Newsletter Summer Supplement (1998)
宣•布•事•項 A N N O U N C E M E N T S 校董會成員 New Council Members • 依據《香港中文大學規程》(下稱大學規程)規程 11 第 1(1) 段及第 4 段規定,陳鑑林 議員、羅祥國博士及鄧兆棠議員由一九九八年七月一日起停止出任大學校董。另 陳鑑林議員、張文光議員及田北俊議員由一九九八年七月十日起獲立法會議員(官 守議員除外)互選出任大學校董。 • 教務會依據大學規程 11 第 1 (i) 段及第 4 段規定推選或再度推選關信基教授、劉兆佳 教授及李卓予教授出任大學校董,任期三年,由一九九八年八月一日起生效。 • In accordance with Statute 11.1(1) and 11.4 of the University Ordinance, the Honourable Chan Kam-lam, Dr. Law Cheung-kwok, and Dr. the Honourable Tang Siu-tong ceased to be members of the University Council on 1st July 1998, and the Honourable Chan Kam-lam, the Honourable Cheung Man-kwong, and the Honourable James P.C. Tien have been elected by the members of the Legislative Council, other than official members, from among their own number, as members of the Chinese University Council from 10th July 1998. • In accordance with Statute 11.l(i) and 11.4 of the Ordinance, Prof. H.C. Kuan, Prof. Lau Siu-kai, and Prof. C.Y. Lee have been elected/re-elected by the Senate as members of the Council, each for three years from 1st August 1998. 副校長續任 Pro-Vice-Chancellor Reappointed 經校長推薦,並依據《香港中文大學條例》 5(6) 條及大學規程 7 規定,大學校董會 再度委任物理學講座教授兼硏究院院長楊綱凱教授續任副校長,任期兩年,由一九九 八年八月一日起生效。 In accordance with University Ordinance 5(6) and Statute 7, Prof. Kenneth Young, professor of physics and dean of the Graduate School, has been reappointed by the University Council as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for two years from 1st August 1998. 大學輔導長續任 University Dean of Students Reappointed 經校長推薦,並依據大學規程10第 5 段規定,大學校董會續聘歷史系郭少棠教授 出任大學輔導長,任期一年,由一九九八年八月一日起生效。 In accordance with Statute 10.5 of the University Ordinance, Prof. Kwok Siu-tong of the Department of History has been reappointed by the University Council as University Dean of Students for a year from 1st August 1998. 大學成員獲殊榮 •大學副校長金耀基教授名列香港特別行政區行政長官授勳及嘉獎名單(一九九八年 七月一日公布),以其「在社會學領域學術成就超卓,且積極參與公眾及社區服務 工作,不遺餘力」,獲授銀紫荊星章。 •博文講座教授楊振寧教授於六月十四日受聘爲北京淸華大學名譽教授。 •歷史系郭少棠教授五月中獲北京淸華大學人文社會科學學院特聘爲首位硏究顧 問。 •地理系講座教授楊汝萬教授於六月廿九日獲聘爲深圳市社會科學院名譽硏究員, 並爲該院第一位客籍教授。 Orientation for New Teachers Two orientation programmes, one for new teaching staff and one for new teaching assistants, will be organized by the Teaching Development Unit on 27th—28th August and 3rd September 1998 respectively. Experienced members of the faculty will share their insights with the participants and staff from the Computer Services Centre, the University Library, and the Personnel Office will be invited to introduce their services. 長假代金的安排 Payment in Lieu of Long Leave 本年度的長假代金已隨七月份之薪金發放。按「一九九零年長假安排」而享有長假 代金之同事,若其於六月三十日前提交的長假申請有所更改,其長假代金之金額可能 亦需調整。查詢長假代金或假期餘額,請電人事處(內線七二九一 /七二九二),或電 郵。 As in the past years, eligible staff members under the 1990 long leave scheme should have received payment in lieu of long leave as at 30th June 1998 up to a maximum of one month's salary in their July 1998 payroll. For staff members who have made changes to their long leave balance after 30th June 1998, there may be adjustments to the amount payable. Enquiries on such matters and individual leave balances may be directed to the Personnel Office at Ext. 7291/7292 or via e-mail to Personnel- . 日本聖公會威廉斯會督紀 念基金「訪問硏究員/培訓學員」計劃 Bishop Williams Memorial Fund Visiting Researcher/Trainee Programme Invites Applications 日本聖公會威廉斯會督紀念基金現接受一九九九至二零零一年度「訪問硏究員/培 訓學員」計劃資助之申請。 獲選者可在日本立教大學或其他聖公會教育機構從事硏究或修讀所選學科。 新年度之硏究或培訓計劃由一九九九年十月開始,爲期一年半,首六個月修讀日 文。獲選者可免繳學費,並獲資助生活費(每月十五萬日圓)、單人宿舍宿費,以及來 回日本之旅費。 申請人須 (一)於一九九九年十月一日時未滿卅五歲; (二)大學或大專畢業,目前須受僱於商業、農業或教育機構,或任職於政府部 門,或於硏究院攻讀,或具上述各項之同等資格,或畢業於特殊技術或職 業學校及具數年有關工作經驗; (三)爲聖公會會友並經其教區會督推薦。若屬其他宗派之基督徒,則須由一位 聖公會會督推薦。 申請表格可向人事處索取,塡妥後須於一九九八年十月卅—日前直接寄往下址: Bishop Williams Memorial Fund c/o Office of the President Rikkyo University Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171 Japan Applications are invited by the Board of Trustees of the Bishop Williams Memorial Fund of the Anglican-Episcopal Church of Japan (Nippon Sei Ko Kai — NSKK) for participation in their Visiting Research/Trainee Programme in 1999-2001. Successful applicants will be attached to Rikkyo University in Tokyo or other NSKK affiliated institutions in Japan for research or training in their chosen field for approximately one and a half years from October 1999. During the initial six months, participants will be expected to undertake training in the Japanese language. Tuition will be waived and a stipend of ¥150,000 per month and single person's quarters will be provided. Transportation expenses to and from Japan will be reimbursed. The applicant should be under 35 years of age on 1st October 1999. He/she should be a graduate of a university or college, be currently employed in the civil service or other commercial, agricultural or educational enterprises, or enrolled in graduate school, or engaged in research or training at a recognized educational or research institution, or be a graduate of a junior college or a specialized technical or vocational school with a few years' actual working experience subsequent to his/ her graduation. He/she should also be an Anglican recommended by the Anglican bishop of his/her diocese, or a Christian of another denomination recommended by an Anglican bishop. Application forms and further information can be obtained from the Personnel Office (Ext. 7288/7191), and should be sent direct to the following address by 31st October 1998: Bishop Williams Memorial Fund, c/o Office of the President, Rikkyo University, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171, Japan 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 暑期特 刊 一九九八年八月十九 日 Summer Supplement 19th August 1998 1
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