Newsletter No. 184
Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2000 G o e s t o S e v e n O u t s t a n d i n g T e a c h e r s S even teachers, one from each faculty of the University, were awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2000 by none other than the vice-chancellor himself, Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, at the awards presentation ceremony held on 11 th May in the Esther Lee Building. Now in its second year of operation, the award scheme is set up to give open recognition to outstanding teachers on the campus and to reiterate the University's firm commitment to quality teaching. Recipients this year include Prof. Lo Wai-luen (Arts), Prof. Gordon W.H. Cheung (Business Administration), Prof. Patrick S.Y. Lau (Education), Prof. John C.S. Lui (Engineering), Prof. Chan Ka-leung (Medicine), Prof. Chu Ming-chung (Science), and Dr. Kenneth W.Y. Leung (Social Science). The vice- chancellor highly commended them for their excellent performance in and dedication to teaching, and thanked them for setting a good example to all teachers in the University. Each awardee received a 24-carat-gold trophy and a certificate. There were about a hundred guests attending the ceremony, including University Council members, University Officers, members of the Senate, senior administrative staff, and guests of the recipients. The Newsletter interviewed the recipients prior to the ceremony, and reports are carried on page 4 of this issue. More Suppo r t for Research A c t i v i t i es T he following four projects undertaken by faculty members of the University have attracted funding support from different quarters. • Chinese Christian Women in Hong Kong (£25,000) Sponsor: The Council for World Mission Principal investigator: Prof. Wong Wai-ching (Department of Religion) • The Development of an Instrument to Measure Discrimination Towards People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWA) in Hong Kong and to Improve the Acceptance of PLWAAmong Secondary School Students (HK$ 144,200) Sponsor. Hong Kong AIDS Foundation Principal investigator. Dr. Joseph Lau Tak-fai (Centre for Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research) • International Congress of Algebra and Combinatorics — Satellite Conference of ICM 2002 (HK$ 100,000) Sponsor: The Croucher Foundation Principal coordinator. Prof. K.P. Shum (Department of Mathematics) • New Developments in High Temperature Superconductivity Theory (HK$600,000) Sponsor: The Croucher Foundation Principal coordinator: Prof. Lin Hai Qing (Department of Physics) Award-winning Study Shows Chinese Prone to Brain Vessel Narrowing T he World Health Organization estimates that the number of stroke deaths in China will escalate from 1.2 million in 1990 to 2.2 million by 2020. Unlike patients in the West where narrowing of neck vessels is common, narrowing of brain vessels is the commonest among Chinese stroke patients. Prof. Lawrence Wong Ka-sing of the University's Department of Medicine and Therapeutics conducted the first study ever on the frequency of brain vessel narrowing in Chinese at the community level, and found that the situation is common among Chinese, even in asymptomatic patients, i.e. those showing no risk factors. Advanced ultrasound equipment has rendered detection of vessel narrowing far less difficult. However it may be difficult for stroke-prone asymptomatic patients to be aware of their situation. The study also confirmed that the risk of vessel narrowing rises sharply in subjects with multiple risk factors. The study, recently awarded the 2001 Bruce Schoenberg Award by the American Academy of Neurology, will lead to better prevention measures against stroke. Asian Christian Tertiary Institutions in the Spotlight A n international conference on The Challenges of Asian Christian Universities in the 21st Century' was held by Chung Chi College from 9th to 11th May in celebration of its 50th anniversary. Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, vice-chancellor of the University, and Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, head of the college, officiated at the opening ceremony of the conference, which took place at L i Koon Chun Hall on the afternoon of 9th May. Topics discussed included Christian universities in historical perspective, challenges to Christian higher education in Asia, relation between Christian universities and churches, and the future role and opportunities of Christian universities in Hong Kong. The keynote speakers were Prof. William B. Adrian, former provost and professor of Pepperdine University in the US, Dr. David Vikner, former president of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, Dr. Judo Poerwowidagdo, president of Krida Wacana Christian University in Indonesia, and Prof. Daniel Tse, president and vice-chancellor of Hong Kong Baptist University. Nineteen other scholars from the US and Asia also spoke at the various plenary sessions.
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