Newsletter No. 473
8 No. 373, 4.3.2011 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問汪正平教授 Prof. C.P. Wong will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming 4 有哪位老師對你產生深遠影響? Was there a teacher who left an indelible mark on you? Who was it? 我唸的是地理與資源管理學,好的老師很多,其中林健枝 教授和鄒桂昌教授對我影響很大,他們在環境保育方面的 教導,潛移默化,已經滲透入我的生活,令我在一些生活 小節上都貫徹環保的理念。此外,大學通識教育部主任張 燦輝教授的教學熱誠,以至其旺盛的生命力,都深深感染 了我,他真是一位生命導師。 I was in the Department of Geography and Resource Management which has many good teachers. I think I have been influenced by, among others, Professor Lam Kin-che and Professor Chau Kwai-cheong. I have internalized some of their teachings in environmental protection and been applying them in my daily life. Then there is Professor Cheung Chan-fai, director of University General Education, whose passion and enthusiasm have impressed me very much. I have learned a lot about life from him. 5 在聯合書院獲頒明德獎,致辭時以「莫等待」為題,有 甚麼意思? The theme in your acceptance speech of United College’s Ming De Scholarship is ‘Do not procrastinate’. Why? 顧名思義,「莫等待」就是鼓勵師弟妹好好善用時間,不要 等待光陰失去後才後悔。我觀察到,原來 procrastination 是很多香港大學生最大的敵人。正因為大學生處於人生 最黄金的時期,彷佛有用不完的時間,供我們隨便揮霍。 但事實並不然。入大學後,我開始懂得自律,凡事先定下計 劃,然後好好利用時間,一步一步去完成。所以自律及計 劃很重要,這是我在中大三年的全宿經驗中學到最寶貴的 東西。 With that theme I sought to remind the students before me to make the best of their time. It seemed to me that procrastination is common among Hong Kong students as people in the prime of their youth tend to think we have all the time in the world so we can afford to squander some of it. Since becoming a university student, I have learned to discipline myself and lay down a plan for everything. Then I’d manage my time to realize the plan step by step. This is the most precious lesson I learned in my three years of living on campus at CUHK. 6 你曾受聘跨國公司,為甚麼很快轉到出版社工作? You were offered employment by a multinational company. Why did you switch to a publisher so soon? 我畢業時有兩份聘書,一是一家跨國製造業公司的管理見 習生,一是出版社編輯。熟悉我的朋友都說我應該選編輯 那一份,因為適合我的性格抱負。但我很不服氣,況且管理 見習生須要處理大量數據,要對繁瑣的日程細節有耐性, 這些正是我的弱點,所以我想給自己挑戰。但後來發覺自 己不太適合純商業的環境,所以最終還是接受了第二份聘 書。我記得蔡志忠有本書這樣說:「天空,是鳥的天堂;深 淵,是魚的樂園。」我想人總要順應天性,這也是一個自我 發現的過程。我現在工作得很開心。 I had two job offers upon graduation. One was management trainee at a multinational manufacturer. The other was editor with a publisher. People who knew me well advised me to take up the latter but I thought differently. I wanted to take upon the challenges of the former as it required great attention to numerical data and patience with routine and detail. But after a short while, I discovered that the commercial environment was not for me, so I accepted the publisher’s offer. An author once said: the sky is where the birds belong; the sea is where the fish belong. I think I belong where I am now. It was a self-discovery process. I am very happy doing what I am doing now. 7 現時工作有甚麼挑戰? What is the challenge at work now? 挑戰不在工作本身,而是在職場如何與同事以及別的人相 處上。我們可以選擇朋友,却不可以選擇共事的人。我發覺 自己從一個很主觀、很易過早下判斷的人,慢慢學會從別 人的觀點看事物,懂得理解甚至欣賞別人,從而學到與人 相處,合作共事之道。 The challenge lies not so much in the work itself but in how to work with people in the office. We can choose our friends but not our colleagues. I used to be a subjective and judgmental person. But I am learning to see things from others’ perspectives, understand people who are different from me, and even start to appreciate them. It is important that we learn to live and work with others. 8 你在事業上追求的是甚麼? What are your career goals? 在這個階段,我希望能實踐自己,盡量發揮自己的才能與 潛質。我希望不斷充實自己、不斷進步,由一個有效率的 個體,跟着成為團隊有效的一員,然後是團隊領袖,最後 目標是成為領袖。我覺得我正一步一步學好做團隊有效 的一員。 At this stage, I’m looking at self-actualization, to put my talent and potential to good use. I hope to learn, and develop from an effective individual into an effective team player, then progress on to a team leader, and finally a leader. I think I am doing well in learning to be an effective team player. 9 人生呢? What about life goals? 我希望能夠找到平衡—在不斷學習、享受生活,與貢獻 社會之間找到平衡。 I hope to achieve an equilibrium between learning my trade, enjoying my life, and contributing to society. 10 公餘有做甚麼義務工作? Are you engaged in any volunteer work? 我有參加樂施會、文化葫蘆的義務工作,多是在文化及保 育方面的籌款和教育。最近有一個新的計劃,幫助非政 府組織Room to Read為發展中國家的學校募捐圖書。 I am taking part in Oxfam and HULU Culture (a Hong Kong non-profit organization which aims to preserve and promote local indigenous culture), mostly in fundraising and public education in the areas of culture and preservation. Recently, I have started a new project in assisting an NGO—Room to Read—to collect books for libraries in developing countries. 陳寶欣 Karen Chan 1 畢業最捨不得中大甚麼? What do you miss most about CUHK after graduating? 我最捨不得的是中大的早晨。我在聯合書院的湯若望宿舍 住了三年,習慣每天早起,沒有早課時會去跑步或散步,在 寧靜優美的校園裏聽着鳥語,吸着清新的空氣,下雨還可 以嗅到青草的芳香。很簡單,但很快樂。 I miss the mornings at CUHK the most. I lived in United College’s Adam Schall Residence for three years. I got up early and if there was no class, I’d go jogging or walking amidst the morning quiet. I could hear the birds chirp, breathe the fresh air and smell the grass when it rained. Simple pleasures. 2 你覺得書院在你的大學教育中扮演了甚麼角色? What part did the College played in your university education? 書院在大學教育中扮演的角色很重要。大學課堂傳授的是 硬知識,書院則以關顧及羣體活動來授予學生軟技能。學 生與學生、學生與老師甚至工友之間的關係很密切,像一 個大家庭一樣。考試的日子書院會提供水果,工友煮甜湯 也會給我們留一份,這些都令人很窩心。 The College played an important part in my university education. I acquired knowledge in my specialized areas from lectures, and a range of interpersonal and soft skills through pastoral care and activities of the College. The relationships among students, between students and teachers, and even with workers are close. The College is like a family. To care for our well-being during examination periods, the College would hand out fruits and other healthy treats. I remember with particular fondness the sweet soups left us by the caretakers. 3 到過哪些地方作交換生?經驗如何? Where did you go for exchange and how was the experience? 過去幾年到過不少地方交流,較長時間的有倫敦,短期 的有多個歐洲、澳洲及中國城市,最深印象是倫敦和它的 文化政策。走在倫敦街頭,每一處都叫我感受到它的文 化多元和開放,還有它的歷史保育。在倫敦這個現代大都 會,到處都是百年以上的建築物,而且都保養得很好。不 同民族也和諧共融、百花齊放。未去之前還以為那裏很 保守,但原來完全不是那麼一回事。交流真的拓闊了我 的眼界。 I went on exchange to a number of cities in Europe, Australia and China. I spent the longest time in London and was impressed by its cultural policy. Walking in the streets of London, I could feel its cultural diversity and openness. Its heritage preservation is very successful. You can see many old but well-preserved buildings in this metropolis. Different ethnicities exist in harmony and each engages in its own pursuits, contrary to what I had thought before seeing it with my own eyes. The exchange experience has definitely opened up new horizons for me.
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