Linear Models
Course 3: Categorical and Survival Data Analysis
Course 4: Protocol Development I
For enquiry, please email epibiostat@cuhk.edu.hk
Free Video-based Chinese Online Course on Health and Disaster Preparedness in Rural China
為應對因COVID-19疫情在全球範圍內造成的大範圍校園封閉,同時作為香港中文大學災害與人道救援研究所(CCOUC)知識轉移工作的一部分,"人道主義憲章和人道主義應急最低標準:環球計劃標準的應用” 這一免費中文在線課程現已在學堂在線平臺開放報名,課程報名截止到2020年7月31日。報名後,學員可以在安全的地點按照自己的節奏學習課程,修課期為12周。該課程對學生和從業人員學習和探索總部設在日內瓦的國際環球組織及其全球公認的人道主義響應最低標準非常有幫助。
首個免費視頻中文在線課程: 環球計劃標準 First Free Video-based Chinese Online CCOUC
In response to widespread campus closure globally due to the COVID-19 pandemic and as part of the knowledge transfer endeavour of the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC), a free video-based Chinese online course “Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response: The Application of Sphere Standards” is now open for registration until 31 July 2020 at Xuetangx (学堂在线) platform. Upon registration, students are allowed to study the course at a safe location and at their own pace in a duration of 12 weeks. The course will be very useful for students and practitioners to explore the Geneva-based international Sphere organisation and its globally recognized minimum standards for humanitarian response.
As the first Sphere Focal Point for China, CCOUC has developed this course as the world's first of its kind to introduce the Sphere standards in Simplified Chinese and Mandarin. Not only highly recognized but also rich in content and easily comprehensible, this course can greatly help foster the understanding of Sphere standard-guided humanitarian practice and improve the level of disaster and humanitarian relief in China.
Organized in five lessons, this course systematically explains the main contents and practice of the Sphere standards. Lesson 1 is the introduction of the Sphere organisation. It includes the origin, core beliefs, humanitarian charter, protection principles and core humanitarian standards of the organisation. Lessons 2 to 5 are technical chapters, which focus on the four technical chapters in the latest 2018 Sphere handbook, including water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion; food security and nutrition; shelter and resettlement; and health.
Please visit this link (https://next.xuetangx.com/course/cuhk0000188866/3933613) to find out more about the course and enroll today!
Grateful if you could help pass this message about our online course to parties who may be interested.
For enquiry, please email ccouc@cuhk.edu.hk