Annual Report 2006–07
學術發展 Academic Development 31 The Department of Educational Administration and Policy was admitted as the first Asian member of the prestigious University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) in November 2006. UCEA is a consortium of top research universities with doctoral programmes in educational leadership and policy. There are fewer than 100 universities all over the world admitted as members. Students and alumni from the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education participated in the Asian Games in Doha in 2006. Three alumni obtained promising results. Miss Chiu Wing-yin Rebecca won a silver medal in women’s singles squash, Mr. Lee Chi-wo Daniel won a silver medal in men’s triathlon individual and Miss Pau Ming-wai Akina won a bronze medal in women’s sabre team competition. The Department of Educational Psychology received a generous donation of HK$35 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in support of a five-year teacher training project—‘Read and Write: A Jockey Club Learning Support Network’— which aims at guiding teachers on how to help dyslexic students. The project expects to benefit more than 5,000 serving teachers. Staff of the Faculty continued to gain international recognition during the year: Prof. Hui Sai-chuen Stanley in the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education was awarded the Australian Sports Medicine Federation Fellows Awards: ASICS Best Paper (Health Promotion) • • • • ❍ Prof. Leung Seung-ming Alvin in the Department of Educational Psychology was appointed as Fellow of the American Psychological Association Prof. Wong Wan-chi in the Department of Educational Psychology received the 2007 Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award for her paper from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues The Faculty organized several conferences and public lectures during the year: ‘The 2006 Cross-Strait Regional Conference on Geographical Education’ (4 November 2006) The Lee Hysan Lecture Series in Education ‘Re-designing Schools for the 21st Century’ (1 December 2006) ‘Literary Study as a Curriculum Component for the English Departments in China’, and ‘Text Memorization and Limitation: The Practice of Successful Chinese Learners of English’ (26 February 2007) ‘The Science and Practice of Predicting and Promoting Student Success’ (23 March 2007) The Dr. Tien Chang Lin Technology Innovation Foundation Lecture Series in Language Education and Liberal Education ‘Spoken and Written Grammars: Why We Need to Separate Them’ (24 April 2007) The Cross-Straits (Mainland—Taiwan—Macau—Hong Kong) Educational Conference, titled ‘Enhancing Teaching and Learning: Teacher Development, Partnership and Professional Learning Community’, co-organized by the Centre for University and School Partnership, Faculty of Education, and the Education and Manpower Bureau (now Education Bureau) (25–26 May 2007) ❍ ❍ • ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 中大為三位在多哈亞運會奪得獎牌的校友舉行祝捷會 CUHK celebrating the triumph in the Asian Games in Doha in 2006 「喜閱寫意:賽馬會讀寫支援計劃」負責成員 Project team of the ‘Read and Write: A Jockey Club Learning Support Network’
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