Annual Report 2018–19
80 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 廖昭薰女士, BBS Ms. Cynthia C.F. Liu, BBS 由2018年8月4日起獲推選為成員 elected from 4 August 2018 資深文化工作者 Senior Cultural Practitioner 廖女士於中大畢業後即加入政府從事文化工作,在 政府服務了36年,退休前為康樂及文化事務署副署 長。退休後曾擔任香港特區政府電影檢查顧問小組 成員,現為民政事務局粵劇發展諮詢委員會委員。自 2015年起,她參與伍宜孫書院學長計劃,現為中大 校友評議會委員。 Ms. Liu joined the government and engaged in cultural work after graduating from CUHK, and had served the goverment for 36 years. Before her retirement, she was the Deputy Director of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. After then, she served on the Panel of Film Censorship Advisers of Hong Kong SAR and is now a Member of the Cantonese Opera Advisory Committee of the Home Affairs Bureau. Starting from the year of 2015, she has joined the mentorship programme organized by the Wu Yee Sun College and is now a Member of the CUHK Convocation. 阮德添先生, MH , JP Mr. Anthony T.T. Yuen, MH , JP 由2015年7月12日起獲推選為成員 elected from 12 July 2015 裕通環球資產管理有限公司主席及董事總經理 Chairman and Managing Director of Yue Tung Global Asset Management Limited 阮先生在金融界工作多年,經驗豐富,歷任多間跨國 及香港公私營機構高層管理人員,現為裕通環球資 產管理有限公司主席及董事總經理及泰加保險(控 股)有限公司的獨立非執行董事。他是中大校友評 議會委員,歷任中大新亞書院校董會成員、新亞書 院校友會副主席及中大校友會聯會主席。 Mr. Yuen is a marketing professional in the financial and insurance fields in which he held senior executive positions in a number of major international and local companies, both in the private and public sectors, and is presently Chairman and Managing Director of Yue Tung Global Asset Management Limited, and an Independent Non-Executive Director of Target Insurance (Holdings) Limited, a listed company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He is a Member of the CUHK Convocation, and was former Member of the Board of Trustees of New Asia College, Vice- President of the Alumni Association of New Asia College, and former President of the Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK.
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