Annual Report 2006–07
學生和校友 Students and Alumni 79 Pledge Scheme launched by the University met with favourable response from new alumni. Many also supported the expansion of the University’s student exchange programmes and close to 30 CUHK overseas alumni associations offered local hospitality to visiting exchange students from the University in response to the invitation of the Alumni Affairs Office. In celebration of the tradition and legacy of CUHK’s alumni associations and networks, close to 100 participants representing some 30 local and overseas alumni bodies supported the first ever CUHK Alumni Group Rally organized by the Alumni Affairs Office in January 2007. To foster closer links with the overseas alumni community, the Alumni Affairs Office joined a delegation led by the senior management of the University to visit 10 alumni associations in North America in May 2007, just one among the many occasions University delegations have reached out to overseas alumni associations. Over 80 alumni associations around the world constitute a global CUHK alumni network to foster the linkage between the University and its alumni. In 2006–07, a number of new alumni associations were established. They include the CUHK MA in Computer-aided Translation Alumni Association, the Alumni Association of Master of Arts in Comparative and Public History of CUHK, the Alumni Association of the Department of Biology, CUHK, and the CUHK Environmental Science Alumni Association. To encourage student service and creativity, the CUHK Convocation had established the annual CUHK Convocation Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards. Organized by the Convocation in September 2006, the CUHK-Children's Choir Fundraising Concert raised close to HK$1.3 million for the University. In addition, the Education Foundation of the Federation of CUHK Alumni Associations continued to raise funds to support poverty- stricken areas inmainland China. With the new schools the Foundation had established recently, the total number of the Foundation’s schools in mainland China has grown to 37. 中大校友網絡遍及全球,校友會逾八十個,均與母 校保持緊密聯繫。年內新成立的校友會包括電腦輔 助翻譯碩士校友會、比較及公眾史學碩士畢業同學 會、生物系畢業同學會和環境科學系校友會。 「香港中文大學校友評議會」設立「中大校友評議 會傑出服務及創意學生獎」,鼓勵後學積極服務 他人,發揮創意。評議會於二零零六年九月主辦 「萬眾童心籌款音樂會」,為大學籌得近一百三十 萬港元。 香港中文大學校友會聯會教育基金會有限公司除了 在港辦學,亦致力籌款支持內地貧困地區。該公司 屬下的「中國教育發展基金」設立及管理的「小扁 擔勵學行動」,已在內地捐建了三十七所學校,包 括三十三所小學及四間中學,分布於廣東、湖南及 四川,反映中大校友對下一代教育的關注和承擔。 二零零七年一月舉辦的校友會大會 CUHK Alumni Group Rally in January 2007
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