Newsletter No. 33
中 大通訊 CUHK Newsletter Vol. 38 No. 33 August 1992 University News Four Dist inguished Persons to Receive Hono r a ry Degrees Four distinguished individuals will be awarded honorary degrees at the University's 44th congregation to be held on 15th October 1992 on the University campus. The Rt. Hon. Christopher Patten, Governor of Hong Kong, will officiate at the ceremony as Chancellor of the University. Mrs. Alice Kiu-yue Lam, JP, and Mr. Wilson T. S. Wang, OBE, JP will each be awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws , honoris causa. Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee will receive the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, and Prof. Ezra F. Vogel, the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa. Mrs. Alice Kiu-yue Lam Director and General Manager of the Hang SengBank Ltd., director of the Hong Kong Telephone Co. Ltd., executive director of the Wing On Bank Ltd. Mrs. Alice Kiu-yue Lam, a staunch supporter of local tertiary education, has given the University invaluable advice over the years in her capacity as Treasurer of the University and chairman of its various committees, including the Finance Committee, the Universities Joint Salaries Committee, and the Advisory Board of the Two-year MBA Programme. She also holds key finance and development-related positions in the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. A solicitor by training, Mrs. Lam has also devoted much of her time to the work of many public and voluntary bodies, such as the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service, the Securities and Futures Appeals Panel, and the Hong Kong Kidney Foundation Ltd. Mr. Wilson T. S. Wang Proprietor and supervisor f New Method College. An educationalist and veteran in public service, Mr . Wilson T. S. Wang has rendered distinguished service to the community since the fifties, notably in the areas of sports, education, and medical services. He has made donations to help establish several professorships in the University and a conference fund for the Department of Surgery. He was Legislative Councillor from 1968 to 1975 and vice-chairman of the United College Board of Trustees from 1959 to 1972. He is also founder president of both the Hong Kong Cycling Association and the Hong Kong Amateur Gymnastic Association, and ex-chairman of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Board of Directors and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Council. Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee is an outstanding geneticist. He and his research team identified the gene that causes cystic fibrosis, a common genetic disorder among Caucasians. The discovery may lead to better diagnosis and screening tests for people who carry the defective gene, and gives new hopes of an eventual cure for sufferers of cystic fibrosis. Prof. Tsui has received numerous awards in recognition of his scientific 1
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