Annual Report 2006–07
學術發展 Academic Development 37 The Faculty set up the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology and Agricultural Biotechnology, under which was the Area of Excellence project—Centre for Plant and Agricultural Biotechnology. The centre received a sustained funding of HK$25 million for a period of three years (2007–10) from the UGC. The mission of the project is to generate high- valued agricultural and health products, invent and transfer new technologies and produce human capital in the field of biotechnology. It aims at generating crops with improved yield and quality, developing novel technological platforms and knowledge, and training innovative technologists in the field of biotechnology. The Faculty secured close to HK$5 million of external funding through competitive bids for various projects from the Education and Manpower Bureau (now Education Bureau), Quality Education Fund (QEF) and the Teaching Development Grant. The QEF project entitled ‘Case-based Learning of High School Science Subjects to Support Learning to Learn’ which received HK$2.8 million in 2004 was completed. Its outputs included the publication of a book which was distributed free of charge to all local secondary schools and sold in a book exhibition in July 2007. The Faculty also obtained HK$17.77 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to set up a food composition database for nutrition labelling. • • The Faculty continued to strive for excellence. Recent outstanding achievements of staff and students included: Prof. Emily S. C. Ching in the Department of Physics was awarded the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2007–08 Dr. Sun Chao, postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Physics, was presented the 2006 Hong Kong Young Scientist Award for Physical/Mathematical Sciences by the Hong Kong Institution of Science Mr. Leung Wing-yin, a year-two student of Molecular Biotechnology, was chosen as one of the Goldman Sachs Global Leaders 2007 in Hong Kong The purpose-designed Centralized Science Laboratories Building which houses wet laboratories of the Faculties of Medicine and Science was completed in March 2007. The building won the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Merit Award—Community Building. The Faculty launched a four-day science summer camp for school students of 12–15 years of age. The event could be regarded as an extension of the Iron Man of Science Competition, which has been held since 1999 to impart science education intellectual games and competitions to F.6 students. • ❍ ❍ ❍ • • 理學院教職員展示優質教育基金項目的成果 Staff of the Faculty of Science presented their QEF project output 專為中學生而設的暑期科學夏令營 The science summer camp held for secondary students
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