Newsletter No. 467

10 467 • 19.11.2015 ’ 口談實錄 Viva Voce 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 吳恒亮教授 Prof. Dickon Ng 物理系系主任 Chairman, Department of Physics 兩年前物理系慶祝金禧,你今年出任系主任,有何發展 計劃? 為配合國際最新的科研趨勢,物理系正積極發展嶄新課程與 研究計劃,範圍涵括中微子物理、量子電腦與信息、湍流物理、 納米材料、太陽能發電、凝聚體物理,以及新星體形成的研究 等。今年開辦的新本科生課程「理論物理精研」已成功錄取二 十三位成績優異的同學。同時,我系正廣徵世界各地的科研人 才,希望藉此繼續提升系內師生的國際視野。 中大物理系哪三項最強? 出色的教科研團隊、優良的教學質素與文化,以及和諧的工作 環境。人在愉快的環境裏工作,同事上下一心,做起事來定能 事半功倍。我們對教職員、學生和研究員的要求嚴謹,不少剛 入學的同學會認為課程有些難度,但又享受這種挑戰。我們亦 很重視師生的關係與溝通。為此我經常鼓勵同事多與學生聚 會,自己則喜歡相約同學吃早餐,邊聊天邊了解他們的學習需 要和興趣,以及生活點滴。 1991年開始任教中大,見到學生有何改變? 我認為學生的求學態度在這些年間並無太大改變,畢竟每個 年代都總有一批熱愛科學與物理的年輕人,反而學習模式的 改變就很大。以往學生必須從老師處取得學習與研究資料,現 在他們可隨時瀏覽圖書館的網上資源,也可以各自在互聯網 上找資料,比以前方便很多。 物理系畢業生的出路是? 大約三成的學生畢業後選擇繼續進修,攻讀研究院課程。其 中一些同學在取得博士學位後,從事博士後研究。亦有不少物 理系的畢業生於政府部門如天文台、科學館、太空館等機構工 作;亦有投身工程、電腦程式設計、科研、顧問及檢測、醫療, 以及金融等行業。 可否分享你在媒體推廣物理知識的經驗? 我認為透過電視節目推廣物理知識,一方面能有效宣傳 中文大學與物理系,讓大眾了解物理學者在實驗室裏的工作, 同時又可以運用生動的手法講解物理現象,提升觀眾對科學 的認識與興趣。美中不足的是由於製作上的限制,我很多時都 未能詳細解釋。 書院的工作如何為你帶來滿足感? 我在聯合書院做了十五年舍監(1994 – 2009),其後又在 和聲書院擔任輔導長(2010 – 12)。一直以來書院的同事給我 很大的信任、支持和鼓勵,彼此在生活上有許多交流。書院就 像我的後花園,我可以完全放鬆和休息,和一班志同道合的同 事一起工作以及享受閒暇時光。 身為物理學者,你是否相信「上帝不擲骰子」? 我認為自然界自有其規律和秩序。身為物理學者,我的職責是 嘗試用邏輯去形容和解釋這些自然定律,相信這些定律決定 了很多事情的結果。但我也有找不到滿意答案的時候,故此我 相信宇宙裏有一位造物主,而我們只是受造物。我是基督徒, 又是物理學者,兩者並無衝突,信仰令我找到更多真理智識。 對你來說,甚麼是人生中最美好的事? 忠於自己,知道自己做着正確的事;既能享自由,又智珠在握, 就是人生最美好的事。我是個樂於嘗試的人,在加拿大讀書 時,曾在牧場工作和騎鐵馬上學,因為喜歡參與不同活動,後 來連船長牌及潛水證書也考了。雖然現在系務較為忙碌,但我 仍享受旅遊和運動,晚上盡量和家人一起帶狗外出散步,在舒 展身心的同時也享受天倫之樂。 After the Department of Physics had celebrated its golden jubilee two years ago, how will you steer the department? In order to keep up with the latest trend in scientific research, we are developing related academic programmes and research projects ranging from neutrino physics, quantum computer and information, turbulence, nano- materials, solar cells, condensed matter physics, to the formation of new celestial objects. This year, we have introduced a new undergraduate programme called ‘Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics’ and admitted 23 very outstanding students. We also wish to further enhance the level of internationalization by recruiting students and staff from all over the world. Can you name three strengths of Physics at CUHK? Outstanding staff, excellent teaching quality, as well as a harmonious working atmosphere. It’s only when people are happy and willing to cooperate can they reach higher goals. We have very high standards for teachers, students and researchers. Students may find it difficult at times but almost all of them enjoy the challenge. In order to facilitate communication among teachers and students, we encourage teachers to spend more time socializing and chatting with their students and to understand the latter’s needs and interests. Personally, I enjoy having conversations and even breakfast with my students. You have been teaching at CUHK since 1991. What changes have you seen in the students? I think there is always a group of young people who are passionate about science and physics in any era, so I do not see major changes in terms of their learning attitude over the years. However, the ways of learning have changed enormously. In the past, students had to rely on their teachers for most of the information they needed. Nowadays, they have access to a variety of online resources and they can always obtain information from the Internet. What do physics graduates usually do? After receiving their Bachelor’s degrees, about 30 per cent of our physics students go on to pursue postgraduate studies. Thereafter, some of them become postdoctoral fellows and teaching staff in local and overseas universities. You can also find our graduates taking up scientific portfolios at government offices such as the Hong Kong Observatory, Science Museum and Space Museum. Some of them find opportunities in engineering firms, research centres, consultant and testing agencies, or in hospitals and in the financial sectors. What’s your experience of promoting physics understanding in the media? I think it is an interesting and effective way to promote CUHK and the Department of Physics, as well as to share some basic knowledge in physics to a mass audience through TV. It also allows the public to understand what physicists do behind the closed laboratory doors. It is only that I could not fully explain every point as I had wished due to various constraints in production. In what ways is your College work rewarding? I had been warden at United College for 15 years (1994– 2009) and dean of students at Lee Woo Sing College for two years (2010–12). I have been receiving a lot of trust, support and encouragement from my working partners. The College is like my ‘backyard’, it is a place where I can relax and spend leisure time with those who share similar interests and values. As a physicist, do you believe that God plays dice? I believe that the universe has its laws and order. As a physicist, my duty is to describe the laws of nature, which I think determine almost all natural outcomes. But somehow I can’t even find a way to explain certain natural phenomenon. That is why I believe there is a Creator and we are merely creatures. I am a Christian physicist and see no contradiction in being one. My belief offers me an effective way to reach the truth and scientific knowledge. What do you think the best thing in life is? To be yourself and know that you’re on the right track. You will enjoy the freedom and still know that things are not out of control. I like to stay curious and always want to engage in new activities. When I was young, I used to work in a dairy farm in Canada and ride a motorcycle to the university. Later, I even obtained a pleasure vessel master license and a scuba diving certificate. Even though I am getting busier nowadays, I still enjoy travelling, doing exercise and walking my dog with my family every evening. Photo by ISO staff