Newsletter No. 210
TwoWei Lun Publi c Lectures in Octobe r • NobelLaureat e i nEconomic s Lecture s o nGam e Theor y Prof. Reinhard Selten, Nobel laureate in economic sciences 1994 and professor emeritus of economics of the University of Bonn in Germany, gave a public lecture on game theory on 15th October in Esther Lee Building as Wei Lun Visiting Professor to the University. Prof. Selten's visit coincided with Prof. Mirrlees, another Nobel laureate in economic sciences (1996) and Distinguished Professor-at-Large at the University. The lecture presented a selective non-technical introduction to the field of game theory, which can be described as mathematical modelling and analysis of conflict and cooperation. Human behaviour is often much less rational and self-centred than assumed in economic theory. An emerging area of research which may be called 'descriptive game theory' tries to cope with this fact. Laboratory experimentation is used to reveal the motivational forces and the principles of bounded rationality behind human economic interaction. Reciprocity is a strong motivational force. The talk presents specific examples of experimental findings. In 1965, Prof. Selten published important work on distinguishing between reasonable and unreasonable decisions in predicting the outcome of games. He was, jointly with Prof. John C. Harsanyi and Prof. John F. Nash, awarded the 1994 Nobel prize in economic sciences for their 'pioneering analysis of equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games'. •Anothe r We i Lu n Lectur e o nFootwea r Prof. Ewald M. Hennig, professor of biomechanics of the University of Essen, Germany, explained how one should fit one's foot with suitable footwear in a lecture he delivered as Wei Lun Visiting Professor of the University on l0th October. Titled 'The Human Foot During Locomotion - Applied Research for Footwear', the lecture took place in auditorium B6 of Ho Tim Building. Prof. Hennig points out that the understanding of foot biomechanics and the specific demands of everyday and sports activities is essential in the design of adequate footwear. During the evolution of mankind over the span of several hundred million years the human foot was gradually formed from the fins of early fish to an efficient load-bearing structure for standing, walking, running, and jumping. Depending on the demands of various sports, shoes with good traction properties, stability features, and shock absorption characteristics are designed. From left: Prof. James Mi rrl ees, Prof. Ambrose King, and Prof. Reinhard Selten CUH K Executiv No . 1 Agai n i n Asi The University's Executive MBA Programme has, for the second time running, been ranked the best in Asia, and 20th worldwide, by the London-based magazine Financial Times. The S ec ondFinancial Times Top 50 ranking of Executive MBA programmes, released on 14th October 2002, is based on the responses of two questionnaires: one for the business schools, and the other for their alumni who have been in the workplace for three years after graduation. The rankings were compiled on the basis of responses from 69 business schools and 2,155 of their graduates. The University's Executive MBA Programme, launched in 1993, is the first programme of its kind offered in Hong Kong. It is a two-year part-time programme for developing in participants the essential skills and knowledge of modern management, and preparing them for general management responsibilities at the senior executive level. Relevance to Hong Kong's strategic location within China and the Asia-Pacific region is emphasized. •EMB A For um Make s Powe r Debu t The new season of the E M B A F o r um 2002-3 kicked o ff on 19th September with a presentation by Mrs. Be t ty Yuen ( r i gh t ), managing director of C LP P ower H o n g Kong Ltd., to over 80 E M BA students and a l umni i n the M B A Town Centre in Central. Her presentation, 'Challenges of the Power Industry: Implications to Hong Kong's Future', was followed by a lively discussion with her panellists, Ms. Susanna Chiu (middle) ( EMBA ,97, also chair of the first EMBA Forum) and Mr. Raymond P. Ho (left) ( EMBA ,95). The EMBA Forum is designed to provide an opportunity for EMBA students and alumni to interact with business leaders over a wide range of management issues relevant to Hong Kong, mainland China, and the Asia-Pacific. New Way to Clean Water and A i r F or the first time in Hong Kong, nanotechnology is not just a buzzword or a promise, but a reality. Researchers at the University have successfully developed state-of-the-art photocatalytic oxidation technology with the support of the Innovation and Technology Fund, and transferred the new invention to industry. NanoPCO TM technology has been commercialized and licensed to EnvironmentalCare Ltd., a company selling environmental protection products for use in high-end water treatment and air purification systems. The first application of this new technology, developed by Prof. Jimmy Yu Chai-mei of the Department of Chemistry, leads to a very safe and attractive water treatment system which has been proven to be more effective than conventional UV irradiation. It can be applied to the treatment of drinking water, industrial or agricultural waste water, and sea water. Currently water treatment systems employing NanoPCO™ technology have been installed in many local seafood restaurants. The second licence introduces a new approach for cleaning up air which overcomes the poor solar efficiency of traditional photocatalysts, making commercialization possible. This air purification system can be installed at hospitals, offices, schools, restaurants, and homes. Clinical Trials Centre for Chinese Medicine Opens at Prince of Wales Hospital TheCentre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine (CCTCM) opened officially at its new home in the CUHK Jockey Club School of Public Health Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, on 8th October. The opening ceremony took place in Kai Chong Tong of the School of Public Health. On the same occasion the CUHK Convocation presented a gift of HK$ 1,100,000 to the centre for the purchase of acupunctural and other research equipment. Prof. Ambrose King, vice-chancellor, Ms. Lina Yan, chairperson of the Convocation, and Dr. Charles Wang, convener of the Convocation's Fund-raising Sub-committee, officiated at the ceremony, which included a lion dance and a martial arts performance by the New Asia Kung Fu Club. Over a hundred practitioners in Chinese medicine, University staff, and students were i n attendance. Established in August 2000, the CCTCM is an executive arm of the Clinical Trials Section of the Institute of Chinese Medicine. Currently the centre i s conducting over 40 clinical trial projects on such diseases as diabetes-induced foot ulcers, Hepatitis B, child asthma, female ailments, cardiovascular conditions, osteoporosis, and bone metastasis.
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