Newsletter Summer Supplement (2005)
中大通訊 C U H K News l e t t er 暑期特刊 二零零五年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 2005 宣 布 事 項 新任/續任學院院長 New Election and Reelection of Faculty Dean •李少南教授獲選出任社會科學院院長,任期三年,由二零零五年八月一日起生效。 •李天生教授獲選續任工商管理學院院長,任期三年,由二零零五年八月一日起生 效。 • Prof. Paul Lee Siu-nam has been elected Dean of the Faculty of Social Science from 1st August 2005 to 31st July 2008. • Prof. Lee Tien-sheng has been re-elected Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration from 1st August 2005 to 31st July 2008. 新任講座敎授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任孫永泉教授為經濟學講座教授,任期由二零零 五年七月二日起生效。 孫教授於一九八八年取得華盛頓大學哲學博士學位,曾 任哈佛大學哈佛燕京學社訪問學人(2001-02)、西蒙弗雷澤大 學經濟學系訪問副教授 (1994-95) 和芝加哥大學經濟學系及經 濟與國家研究中心訪問學人。 他於一九八九年獲聘為香港大學講師,加入中大服務前 為港大經濟金融學院教授。 Prof. Suen Wing-chuen has been appointed professor of economics from 2nd July 2005. Prof. Suen received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1988. He had taught at the School of Economics and Finance, University of Hong Kong from 1989 to 2005, and had served as visiting scholar to the University of Chicago and Harvard University, and as visiting associate professor to Simon Fraser University. 一百六十九項計劃獲硏究資助局撥款 RGC Research Grants for 2005-06 香港研究資助局於二零零五至零六年度撥出四億四百餘萬元,供各院校教研人員 競逐;另撥六千五百萬元直接資助各院校成本少於二十萬元的研究計劃。 是年中大共有一百六十九項研究計劃取得競爭性撥款,資助金額共計九千八百餘 萬元,另獲一千四百餘萬元直接撥款。 該一百六十九項研究計劃分屬生物學及醫學(五十一項)、工程學(三十四項)、 自然科學(二十七項)和人文、社會科學及商科(五十七項),詳見研究及科技事務 處的網頁。 A total of 169 research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of the University have been awarded earmarked grants totalling HK$98.18 million from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year. The University also received a direct allocation of HK$ 14.01 million to finance small projects. For 2005-06, the government has made available some HK$404 million for selected research proposals submitted by academic and research personnel in the UGC-funded tertiary institutions, and HK$65 million for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects. The 169 CUHK projects selected for earmarked grants fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (51); engineering (34); physical sciences (27); and the humanities, social sciences and business studies (57). For details please refer to Support for Five More Projects The following five research projects undertaken by faculty members of the University have attracted funding support from various quarters: O Modes of Operation of Youth Organizations in Macau (HK$239,000) Sponsor: The Department of Education and Youth of Macau SAR Principal investigator: Prof. Ngai Ngan-pun (Department of Social Work) O Colourful and Bright Fruits and Vegetables Project — Creating a Supportive Eating Environment for Our New Generation (HK$299,905) Sponsor: Health Care and Promotion Fund Principal investigator: Ms. Mandy Ho (Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion) O Community Development Approach to Create Better Health for Our Young Generation Within the Settings of Their Daily Life (HK$299,194) Sponsor: Health Care and Promotion Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Albert Lee (Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion) O RFID Tag and Reader Technologies at UHF Band for Logistics Management (HK$5,000,000) Sponsor: Innovation and Technology Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Wu Ki-li (Department of Electronic Engineering) Other investigators: Prof. Yue On Ching, Prof. Chan Kam Tai, Prof. Michael K.K. Cheng, and Prof. Yan Houmin O Involving the 'Hard-to-Reach': Developing and Evaluating a Peer Education Sexual Health Programme to Target Early School Leavers in Hong Kong (HK$300,000) Sponsor: Health Care and Promotion Fund Principal investigator: Prof. William C.W. Wong (Department of Community and Family Medicine) 評議會正式易名為「香港中文大學校友評議會」 由中大全體畢業生組成的法定組織「香港中文大學評議會」,已正式易名為「香 港中文大學校友評議會」。其英文名稱 Convocation of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 維持不變。 評議會常務委員會對新名稱完成立法程序表示欣喜,因為加上「校友」二字的新 名稱,將有助該會進一步凝聚更多中大校友參與其活動,繼續發揚中大校友回饋母 校、服務社會的精神。 二零零五至零六年度系主任/院長及學科主任名單 Department Chairs and Directors of Studies 2005-06 文學院 人類學 譚少薇教授 中國語言及文學 陳雄根教授 文化及宗教研究 賴品超教授 英文 Prof. David Parker 藝術 蘇芳淑教授 歷史 科大衛教授 日本研究 李活雄教授 語言學及現代語言 鄧慧蘭教授 音樂 麥嘉倫教授 哲學 張燦輝教授 翻譯 方梓勳教授 工商管理學院 會計學院 謝家正教授(院長) 決策科學與企業經濟學 梁志堅教授 財務學 麥建理教授 酒店及旅遊管理學院 李金漢教授(院長) 管理學 劉忠明教授 市場學 董何淑貞教授 敎育學院 課程與教學 黃顯華教授 教育行政與政策 汪雅量教授 教育心理學 侯傑泰教授 體育運動科學 莊大偉教授 1 暑期特刊• 二零零五年八月十九日 Summer Supplement • 19th August 2005
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