Newsletter No. 16
CUHK Newsletter 中 — 大 I 通 — 訊 Vol 2-3 No. 16 March 1991 University News Open Letter about Decentralization front the Vice-Chancellor T he vice-chancellor issued his fourth open letter to all staff and students of the University on 6th February. In his letter, he emphasized the need to decentralize the University's decision making process to better cope with its rapid expansion and the growing complexity of its organization. A decentralization programme, the result of several months' consultation with staff and faculty of various levels by the vice-chancellor, will be implemented in phases to avoid unnecessary anxiety and disruption. The exercise is aimed at delegating more decision-making responsibilities to the faculties and departments. Faculty deans and department chairmen will be held accountable for decisions and actions taken by their faculty or department in relation to the decentralized functions. Central administrative units headed by the bursar, the registrar and the secretary of the University will provide specific service support and assume advisory and monitoring roles on the implementation of University policies. The first phase of the decentralization programme, which relates to personnel and financial matters, will begin in August this year. The next three years will see the gradual introduction of other component parts of the programme. To summarize, the changes to be implemented within the 1991-94 time frame will include 1. giving faculty boards the authority to make final recommendations on teaching and research appointments of senior lecturer rank or below; 2. allowing departments within the same faculty to swop established teaching posts of the same terms of service, and to swop terms B and C office support/technical posts according to preset guidelines; 3. allocating resources under a new formula, whereby faculties will have the discretion to arrange inter-departmental or inter-faculty transfer of funds as long as the University total for each vote remains basically unchanged. The allocation of student numbers to the faculties will continue to be centrally planned but may be adjusted after negotiation. The vice-chancellor hopes that the University will benefit from the greater f l ex i b i l i ty generated by this decentralized system. US$6 Million Donation for Research on South China, Hong Kong and Taiwan The University recently received a donation of US$6 million to carry out a joint research programme with Yale University. The donation has been pledged by two local business magnates: Dr. Cheng Yu Tung and Dr. Lee Shau Kee. They are long-time benefactors of the University and have made important contributions towards educational and cultural developments in Hong Kong. Both are trustees of United College and members of the Advisory Board of the Three-Year MBA Programme. The research programme to be supported will focus on studies of South China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It will be administered by the Council of East Asian Studies at Yale and theHong Kong Institute of Asia Pacific Studies at The Chinese University. The two institutions will work together to promote a broader and better understanding of Hong Kong and its neighbours, and 1
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