Launch of Phase 3 Green Office Programme in October
The year 2014 marks a milestone of the Green Office Programme (GO!), the first large-scale green office programme launched by academia to promote green office practices: compulsory participation in 'GO!' for all CUHK offices this year. All CUHK offices that have not joined 'GO!' must nominate a staff member as the office's 'GO!' contact person latest by 24 October. Offices will receive an e-mail with details of the nomination and an invitation to a briefing session.
Mandatory Membership – a Medium-Term Sustainability Target
The Green Office Programme (GO!) started out as a voluntary programme two years ago. Since then, 'GO!' has garnered over 100 member offices, including those of senior management, the nine Colleges, administrative units, academic and research units and student bodies. In 2012, the Administrative and Planning Committee (AAPC) approved a number of medium-term sustainability targets for the University for the years leading to 2017, one of which is to make participation in 'GO!' compulsory for all University offices in 2014.
Purpose of 'GO!'
Office buildings make up a major part of the University's environmental impact. Staff and students who work in buildings play a major role in helping CUHK become more sustainable – the key to ongoing success is awareness leading to cultural and behavioural change. Being a 'green office' doesn't necessarily require drastic or expensive measures like doing away with paper altogether, or buying solar power. Instead, when everyone becomes aware of minor changes they can make in their daily routines to help the office save energy, water and other resources, a significant and positive difference is already made. 'GO!' serves as a platform to promote and support these simple measures. 'GO!' also keeps in touch with contact persons of each 'GO!' office, informing them whenever there are new resources and green opportunities available that they can take advantage of.
'GO!' greener with e-Checklist
The core mechanism of 'GO!' is a 'GO! Checklist' that contains 30 simple actions staff and students can take to make their workplaces more environmentally friendly. Member offices are required to fulfil 13 of the items that are mandatory according to University policy (e.g. maintaining the office's/classroom's air-conditioner thermostat temperature at 25.5°C +/- 2°C in the summer), and fulfil no fewer than 15 of all actions on the list.
At the end of the year, 'GO!' offices will be invited to fill in a 'GO! Checklist' e-survey form and check off the actions they performed during the year, and submit it online. The 'GO! Checklist' helps keep CUHK members aware of the University's green policies and gives offices the flexibility to do more than is required by policy. In 2013, over 90% of more than 100 participating offices fulfilled the requirements of 'GO!'.
New 'GO!' offices that join in 2014 will submit their first 'GO! Checklist' e-survey forms in 2015.
We look forward to the support and participation of all CUHK office in Phase 3 of 'GO!'. More information can be found on the 'GO!' website.