Newsletter No. 323
第323期 2008年9月19日 No. 323 19 September 2008 第三二三期 二零零八年九月十九日 No. 323 19 September 2008 生要勇於向人請益,取長補短;同時抱持多聞闕疑的治 學態度,致力求真求實。此外,更須懂得擇善固執,認 清事情的緩急輕重,集中精力,發展自己的理想。在待 人接物方面,劉校長叮囑學生誠正包容,緊記「己所不 欲,勿施於人」。 他又呼籲新生要樂於助人,他說:「四川地震發生後, 醫學院的教師率先趕赴現場協助拯救傷者,大學又為 災民和救援人員提供心理輔導和培訓指導等。同時, 大學師生和校友亦紛紛踴躍捐款,充分展現人性的光 輝。」 A well-established and prestigious university, CUHK attracts high-calibre students from different regions and of different specialties. Diversity in the student population helps to enrich the learning environment on campus. This year, CUHK admitted over 3,200 undergraduates, many of whom have had outstanding performance in public examinations and/or other areas (please refer to the table for admission details). Among the students obtaining 3As or above in the HKALE, some 40% had chosen CUHK as their first choice, including one of two 6A-candidates of the year. For the non-local intake, this year saw 254 outstanding mainland students from 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions being admitted to CUHK through the National Unified Universities and Colleges Entrance Examination System. Among them, 175 ranked within the top 500 in those regions with announced ranking information. We also have 16 new students from Sichuan, which was struck by an earthquake a few months ago. The University provided extra scholarships to students from the province. Moreover, 52 undergraduate students from 16 overseas countries were admitted to CUHK, and about 650 overseas students came to our campus on exchange. To familiarize freshmen with university life, a talk called ‘Tips for Your University Life’ was held during Registration Days on 30 August and 1 July. And the Faculty / Departmental Orientation Camp and College Orientation Camp were held respectively in early and late August. Having two orientation camps is a trademark of CUHK because of its unique college system. On 4 September the CUHK Student Union organized a recruitment day for societies and clubs to recruit new members. CUHK held the Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduates of the 2008 intake on 28 August. Over 1,300 freshmen, including non- local undergraduates and overseas exchange students attended the ceremony. In his welcome speech at the inauguration ceremony, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, urged the freshmen to make good use of their time to enrich their university lives, build social networks, interact with people from different cultures, and broaden their horizons. By doing so, he said, they equip themselves for the challenges of globalization and the intense competition it entails. Prof. Lau also shared with the young men and women his secret of learning. Quoting Confucius: ‘In every group of three, I can always find a teacher’, he encouraged them to keep an open mind and be humble because we can always learn something from someone. Prof. Lau also emphasized the importance of skepticism in the quest for truth. Another piece of advice from the Vice-Chancellor was to set priorities and be selective. When it came to interpersonal relationships, Prof. Lau asked the freshmen to be honest and tolerant. Prof. Lau commended the support rendered by University members to relief efforts for the Sichuan earthquake, and appealed to the students to follow their footsteps in serving society and helping those in need. He said, ‘In the wake of the terrible earthquake in Sichuan earlier this year, staff and students from all Faculties offered their expertise to help the region recover. Teachers of the Faculty of Medicine were among the first medical practitioners from Hong Kong to arrive at the site where they took up relief work, operated on the injured, and offered psychological counseling and training to victims, volunteers and relief workers. There was an outpour of concern and donations from our staff, students and alumni. This disaster enabled us to see the beauty and strength of humanity.’ 2008年收生摘要 Summary of 2008 Student Admission 人數 Number 經優先錄取計劃入讀 Students admitted through the Early Admissions Scheme 196 * 經聯招途徑入讀 Students admitted through JUPAS 2,380 ✝ 經非聯招途徑入讀 Students admitted through Non-JUPAS channels 720 ◊ (截至2008年9月1日資料 Figures as at 1 September 2008) * 人數為參加該計劃的三所院校之冠 The highest number among the three participating institutions ✝ 99%為第一組別申請人 99% were Band A choice candidates ◊ 包括本地生、海外生、內地生及入讀二年級之本科新生 Including local, non-local and mainland students, and those admitted to the second year of the undergraduate programmes 劉遵義校長與海外交換生交談甚歡 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau mingles with overseas exchange students 新生註冊日分子生物技術課程迎新營宣傳活動 Promotion of the Orientation Camp of Molecular Biotechnology Programme on Registration Days 中 文大學名聞遐邇,四方學子紛至沓來,新學年伊 始,來自世界各地的精英、長於不同範疇的學 生,在中大相遇,匯聚各方專長,帶來異域文化,更豐 富了校園和而不同的氣氛。 今年中大共錄取了三千二百多名本科生(詳見附表), 當中不少在公開試或其他方面有非常優秀的表現。在全 港高級程度會考考獲3A或以上成績的申請人中,近四 成獲中文大學錄取,包括全港兩名6A生其中之一。 在非本地生方面,今年經「全國普通高校統一招生 計劃」在內地25個省 / 市 / 自治區共招收了254名新 生,均在高考中名列前茅。在有提供排名資料的考 區中,排名在500名內的多達175人。在月前發生 大地震的四川省,中大共錄取了16名學生,並為 該省增加了獎學金名額。中大又從海外16個國家 地區錄取了52名本科生。此外,本學年約共有 650名外地學生到中大當交換生。 為協助新生了解大學生活,校方在新生註冊日 為他們舉行「大學生活錦囊」講座,而在8月初和 8月底,則分別舉行「院系會迎新營」和「書院新生輔導 營」。一所大學,兩個迎新營,正正是推行書院制的中 大的特色。另外在9月4日,中大學生會舉行藝墟,為新 生介紹各學會的活動,並招募成員。 今年的新生入學典禮於8月28日舉行,為新學年拉開序 幕。中大校長劉遵義教授當日勉勵學生珍惜光陰,積極 投入校園生活,學習與不同文化的人相處,拓廣視野, 以期在全球化的浪潮中自強不息,力爭上游。 劉校長引用《論語》「三人行必有我師」之說,勸勉學 來自五湖四海的中大新生 Education Knows No Boundaries
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