Newsletter Special Issue
CUHK Newsletter 中 -大-通-訊 Special Issue 專 號 大學校董會宣佈:校長髙錕教授之任期原於明年七月底屆滿,現髙校長應校董會邀請續任兩 年,即任期延至一九九六年七月卅一日為止。 髙錕教授是享舉國際的電訊工程師和科學家;亦為研究光導纖維的先驅。電訊界人士推崇他 為這門現代枓技研究之始創人。 高教授於一九八七年出任校長,履任以來,領導大學加強教學與硏究,成立教育及工程兩學 院,並應社會需要,開辦多個新研究所及多項新課程,其中包括建築學、生物科技、環境料學、 曰本研究、護理學、藥劑學、體育及小學教育等學科。 高教授不斷鼓勵大學師生在教學和科硏上追求優越成績。他同時推動多項開發計劃以促進 本港開創新興的工商企業。 高教授在國際上備受尊崇 , 他精極拓展大學與海內外知名學府的學術聯繋。 大學校董會主席利國偉爵士表示:校董會讚揚高校長帶領大學邁步發展,作出卓越貢獻。深 信高校長今次延任將能為中大建立更深廣的基礎,以迎接下一世紀的挑戰。 一九九三年二月十二日 The University Council announces today that Prof. Charles K. Kao has agreed to continue in office as Vice-Chancellor of the University for a further period of two years from 1st August 1994 to 31st July 1996. A world renowned engineer and research scientist in telecommunication, Prof. Kao is a pioneer in optical fibre communication and has been acclaimed as the 'father' of this modem technology by professionals in the field. Prof. Kao first became Vice-Chancellor in 1987. Under his able leadership, the University has enhanced its academic and research programmes. Two new faculties (the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Engineering) have been founded. Several new research institutes and new degree programmes including Architecture, Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Japanese Studies, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Education and Primary Education have been launched to meet community needs. Prof. Kao encourages his colleagues and students to pursue excellence in both teaching and research. He has also masterminded several projects with an aim to creating new initiatives for industrial and business development in Hong Kong. Prof. Kao enjoys a very high international reputation. He has helped the University to foster and further extend its links with major centres of excellence worldwide. Sir Quo-wei Lee, chairman of the University Council, said that the Council greatly appreciates Prof. Kao's valuable contributions to the University during his vice-chancellorship and supports his efforts to achieve excellence. Prof. Kao's continuation in office will be significant in enabling The Chinese University to further broaden and deepen its foundation to meet the challenges of the next century. 12th February 1993
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