Newsletter No. 316
第 316 期 2008 年 4 月 19 日 No. 316 19 April 2008 第三一六期 二零零八年四月十九日 No. 316 19 April 2008 提 起全球化,你會想起什麼? 跨國公司向全球精英招 手?還是湯馬斯˙佛里曼在《世界 是平的》提到的企業將生產線外判 至不同地區?今年踏入第15屆的新 亞書院耶魯大學交流計劃,以「全 球化及社會身分認同」為主題。一 群新亞書院學生及員工作東道主, 帶領八位於三月來港交流的耶魯大 學學生,透過講座、研討會、參觀 廉政公署、以及跟立法會議員陳方 安生會面,探索全球化的意義。他 們還深入尖沙嘴重慶大廈,體會具 香港特色的另類全球化活動。 這交流計劃由1993年起舉辦,旨在 促進港美學生交流。每年兩校各挑 選八位學生,就該年特定之主題, 擬定研究項目,然後,在兩輪為期 各兩周的互訪活動中,報告研究成 果。 交流計劃多年來均反應熱烈,平均十 位新亞學生競逐一個名額。入選者由於 長期並肩作戰,準備研究資料,籌備接 待工作,很多已成莫逆之交。今年,不 少此計劃的新亞過來人出席支持歡迎 耶魯生的晚會,並趁機與師友團聚,可 見這計劃為他們的大學生活留下了美 好回憶。 W hat comes to mind at the mention of globalization? An international enterprise recruiting talent from all over the world? Or, as described in Thomas L. Friedman’s book The World is Flat , companies outsourcing their manufacturing processes to different regions? ‘Globalization and Social Identity’ was the topic explored in the 15th New Asia College Yale University Student Exchange Programme. Eight NA participants and the College staff played host to eight Yale students in March. Through talks, a symposium, a visit to the ICAC, and a chat with legislator Mrs. Anson Chan, the students sought to find the meaning and impact of globalization. They also experienced globalization from the ground up in a visit to the famous, or some would say, infamous Chungking Mansions in Tsim Sha Tsui. 細味本地例子:重慶大廈 Chungking Mansions a Vivid Local Example 位於鬧巿的重慶大廈由五座雙連大廈組 成,樓高十七層,曾獲美國《時代》雜 誌選為「亞洲最能體現全球一體化的例 子」,亦是這次交流計劃的一站。 大廈地面及二樓為商場,擠滿售賣手 錶、衣服、小食及冒牌手機等小店, 還有不少外匯兌換店,方便各國貨幣 的頻密流通。其上多是廉價賓館,每 晚約有四千人留宿,估計包括120個國 籍的人士,主要是印度、巴基斯坦等南 亞裔及非洲人;有商人、臨時工人、遊 客,部分為逾期居留者。他們在這兒聚 居、經商及留連,大家和平共處,互惠 而存。 3月15日,正以重慶大廈的全球化為研 究題材的人類學系麥固敦教授帶領十 多位耶魯和新亞學生到此一遊,探索 這個異色紛陳的萬花筒,感受一下全 球化的氛圍。 Located in Tsim Sha Tsui, Chungking Mansions consist of 17 storeys and five blocks. It was named ‘Best Example of Globalization in Action, The Best of Asia’ by the Times and was chosen as a theme-related destination for the exchange programme. Walking in the arcades of the ground and first floors, you will find small shops selling watches, clothing, food and snacks, as well as fake mobile phones. Money changers are also available to facilitate frequent multinational currency transactions. The building is known for offering some of the cheapest accommodations in Hong Kong. It is home to a population of around 4,000, which comprises 120 different nationalities, particularly Africans and South Asians, such as Indians and Pakistanis. They are traders, temporary workers, and tourists. Some are overstayers. The dwellers mix well with one another and there is harmony in the air. On 15 March, Prof. Gordon Mathews, professor in the Department of Anthropology, CUHK, who has been conducting field research in this building for almost two years, led a dozen Yale and NA students to Chungking Mansions to observe the different faces of globalization. New Asia College and Yale University have been jointly organizing this exchange programme since 1993. Each year, eight selected students from each side are required to conduct theme- related research. The eight NA students pay a two-week visit to Yale and report their findings at a symposium. Likewise, Yale students present their findings at NA. The competitive programme attracts a large number of NA applicants each year. One student is picked from 10 applicants on average. All the participants conduct theme-related research and prepare for the reception together. The welcoming dinner for the Yale delegates this year was also attended by many former participants of the programme. Shazan Jiwa 耶魯政治科學三年級 Yale Yr 3, Political Science 「參觀廉政公署令人眼界大開,到 重慶大廈蹓躂,也讓我看到 不同形式的全球化。」 ‘The visit to ICAC was really an eye-opener for me. Hanging out at Chungking Mansions let me witness the different forms globalization can take.’ 葉頴堯 Ip Weng-io Fandy 新亞社會學二年級 NA Yr 2, Sociology 「最難忘是與耶魯的學生上了我親戚家中 晚飯,讓她體驗香港家庭的一般生活, 閒話家常。」 ‘The Yale students’ visit to my relative’s home was memorable. We had dinner together and a nice chat, and she got a taste of local family life’ Aditi Ramakrishnan 耶魯行為神經科學三年級 Yale Yr 3, Behavioral Neuroscience 「作為國際金融中心,這裏處處高樓 林立,卻偶爾夾雜古樸的建築,仿如新 舊交替的時空。」 ‘Hong Kong is a financial hub full of skyscrapers but also with its share of ancient monuments.’ 潘振宇 Poon Chun-yu Jonathan 新亞保險、財務與精算學二年級 NA Yr 2, Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis 「耶魯大學同學在研討會發表的研究報告甚 具水準,可見他們花了不少功夫 蒐集資料。」 ‘The presentation of Yale students at the symposium was excellent. We could imagine how hard they worked for it.’
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