Newsletter Summer Supplement (2004)
宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 校董會消息 Council News •張越華教授獲崇基學院院務委員會依據大學規程 11 第 1(h) 段及第 5 段,及規程 16 第 6 (a ) 段規定,推選出任大學校董,由二零零四年八月一日起至二零零七年四月二 十二日止,以接替梁元生教授。 Prof. Cheung Yuet-wah has been elected by the Assembly of Fellows of Chung Chi College in accordance with Statute 11.5 and 16.6(a) of the Ordinance, as Member of the Council under 11.1(h) for the unexpired period of membership of Prof. Leung Yuen-sang from 1st August 2004 to 22nd April 2007. •大學校董會委任何添博士為大學校董會資深顧問,任期由二零零四年六月十六 日起生效。 The University Council has appointed Dr. Ho Tim as Senior Adviser to the Council with effect from 16th June 2004. 新任校長劉遵義教授七月一日履新 Prof. Lawrence Lau Assumed Vice-Chancellorship on 1st July 劉遵義教授已於七月一日履新,接替榮休的金耀基教授,出任中大第六任校 長。劉教授重視溝通,上任後即與大學校董、書院校董、教職員、學生和校友,以 及本地傳媒茶聚,就各方關心的問題交換意見。詳情請閱《電子快訊》 ( http://www. )。 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau assumed office as the University's sixth vice-chancellor on 1st July 2004. Various tea receptions were held during the first week of his vice- chancellorship to enhance communication with members of the University Council and College Boards of Trustees, staff and student representatives, as well as the local press. For details please consult E-Newsletter at 中大推出《電子快訊》 CUHK Launches E-Newsletter 大學於新學年推出《電子快訊》,創刊號於七月二十四日經互聯網發放。快訊將 按需要不定期出版,以適時發放有關大學的重要消息,加強校方與教職員、學生、 校友和各方友好的聯繫。每期會刊載三至五項主要訊息,各有標題及摘要,並附有 超連結以提供更多圖片及資料。 《電子快訊》由出版事務處編製,並由新聞及公共關係處和資訊科技服務處協助 提供資料及製作。首三期可於網上查閱 ( An electronic newsletter was launched on 24th July 2004 to bring news of interest to staff, students, alumni and friends in a quick and user-friendly manner. The E- Newsletter w i ll be issued periodically as necessary, without a fixed publication schedule. Each issue will consist of three to five main stories, each with a title and short summary contained in the body of the message. There will be a link to a web page, which will give further details, including pictures and possibly further links to other pages in departmental servers. A l l issues published so far can be accessed from the web at The E-Newsletter is managed by the Publication Office, with assistance from the Information and Public Relations Office and the Information Technology Services Centre. 三位教師獲政府嘉獎 Three CUHK Teachers on HKSAR's Honours List 香港特別行政區政府二零零四年授勳名單於七月一日刊憲,本校內科及藥物治 療學講座教授沈祖堯和微生物學系教授談兆麟,參與對抗 SARS 有功,分別獲授銀紫 荊星章和銅紫荊星章;而社區及家庭醫學系教授李大拔,則獲頒發行政長官社區服 務獎狀。 沈祖堯教授「去年積極參與抗禦嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症 (SARS) 工作,表現十 分出色,貢獻卓著。沈教授在治療威爾斯親王醫院的 SARS 症患者時,展現出無比的 勇氣及可敬的專業精神,並且積極參與很多關於研究、預防和治療這個病症的國際 合作活動。」政府又讚揚沈教授「協助大學教育資助委員會落實進行『教與學質素過程 保證檢討的工作』,參與有關實務,對委員會的質素保證計劃作出了寶貴貢獻。」 談兆麟教授「一直以來對醫療界貢獻良多,特別是在嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症 (SARS) 疫潮期間,他提出第一證據,顯示威爾斯親王醫院的 SARS 爆發與一種副粘 液病毒有關。」 Three faculty members of The Chinese University were honoured in the 2004 Honours List of the HKSAR for their outstanding contributions to the fight against SARS and to Hong Kong. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, professor of medicine and therapeutics, was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star for his distinguished work in the combat against SARS. He not only demonstrated exemplary courage and professionalism in treating SARS patients at the Prince of Wales Hospital, but also participated actively in international collaborative efforts on the study, prevention, and treatment of the disease. Prof. Sung also made important contributions to the University Grants Committee's quality assurance initiative by assisting the conduct of Teaching and Learning Quality Process Reviews. Prof. John S.L. Tam, professor in the Department of Microbiology, was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star for his long and significant contributions to the medical services sector, particularly during the SARS outbreak, by providing ground-breaking evidence that a paramyxovirus is associated with the outbreak at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Prof. Albert Lee, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, was awarded the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service. 副校長續任 Reappointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors 楊綱凱教授和鄭振耀教授再獲委任為大學副校長,任期俱為兩年。楊教授的任 期由二零零四年八月一日起生效;鄭教授的任期由二零零四年十月一日起生效。 Prof. Kenneth Young and Prof. Jack Cheng have been reappointed as Pro-Vice- Chancellors of the University for two years. The effective dates of their reappointment are respectively 1st August 2004 and 1st October 2004. 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointments 會計學講座教授 Professor of Accountancy 大學委任黃德尊教授為會計學講座教授,任期由二零零四 年七月二日起生效。 黃教授一九九零年取得洛杉磯加州大學哲學博士學位;加 入本校服務前,任教於香港科技大學。 Prof. Wong Tak-jun has been appointed professor of accountancy from 2nd July 2004. Prof. Wong has an MBA (1986) and a Ph.D. in management (1990) from the University of California, Los Angeles. From 2002 to 2004, he was professor in accounting and director of the Centre for Corporate Governance at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 中國語言及文學講座教授 Professor of Chinese Language and Literature 大學委任張洪年教授為中國語言及文學講座教授,任期由二零零四年八月二日 起生效。 1 暑期特刊 二零零四年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 2004
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