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Academic Staff
​Prof. Shui Shan LEE 李瑞山教授

Prof. Shui Shan LEE



FRCP (Glasg, Edin., Lond.), FFPH

Daniel Yu Research Professor of Infectious Diseases

Academic Appointments

  • Deputy Director, Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Professor Lee graduated from the Medical School of The University Hong Kong in 1982 and received his MD degree from the same university in 1995. After graduation he underwent training in internal medicine, developed keen interest in clinical immunology and thereafter HIV/AIDS. In 1991, he was appointed head of the newly established Department of Health Special Preventive Programme for AIDS and viral hepatitis. In 2005, he joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong as Chair Professor in Infectious Diseases, and is currently staff member of both the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging infectious Diseases. He is currently a fellow with professional institutions in internal medicine, pathology and public health.

Professor Lee conducts teaching in clinical and public health HIV medicine at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He coordinates courses in the infectious disease concentration of the School's MPH programme, and in the general infectious diseases courses for undergraduates. He has, on different occasion, served as consultant to national and international organizations in the evaluation of HIV programmes. 

Research Interests

  • Epidemiology of infectious diseases, with focus on the application of spatial, social and molecular techniques

  • HIV biomedical prevention

  • Infection risk in people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men

Recent Funded Research Projects 

  • Spatio-temporal pattern of ambient PM2.5 exposure and the risk of tuberculosis reactivation [RGC GRF 14104918] Jan 2019 - June 2021

  • Potentiating host immunity for HIV-1 functional cure [RGC TRS T11-706-18N] Jan 2019 - Dec 2024

  • Molecular differentiation of HIV and HCV transmission networks in HIV/HCV co-infected men who have sex with men in Hong Kong [Health & Medical Research Fund 18170282] Oct 2019 - Oct 2021

  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis with on-demand versus daily TDF/FTC in MSM at high risk of HIV infection – a crossover study [AIDS Trust Fund MSS292R] July 2018 - June 2021

  • Regular self-sampled STI/HIV testing and its association with infection risks in men who have sex with men [AIDS Trust Fund MSS307R] Jul 2019 - Jun 2021

  • Social network approach for increasing testing coverage among MSM [AIDS Trust Fund MSS324R] Jul 2020 - Jun 2022

  • Evaluation of the seroepidemiology of hepatitis A and B in the general population for informing the development of new hepatitis vaccination strategies in Hong Kong [Health & Medical Research Fund 17160962] June 2018 - May 2021

Selected Publications

  1. Lee SS, Kwan TH, Wong NS, Lee KCK, Chan DPC, Lam TTN, Lui GCY. Piloting a partially self-financed mode of human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis delivery for men who have sex with men in Hong Kong. HK Med J 2019;5:382–91. https://doi.org/10.12809/hkmj198030

  2. Wong NS, Chan KCW, Wong BCK, Leung CC, Chan WK, Lin AWC, Lui GCY, Mitchell KM, Lee SS. Latent tuberculosis infection testing strategies for HIV-infected individuals in Hong Kong: a cost-effectiveness analysis. JAMA Network Open 2019;2(9):e1910960. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.10960

  3. Sun HY, Uemura H, Wong NS, Chan DP, Wong BC, Lin PH, Su LH, Hung CC, Oka S, Chang SY, Lee SS. Molecular epidemiology of acute HCV infection in HIV-positive patients from Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo. Liver Int 2019;39:1044-1051.

  4. To KW, Kam KM, Chan DCP, Yip WH, Chan KP, Lo R, Ng S, Ngai J, Lee SS. Utility of GeneXpert in analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage samples from patients with suspected tuberculosis in an intermediate-burden setting. J Infect 2018;77:296-301.

  5. Song R, Guan S, Lee SS, Chen Z, Chen, Han L, Zeng H, Xu Y, Li A, Ye H, Zhang F. Late or lack of vaccination linked to importation of Yellow Fever from Angola to China. Emerg Infect Dis 2018; 24(7):1383-1386

  6. Kwan TH, Lee SS. Predictors of HIV testing and their influence on PrEP acceptance in men who have sex with men – a cross-sectional study. AIDS Beh 2018;22(4),1150-1157

  7. Wong NS, Lee CK, Ng SC, Wong HK, Chan DCP, Lee SS. Prevalence of hepatitis C infection and its associated factors in healthy adults without identifiable route of transmission. J Viral Hepat 2018;25(2):161-170

  8. Wong NS, Wong KH, Lee MP, Tsang OTY, Chan DPC, Lee SS. Estimation of the undiagnosed intervals of HIV-infected individuals by a modified back-calculation method for reconstructing the epidemic curves. PLoS ONE 2016;11(7): e0159021.

  9. Leung KK, Poon CM, Lee SS. A comparative analysis of behaviors and sexual affiliation networks among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong. Arch Sex Beh 2015;44(7):2067-76

  10. Lee SS, Wong NS, Lee S. Falling trend of influenza vaccination coverage in healthcare workers in Hong Kong. Emerg Infect Dis 2013; 19(10): 1660-1663.

Last Updated: 22 July 2020