Newsletter Supplement to No. 114
CUHK Newsletter Supplement to No. 114 19th October 1997 利漢釗博士繼利國偉博士出任校董會主席 校董會選出新任副主席及司庫 大學校 董會主席利國偉博士將於今年十月二十三日 任滿後榮休 。利博士 服務大 學校董會逾三十四年,貢獻 卓越, 校董會決定以利國偉博士的名字命名工商管理學 院,以表揚他自 創校以來對大學的傑出貢獻,並銘謝他 鼎力匡助 工商管理學院的建立與發展,爲該院籌募充裕 資 金與基建經費,使成爲一所在全亞洲甚至在國際上居 前列地位的 商學院。 大學監督董建華先生已委任現任校董會副主席利漢 釗博士爲下一任校董會主席;校董會亦選出現任大學司 庫林李 翹如博 士繼利漢釗博士出任校董會副主席,校董 郭炳聯 先生將繼任大學司庫。三人的任期均由一九九七 年十月二十四日起生效。 利 國偉博士是一位對本港敎育事業的全面發展有卓 越而 深遠影饗的社會領袖; 他 歷任敎育委員會主席與敎 育統籌委員會首任主席,統籌規劃本港的整體敎育制 度。利國偉博士尤其積極推動本港高等敎育發展,與香 港 中文大學更關係密切。利國偉博士是創校司庫,參與 大學的籌建,並於一九八二年起出任校董會主席至今, 領導大學成長。今天的中大已發展成爲一所擁有一萬三 千名學生,校園佔地一百三十四公頃,提供全面綜合課 程,硏究成就卓越,享譽國際的學府,利國偉博士厥功 至偉。利國偉博士數十年來與許多捐款人和資助機構聯 繫,爲大學籌募數以億計的巨額捐款。他本人復捐資設 立偉倫基金,贊助大學的訪問敎授計劃,促進大學科硏 發展,並加強中大與國際上成就卓越的學人交流。利博 士愛護中大,感情深厚;他在榮休後將繼續出任終身校 董,與大學保持密切的聯繫。 利漢釗博士爲希愼興業有限公司主席兼常務董事, 自一九九二年起出任大學校董,歷任敎職員服務規則委 員會主席、校園計劃及建設委員會主席和捐贈委員會委 員等要職,由今年七月一日起,復出任校董會副主席。 利漢釗博士對大學愛護備至,致力促進大學發展與革 新,不遺餘力。利博士及其家族自中大創校以來,一直 鼎力支持大學,慷慨捐資。利漢釗博士在香港、內地及 國際工商界都有崇高的聲譽和良好的聯繫。他現時肩負 的公職,包括香港政府首長級及司法人員薪俸及服務條 件常務委員會主席,以及全國政協委員等。 林李翹如博士曾擔任執業律師,也是一位傑出的銀 行家,現任蘇富比亞洲區主席。她從七十年代末期開始 擔任嶺南工商管理硏究所顧問委員會及三年制工商管理 碩士課程顧問委員會成員。一九八七年,林博士加入校 董會的財務委員會;一九八九年起,出任大學司庫和財 務委員會主席,同時兼任校園計劃及建 設委員會委員、 捐贈委員會召集人、敎職員公積金 信託人、二年制工商 管理碩士課程顧問委員會主席等要職。 林博士一向關懷 敎職員福利,並全力匡助大學發展, 熱心籌募發展基 金,設立香港中文大學基金會與香港生 物科技硏究院, 尤其貢獻良多。 林博士在其他公職和社會服務方 面亦建樹良多,成 績卓著。她曾服務於多個政府委員會,其 中包括公務員 薪酬及服務條件常務委員會。林博士現任 大學聯合薪酬 委員會主席、香港醫學專科學院的財務委 員會和建築及 財務聯席委員會的主席、張鑑泉基金會主席, 以及裘槎 基金會信託人。 郭炳聯先生現任大學校董,同 時出任大學投標管理 委員會主席、校園計劃及建設委員會委員 和捐贈委員會 委員。他關懷大學,多方面促進校務發展,貢 獻良多。 郭校董畢業於劍橋大學及哈佛 商學院,現爲新鴻基 地產集團副主席兼董事總經理。 他 主理的 家族業務遍及 地產及基建發展、建造業、酒店、公共交 通事業、資產 管理及電子通訊等範疇。郭校董 服務於多個政府委員 會,包括香港港口發展局和接受存款公 司諮詢委員會 等。 Dr . Lee Hon-chiu Succeeds Dr. Lee Quo-wei as Council C h a i r m a n Council Elected New V i ce -Cha i rman and Treasurer Chairman of the University Council Dr. Lee Quo-wei will retire when his current term as Council Chairman expires on 23rd October 1997 after more than 34 years of distinguished service on the University Council. The Chancellor of the University, Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, has appointed Dr. Lee Hon-chiu, Vice-Chairman ofthe Council, as the next Council Chairman. The Council has also elected Dr. Alice Kiu-yue Lam, University Treasurer, to succeed Dr. Lee Hon-chiu as Vice-Chairman of the Council, and Mr. Raymond Kwok, Council Member, as the new Treasurer. All three new appointments will take effect from 24th October 1997. The Council has resolved to name the Faculty of Business Administration in honour of Dr. Lee Quo-wei to give permanent recognition to his remarkable contribution to the University for more than 34 years, and to the significant role he has played in the establishment and the development of the Faculty of Business Administration, in particular. Now one of the best business schools in Asia and recognized internationally, the Faculty of Business Administration owes much of its rapid growth to the substantial financial support raised on its behalf by Dr. Lee over the years. A truly distinguished community leader and a devoted educationist, Dr. Lee chaired the Board of Education and was the first Chairman of the Education Commission, and has been instrumental in the overall planning and development of the education system in Hong Kong. Dr. Lee is also a staunch supporter of tertiary education and has a long and close association with the University. He played an important part in the founding of the University in 1963. He was the Founding Treasurer 1963-82 and then Chairman of the Council from 1982 onwards. Under his leadership, the University has grown from strength to strength. It is now an internationally renowned university with 13,000 students and a spacious campus of 134 hectares, offering a comprehensive range of academic programmes and producing excellent research. With his extensive community network, Dr. Lee has obtained magnanimous donations for the University from many benefactors. He himselfhas made a generous donation to establish the Wei Lun Foundation Endowment Fund in support of the visiting professorship/fellowship programme at the University to promote the discovery and dissemination of knowledge and other scholarly pursuits. Dr. Lee has always concerned himself with the well-being and development of the University. After his retirement, Dr. Lee will maintain his close ties with the University as a Life Member of the Council. Currently Chairman and Managing Director of Hysan Development Company Limited, Dr. Lee Hon-chiu has been a Member of the University Council since 1992. He is now Chairman of the Terms of Service Committee and the Campus Planning and Building Committee, and a member of the Committee on Donations. He was elected Vice- Chairman of the Council with effect from 1st July 1997. In these capacities, he has given invaluable support to the development of the University. Dr. Lee and the Lee family have given the University their magnanimous support and patronage since the founding of the University, Highly respected by the local and international business community, Dr. Lee Hon-chiu is a prominent business leader with excellent social connections. He also actively participates in public service and is now Chairman of the Standing Committee on Directorate/Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service, and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Currently Co-Chairman of Sotheby's Asia, Dr. Alice Kiu-yue Lam was previously a practising solicitor and a successful banker. Her association with the University dates back to the late seventies, when she served as a member of the Advisory Boards of both the Lingnan Institute of Business Administration and the Three-year MBA Programme. She became a member of the Finance Committee of the Council in 1987, and has been the University Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Committee since 1989. She also serves as a member of the Campus Planning and Building Committee, Convener of the Committee on Donations, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Two-year MBA Programme, and a Trustee of the Staff Superannuation Schemes. In these various capacities, Dr. Lam has raised major donations for the University's development projects and promoted the well- being of its staff members. She also helped establish The Chinese University of Hong Kong Foundation Limited and the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Limited. Dr. Lam is also active in public service. She has served on numerous government committees including the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service. She is now Chairman of the Universities Joint Salaries Committee, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Co-Chairman of the Joint Building and Finance Committee of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Chairman of Stephen Cheong Foundation, and also a Trustee of The Croucher Foundation. Mr. Raymond Kwok, the new Treasurer, is Chairman of the University Tender Board and a member of both the Campus Planning and Building Committee and the Committee on Donations. Educated at Cambridge University and Harvard Business School, Mr. Kwok is the Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, which has business interests in property and infrastructural development, construction, property management, hotels, public transport, asset management, and telecommunications. Active in public service, Mr. Kwok is a member of the Hong Kong Port Development Board and theDeposit-takingCompanies Advisory Committee. 中大通訊 第一壹四期附頁 一九九七年十月十九日
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