Annual Report 2006–07
服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 65 In Support of Business and Industry The Faculties of the University made significant progress in areas including mobile technology, engineering sciences, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and innovative healthcare devices, making vast contributions to the local industry. The Mobile Technologies Centre (MobiTeC) in the Faculty of Engineering, established in 2003 with donations from the industry, has been working closely with the local network operators and mobile equipment suppliers. The latest research result of MobiTeC is a real-time universal video transcoder system developed by Prof. Lee Yiu-bun Jack in the Department of Information Engineering. It has enabled Smartone-Vodafone, a major mobile operator in Hong Kong, to launch a first-of-its-kind mobile Internet service. The subscribers of this service can view essentially any multimedia content on the Internet anytime anywhere with a 3G phone. This demonstrates how the University’s innovation helps the local industry to develop world leading products or services. The collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering and IBM has been expanding in the past two years. Besides co-organizing summer camps to encourage more female students to study engineering subjects, the Faculty’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering cooperated with IBM on AIX applications research and development. The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management has been working closely with IBM to look into the opportunities relating to IBM’s strategic new paradigm in ‘Services Sciences, Management and Engineering’. Following the global trend in applying RFID in logistics management, the Department of Electronic Engineering has successfully kicked off two government-funded research and development projects to help the regional industry to explore this emerging market. Prof. Choy Chiu-sing in the department is working with semiconductor companies to develop cost-effective RFID tags operating in the Ultra High Frequency band. Prof. Wu Keli is working with ZTE, a major telecommunication equipment manufacturer in China, to develop location technologies for RFID systems. The problem of aging population is inducing growing demand for healthcare support for patients of chronic diseases. The Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering have joined forces to develop different kinds of innovative healthcare devices suitable for telemedicine and mobile healthcare applications. For example, Prof. Zhang Yuanting developed new algorithms for measuring blood pressure variation and heart beat rate. Companies such as Jetfly, Golden Meditech, and Bird are leveraging on such innovations to develop new products or to upgrade their current products. 亞太工商研究所是香港和大中華地區行政管理教育 的先導機構,年內開辦多項深造文憑課程,協助工 商管理人員更新裝備,迎接二十一世紀的急劇轉變 和挑戰。 二零零六至零七年度,該所舉辦的頒授學歷課程主 要如下: 企業管理深造文憑課程 財務學深造文憑課程 財務策劃行政課程 理財策劃與管理專業文憑課程 ʻɮਆพ 中大各學院對支援本地工商業不遺餘力,年內於流 動通訊、工程科學、無線射頻識別技術,以及創新 醫療設備等方面尤有進展。 工程學院的流動通訊技術中心,在業界的贊助下於 二零零三年成立,一向與本地網絡營運商和流動 網絡設備供應商緊密合作。中心的最新研究成果, 是由訊息工程學系李耀斌教授開發、用於第三代流 動電話網絡的即時視像轉碼器,該技術已為本地主 要流動網絡商數碼通所採用,並從而成功開發及推 出全球首創的流動互聯網多媒體服務。用戶可以隨 時隨地使用手機觀看互聯網上絕大部分的多媒體內 容。這例子充分說明了中大的創新研究成果,可以 幫助本地業界發展領先全球的產品或服務。 過去兩年,工程學院與萬國商業機器不斷加強合 作。除了合辦夏令營以增加中學女生對工程科學的 興趣外,計算機科學與工程學系亦與萬國商業機 器合作,推動AIX電腦操作系统的應用研發。另 外,系統工程與工程管理學系也探討萬國商業機器 所推動的「服務業工程科學管理」概念可帶來的新 機遇。 隨著無線射頻識別技術在全球物流管理行業中的應 用日漸廣泛,電子工程學系獲政府資助,開展兩 個相關的研發項目,協助本港業界探索這個新興市 場。該系蔡潮盛教授與香港半導體業界合作,開發 低成本、高效能、在超高頻頻段運作的射頻標籤。 同時,吳克利教授亦與中國大型電信設備製造商中 興通訊股份有限公司合作,發展射頻標籤的定位技 術。 應付慢性疾病的醫療需求隨著人口老化日益增加。 醫學院和工程學院合作,開發各種適合遙距及流動 醫療的嶄新醫療設備。例如工程學院張元亭教授開 發的測量血壓變化及心跳率的技術,香港捷飛科研 有限公司、波導國際有限公司、金衛醫療科技有限 公司等,即研究使用這些創新技術以開發及改良新 產品。 ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧
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