Annual Report 2018–19
源源創意 Innovation 19 中大領導團隊進行「上帝粒子」 實驗 中大朱明中教授(右三)領導本港跨院校 團隊,研究宇宙萬物的基本結構及定律, 獲大學教育資助委員會卓越學科領域計 劃撥款約七千八百萬港元。 CUHK-led research team participates in ‘God Particle’ experiment A team of particle physics researchers from across local institutions led by Prof. Chu Ming-chung (3rd right) worked on a project to study the fundamental structure of matter. The team was awarded funding in excess of HK$78 million from the Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme under the University Grants Committee.
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