Annual Report 2006–07
教職員 Staff 67 at the chair level for various disciplines. At the same time, the new guidelines and procedures for the search and appointment of Faculty Deans were approved by the Council. To enhance flexibility of appointment and further strengthen its research effort, a new set of research ranks, namely, Research Assistant (External Fund) and Senior Research Assistant (External Fund), was introduced to allow the offer of more competitive terms to recruit researchers to join the University. Staff Training and Development The University encourages staff members to enhance their knowledge and skills through continuous learning to meet the ever-changing job demands. In 2006–07, the following training and development opportunities were offered: Staff development programmes and grants: three teachers received financial support from the University in the form of scholarships, fellowships, training loans or special grants to further their studies and conduct research at local and overseas institutions of higher learning • 註: 以二零零七年六月三十日紀錄計算 Note : All figures as at 30 June 2007 ɀཌྷཌྷʒϭཌྷȼα۹Ͳᓻઠᓻ ࡗ ᓻП ᓻज़ʗ̠྇ Distribution of Full-time Staff by Job Types/Grades 2006–07 ᐢɁᅕ 7RWDO : 5,975 ঢ়ज़ኒdኒज़Пʥԯˢ Senior Instructor, Instructor Equivalent and Others 384 (29.7%) ᑟज़П Lecturer Equivalent 576 (44.7%) ঢ়ज़ᑟज़П Senior Lecturer Equivalent 197 (15.3%) ઠज़П Reader Equivalent 34 (2.6%) ᑟઠज़П Professor Equivalent 99 (7.7%) ᓻɮ Minor 1,051 (17.6%) ޢ Ӡ Research 1,104 (18.5%) ʼ࣊ Office Supporting 1,225 (20.5%) ਿพ Professional 312 (5.2%) Ϸ ܧ Administrative 356 (6.0%) Ҍ Technical 637 (10.6%) ઠነ Teaching 1,290 (21.6%) 為提升聘任的靈活性和進一步加強大學的研究實 力,大學增設研究助理(非公費資助)和高級研究 助理(非公費資助)的職位,提供更具競爭力的服 務條件,以吸納研究人才加入大學工作。 ઠᓻ ࡗ ফʥೕࢄ 大學鼓勵教職員持續進修,以適應瞬息萬變的社會 環境,接受新的挑戰和應付新的工作需要。二零零 六至零七年度各項培訓及發展計劃概況如下: 教職員進修計劃:三名教師獲大學頒發之獎助 學金或培訓貸款,在本港或海外專上院校進修 或開展研究工作 會議補助金:大學提供津貼予二百九十三名教 職員,出席本港及海外的學術和專業會議 進修津貼:繼續提供員工培訓及發展經費予各 學系及行政部門,資助員工參加不同的業務研討 會、工作坊及培訓課程,提高工作技能和知識 ‧ ‧ ‧
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