Newsletter No. 377
8 No. 377, 4.5.2011 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問人事處處長劉郭麗梅女士 Mrs. Lau Kwok Lai-mui Sophie, Director of Personnel, will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming take courses on different subjects. And the quota for a course will be adjusted in accordance to the enrolment. This allows all students to take courses of their choice. 3 你如何形容過去三年的學術訓練? How would you describe the academic training you received in the past three years? 除了商學知識,也有很多機會提升各方面的技巧,如人際 關係、表達能力等。每次做小組功課,組員要輪番擔當不 同崗位:組長、財政、推廣等,我學曉了現實社會中不同角 色、身分的權責,如何與他人配合才恰當。另外,三年內有 二三十次報告的機會,包括功課報告、活動主持、典禮致 辭、講座分享等,要自信的站出來說話,不是單靠多讀報、 預備充足便可,更要因應現場環境、觀眾反應即時調節, 實戰經驗可琢磨臨場技巧。 In addition to business knowledge, I had opportunities to develop a variety of skills such as interpersonal skills and expressive ability. When we did group projects, the team members would take up different roles in turn, such as team leader, treasurer, promoter, etc. I learned to play different roles, assume different responsibilities, and work as a team player. Moreover, I was required to give 20 or 30 public speeches in three years, including making project presentations, serving as master of ceremonies, delivering speeches on different occasions, attending sharing sessions, etc. Speaking confidently in public cannot be achieved by newspaper reading or preparation only. Resourcefulness and improvisation are necessary to deal with unexpected situations and responses from the audience. 4 你接受的大學教育有何特色? What is the distinctive feature of university education as you experienced it? 中大設有通識課,使我涉獵面更廣。我修讀了有關歷史、文 化、社會學的科目。這些科目看似與主科無關,其實彼此互 通。例如社會學提及國家人口及年齡分布,有研究指俄羅 斯人平均壽命只得六十歲,現在俄羅斯人逐漸富裕起來, 開始關注健康,我們做商業個案研究時,便知道這是一個 很有潛力的健康產品市場。 General education at CUHK has expanded my scope of knowledge. I’ve taken courses in history, culture and sociology. They seem to have nothing to do with my major but they’re actually relevant. For example, I learned the age profiles of different countries’ populations from the sociology course. A study showed that the life expectancy of Russians was just about 60 years. Now Russians are getting rich and paying more attention to health. When we were required to do a business case study, I immediately knew that they’re a potential market for health products. 5 曾到哪裏實習? Did you have any internship experience? 兩年的暑期均有幸獲得金融企業聘為實習生,第一年於 星展銀行負責中小企業務工作,第二年則於彭博公司當 銷售員。兩次實習都有機會跟同事去見客戶,觀摩行內工 作實況。而彭博公司更是國際金融精英的集中地,有不少 學習機會。曾到跨國企業實習,對日後應徵大機構相當 有利。 I was hired as a trainee by two financial companies during two summer breaks. In the first one, I worked in the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises of DBS Bank. In the second summer, I worked as a salesman for Bloomberg. I was given opportunities to learn the ropes by visiting clients with my colleagues. Bloomberg is a magnet for financial elites from all over the world. You learn a lot there. Internship experience at multinationals is helpful for securing a job in big companies in the future. 1 為何選擇中大?為何選工商管理? Why did you choose to study BBA at CUHK? 讀大學不應只是求學位,而是求知識。我很喜歡中大校 園,這裏環境優美,學術氣氛濃厚,是潛心求學問、做研究 的好地方。雖然我自小對金融甚有興趣,但最後沒報讀純 金融的課程,反而選上工商管理,以金融工程及國際商業 為專修範疇,因為我相信這課程已為我裝備了投身金融界 別的基本知識,而國際商業範疇就可培育我的國際視野。 工管課程很着重解難、思考等訓練。在職場工作,專業以 外的軟技巧也很重要。 I believe that university education is more about acquiring knowledge than gaining a certificate. I like the campus of CUHK. It’s so scenic and provides an ideal environment for intellectual pursuits. Although I've been interested in finance since I was very young, I did not enroll on a programme in pure finance. Instead, I chose to study business administration with specialized streams in financial engineering and international business management. It’s because I believed that this programme could equip me with the basic knowledge for working in the financial sector. And the stream in international business could help me develop a global perspective. The programme stresses problem-solving and reasoning. In the workplace, soft skills are as important as professional know-how. 2 入讀後可得到你所想的? Did you get what you came for? 得到的比預期更多。商學院的選科彈性很大,學生毋需入 學後立即便決定專修範疇,只要在畢業前修畢專修範疇 要求的學分便可,學生在選科時有更大自由度嘗試不同科 目,慢慢摸索自己的興趣。而且各科學額會按選修人數而 調整,學生均能如願修讀喜歡的科目。 I got more than I expected. The Business School allows great flexibility in course selection. We will graduate as long as we meet the credit requirements of our specialized streams. This gives students the freedom to 6 可否分享海外交流經驗? What was your overseas exchange experience like? 我在三年級上學期到了美國得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校交 流,該校的會計及國際商業甚為有名。與西方人相處,會更 親身體會他們的思維模式,外國學生上課時會直接挑戰老 師,因此在西方機構,下屬與上司意見不一致並公開討論, 也沒有甚麼大不了。若希望於跨國公司立足,明白他們的 思維,懂得與他們相處很重要。 I went on exchange to the University of Texas at Austin in the first term of my third year. The university is famous for its programmes in accounting and international business. The best way to understand how Westerners think is to live with them. In the West, students can challenge their teachers. So, it’s very common to see subordinates disagreeing with their bosses in Western organizations. If you want to work in an international company, it’s important to understand their mindset and do things their way. 7 有否難忘的事? Any memorable encounters at UT Austin? 那是2010年9月,有一天早上起床準備回校測驗時,忽然收 到校方短訊,通知取消所有課堂,原來有槍手衝入圖書館脅 持人質,要出動特警和裝甲車追捕,當時我們在宿舍圍着電 視靜觀其變。幸好最後沒有學生受傷,槍手則自殺身亡。 One morning in September 2010, as I was about to go back to the campus for an exam, I received a text message from the university, saying that all classes were cancelled. It turned out that a gunman has taken hostages in a library. SWAT teams and an armoured vehicle were sent to deal with the situation. That day we all stayed in dorms and watched the incident unfold on TV. In the end, no student was injured and the gunman took his own life. 8 你如何形容你的中大同學? How would you describe your fellow students at CUHK? 氣氛和諧,校園像一個大家庭。你可以在圖書館或飯堂看 見同學隨意擺放個人物件,便前往借書或買飯,不擔心被 人取走,可見大家彼此信任。 We have a harmonious relationship. The campus is like a big family. People leave their belongings in libraries or canteens and go off to borrow books or buy a meal without worrying that they will be stolen. This attests to the trust among members of the campus. 9 計劃從事甚麼行業? What career are you embarking on? 我對金融有興趣,畢業也擬於這方面發展,現獲一家國際 金融投資銀行聘為分析員,將於7月往美國總部受訓一個 月,然後在香港的辦事處工作。 I’m interested in finance, so I plan to start a career in this field. I will be employed by an international investment bank as an analyst. I’ll go to its headquarters in the US for a month’s training in July. After that, I’ll work in its Hong Kong office. 10 畢業最不捨得中大甚麼? What do you think you’ll miss about CUHK? 圖書館。這是我經常流連的地方,四處都是書籍,又有寬敞 舒適的沙發,最緬懷以前可以愜意地閱讀。 Its libraries. They are where I love to hang out. You’re surrounded by a sea of books, and they have big and comfortable sofas. I will miss the enjoyment of reading in the libraries on campus. 黃嘉輝 Alan Wong 聯合書院工商管理學士(綜合)課程三年級生 Year 3, Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme, United College
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