Newsletter Summer Supplement (1996)
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 李國章 教授接任校長 Prof. A r t hur K. C. L i Assumes Vice- Chancellorship 李國章教授於一九 九六年八月一日起出長 中大,接替已榮休的高 錕教授,成爲本校第四 任校長。 李教授畢業於英國 劍橋大學,並曾在美國 哈佛大學醫學院及波士 頓麻省總醫院深造,專 攻肝、膽、胰及上腹腔 外科手術,一九八一年 獲劍橋大學頒予醫學博 士學位。翌年,李教授加入本校醫學院,出任外科學系 創系講座教授。一九九二及一九九五年,李教授兩度膺 選醫學院院長。 過去十四年,李教授在教學、科硏、行政、醫療與 服務各方面均貢獻傑出,而籌募款項匡助醫學院、外科 學系及大學整體發展,亦有卓著成績。 出任校長後,李教授仍兼任醫學院外科學系講座教 授,並會撥出時間繼續從事教學與硏究工作,以貢獻其 專業知識,跟進醫學的最新發展。他認爲通識教育、書 院制度及雙語並重政策是本校辦學的優勢,也是將來發 展的基礎。李教授將致力加強與海內外優秀學術機構和 卓越中心的聯繫,爭取社會各方面對大學的支持,領導 中大邁進二十一世紀。 Prof. Arthur K. C. Li, professor of surgery and a surgeon of international repute, has succeeded Prof. Charles K. Kao to become the fourth vice-chancellor of the University. He formally assumed vice-chancellorship on 1st August 1996. Prof. Li was educated at Cambridge University and underwent specialist training in hepatobiliary and upper gastrointestinal surgery at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Prof. Li has won numerous prestigious awards in the field of surgery, and was granted honorary fellowships by several surgical colleges and associations, and honorary professorships by many academic institutions. His research efforts have resulted in the publication of over 200 original articles in peer review journals, numerous book chapters and abstracts. Prof. Li joined the University in 1982 as the founding chair of surgery. He was elected dean of the Medical Faculty twice, in 1992 and 1995. Over the past 14 years he has made significant contributions not only to medicine but also to teaching, research, and university administration. He has also raised substantial donations for the University's development. Prof. Li is active in public service. He is president of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong and has served other medical bodies, such as the Hospital Authority, the Medical Council of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, and the United Christian Hospital. Prof. Li is also a Hong Kong Affairs Adviser to China, and amember of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Preparatory Committee. 新任校董 New Council Member 殷巧兒女士獲大學評 議會依大學規程第 11.1 (n) 條及第18.7條推選,出任 大學校董,任期由一九九 六年六月廿九日起生效。 Ms. Yan Hau-yee has been elected by the University Convocation in accordance with Statutes 11.1(n) and 18.7 as a member of the University Council from 29th June 1996. 學院/書院院長 Faculty/College Heads •市場學系李金漢教授獲選連任工商管理學院院長,任 期三年,由一九九六年八月一日起生效。 •矯形外科及創傷學系梁秉中教授獲續委爲新亞書院院 長,任期三年,由一九九六年八月一日起生效。 Dean of Business Administration Prof. Lee Kam-hon has been re-elected dean of business administration for three years from 1st August 1996. Head of New Asia Prof. Leung Ping-chung has been reappointed head of New Asia College for three years from 1st August 1996. 新任大學主管人員 Appointment of University Officers 大學教務長 大學委任何文匯教 授爲大學教務長,由一 九九六年六月十一日起 生效。 何文匯教授專硏中 國古典文學,著有學術 專論及文學作品十多 種。何教授於一九七九 年加入本校中國語言及 文學系任講師,除教學 與硏究外,曾擔任該系 執行委員會成員及新亞 書院中文系學系聯絡 人。 何教授積極參與社 會事務,曾任區域市政局議員達十年之久,期間推廣本 地藝術及文化,不遺餘力;對文化、文物的保存,建樹 尤多。何教授出任之公職尙包括演藝發展局、雙語法例 諮詢委員會、語文基金諮詢委員會委員,以及色情物品 審裁員。 何教授在香港大學取得文學士及哲學碩士學位後, 負笈倫敦大學,一九七五年取得哲學博士學位。加入本 校服務前,曾在香港傳播界及公營機構任職。 大學總務長 大學委任陳鎭榮先生爲大學總務務長,由一九九六年 十月十六日起生效。 陳鎭榮先生爲特許會計師,有超過十八年之專業經 驗,曾於一九八四至一九九零年服務中大總務處,由高 級總務主任晉升至副總務長,對大學的財務預算及管理 非常熟悉。 陳先生現時服務於中華電力有限公司,主管發電業 務之財務管理及成本控制。陳先生在大學及公營機構工 作多年,累積了豐富的行政經驗及與政府部門溝通之技 巧。 陳先生畢業於香港大學,主修經濟及會計,於一九 七七年之英國特許會計師學會執業試審計科取得全英首 名。此外,他亦爲澳洲特許會計師學會及香港會計師公 會會士。 The University Council has appointed Prof. Richard M. W. Ho as University Registrar from 11th June and Mr. Terence C. W. Chan as University Bursar from 16th October. University Registrar A well-known scholar in Chinese phonology and dialectology, Prof. Richard M. W. Ho joined the University in 1979 as lecturer at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Prof. Ho's interest is classical Chinese, and he has made important contributions to the development of the University's language programmes. He has been a member of the executive committee of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and coordinator of Chinese at New Asia College. Prof. Ho has also been active in community service. As a Regional Council member from 1986 to 1995, he is known for his efforts in preserving Hong Kong's heritage and in promoting art and culture. He has been a member o f the Coun c il f or the Performing Arts, the Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee, the Language Fund Advisory Committee, and the Obscene Articles Tribunal. Prof. Ho graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1969 and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of London in 1975. He had worked in the media and public organizations before joining the University in 1979. University Bursar A chartered accountant with over 18 years of professional experience, Mr. Terence C. W. Chan joined the University Bursar's Office in 1984 and was promoted to Deputy Bursar in 1990. Mr. Chan is currently finance manager of the Generation Business Group of China Light and Power 何文匯教授 Prof. Richard M. W. Ho 陳鎭榮先生 Mr. Terence C. W. Chan 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 暑期特刊 一九九六年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 1996 1
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