Newsletter No. 253
E-NEWSLETTERABSTRACT Volume 1 No. 14| CUHK Highly Rated and to Be Awarded Largest Funding FROM UGC The Chinese University of Hong Kong is to receive $6.36 billion from the UGC for the 2005-8 triennium, the largest allocation among the eight local tertiary institutions. The Government has proposed to the Legislative Council that The Chinese University of Hong Kong should receive $6.36 billion from the UGC for the 2005-8 triennium, the largest allocation among the eight local tertiary institutions. UGC has also rated highly the University's performance against its role in teaching and research. In the assessment of the Performance and Role-Related Funding Scheme (PRFS), the University 'earned back' the 10 per cent of recurrent funding in the PRFS exercise, plus a significant extra one- off allocation to further encourage the University's high performance in key areas of activity in relation to its role. The University regards this as a recognition of its achievements in teaching and research, and its strategic vision as a leading university in the region. The Chinese University of Hong Kong is a comprehensive research university with a strong bilingual and bicultural tradition. It has made significant achievements in teaching and research, and in p r omo t i ng i n t e r na t i ona l i za t i on and c ommu n i ty service. Capitalizing on its advantages, the University w i ll continue to provide quality education, pursue research in frontier areas, and strengthen ties with the mainland and with partners internationally, with the aim of producing top-notch talent for the region. Nevertheless, the level of funding for all universities has been substantially reduced compared to the last triennium. Therefore The Chinese Un i ve r s i ty expresses serious concerns about the Government's further funding reduction for the higher education sector based on the 0-0-5 formula, i.e., a possible five per cent reduction in 2007 - 8. It is understood that the Government will review the situation in 2006. In view of the improving economic situation, The Chinese University urges the Government to maintain if not increase the level of funding, for the quality and long-term development of Hong Kong's higher education sector. CUHK Student Wins Gold at Hang Lung Mathematics Awards F i ve s t u d e n ts of t he University were winners of the gold award, the bronze awa r d , and h o n o r a ry me n t i on of this year's Hang Lung Mathematics A w a r d s . The awa r ds presentation ceremony was held on 1 7th December 2004. Astronaut Yang Liwei Encouraged CUHK to 'Reach out to the World' Dr. Yang Liwei, the astronaut who commanded China's first manned space f l i g h t, i n t r o d u c ed Ch i n a 's space programme and his experience to CUHK students and staff, and secondary school students on 10th December 2004. He also encouraged the University to 'reach out to the world and the universe'. For details, please visit h t t p : / / w w w . c u h k . e d u . h k / e n e w s /. Department of Economics Tops Ranking T he Department o f Economics o f the University has been ranked number one among all economics programmes provided by the seven local universities by the Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly. T h e C U H K department came first in all three criteria adopted by the magazine — overall research performance, proportion of teaching staff with doctoral degrees, and employers' evaluation of graduates. According to the survey, teaching staff of the department had the highest per capita publication output in international academic journals. And the work ability, work attitude, and language ability o f its graduates were highly rated by their employers. Prof. Sung Yun-wing, chairman of the department, said the department puts great emphasis on research, has the widest course selection among the local universities, and focuses on both theory and application. The department also has a great number of mainland and overseas exchange students, creating an international learning environment. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, vice-chancellor of the University, is delighted at the ranking and believes it to reflect the hard work of staff and students. 'Since the inception of CUHK, the Department of Economics has been striving for excellence. Its teaching and research have reached the highest standards. We are also privileged to have Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in economic sciences, to serve as our distinguished professor-at-large,' he said. ICCM Explores Math Studies and Its Future S ome 700 prominent mathematicians from the w o r l d over a t t ended the T h i r d I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n g r e ss o f C h i n e se Mathematicians (ICCM) held from 17th to 22nd December 2004. T h e M o r n i n g s i d e M e d a l s o f Mathematics, the Chern Prize, and the I CCM I n t e r n a t i o n al Co o p e r a t i on Aw a r d were awarded to outstanding mathematicians for their remarkable achievements in pure and applied mathematics at the opening ceremony held on 17th December at the Hong Ko ng C o n v e n t i o n a nd E x h i b i t i o n C e n t r e. Of f i c i a t i ng at the ceremony were Prof. L u Yongxiang, vice-chairman o f the Standing Committee o f the Tenth National Congress of China, Prof. Yau Shing-tung, chairman of the I C CM and director o f the Institute o f Ma t h ema t i c al Sciences o f The Chinese University, and Mr. Ronnie Chan, co-founder o f the Morningside Group and chairman o f Hang Lung Group Ltd. A symposium was held in the afternoon on topics related to mathematics and science. The heads o f f i ve universities in Hong Ko ng discussed the challenges for universities in developing the basic sciences. On 18th December some 300 university students, secondary school students, and members o f the p u b l ic met w i t h w o r l d renowned mathematicians at 'Discussions w i th Masters of Mathematics' at T.Y. Wong Lecture Theatre, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building. Chemistry Ph.D. Candidate Wins Poster Award A fourth year Ph.D. student o f the Department of Chemistry, Ms. Lo Pui-chi, received the Professor Sunney I. Ch an Pos t er A w a r d i n the 8 th International Symposium for Chinese O r g a n i c C h e m i s t s a nd t he 5 t h International Symposium for Chinese Inorganic Chemists held f r om 19th to 22nd December 2004 on campus. The title of her poster was 'Synthesis and in vitro Photodynamic Activities o f New Amphiphilic Silicon (IV) Phthalocyanines with Cationic Moieties.' The research was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dennis Ng. Prof. Fong Wing-Ping of the Biochemistry Department and Prof. Ko Wing-Hung of the Physiology Department were also involved in the project. Out of a total of 193 posters, three were selected for this award and Ms. Lo was the only recipient from Hong Kong. The research results were published in the p r e s t i g i ous j o u r n al Chemistry 一 A European Journal and the paper was classified as a 'Very Important Paper (VIP)'. Ms. Lo Pui-chi and Prof. Sunney Chan 1 No. 253 19th January 2005
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