Newsletter No. 326
No. 326, 4.11.2008 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁 ( 。 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部 (電話 2609 8681/2609 8589,傳真 2603 6864,電郵 。 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 香港中文大學資訊處出版 1. The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and the summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail . 3. The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. Published by the Information Services Office, CUHK 一紙在手,感覺踏實。然而,為減少大量印刷對環境造成的損害,請與朋友分享本通訊,或上網( ) 閱覽。謝謝您愛護環境。 We all like the feel of paper. But this newsletter will increase your carbon footprint. So share a copy with friends or read it online at your own leisure ( ). Thank you for supporting the environment. 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: ❏ 二十四項研究項目獲撥款 Twenty-four Research Projects Receive Grants 中大 EMBA 課程全球第十一,亞太區第一 CUHK EMBA Ranked 11th Worldwide and First in Asia-Pacific 中 大行政人員工商管理碩士(EMBA)課程,在《金 融時報》於10月27日發表的EMBA課程排行榜 上,由過去三年的第十五位躍升至第十一位,是歷年最佳 排名。而在所有亞太區獨辦EMBA課程中,該課程已連 續六年獲選為亞太區第一,畢業生薪酬更高踞全球首五 名之列。 中大EMBA課程獨特之處不只是香港製造,還有雙語教 學。在名列全球首十一位的商學院中,只有兩所可用雙語 教學,另一所是西班牙的Instituto de Empresa。 課程主任陳志輝教授( 圖 )對排名感到鼓舞:「我們在香 港首創了EMBA課程,而且真正是香港製造。因此,課程 的成功,就等同是香港的成功。」但他補充說:「排名並 非我們最終極的追求。我們的重點是致力培育世界級的 管理人才,以配合香港、大陸和亞太區的需要。」 I n the EMBA ranking 2008 released on 27 October 2008 by Financial Times , CUHK’s EMBA programme was ranked 11th, the best global ranking result the programme has ever achieved from Financial Times since the newspaper’s first launch of its EMBA ranking in 2001. It is also a great leap forward from the programme’s 15th position in the last three years (2005–07). Of all the independent programmes in the Asia-Pacific, CUHK’s EMBA Programme has been ranked top from 2003 to 2008 for six years in a row. And its alumni’s salary is the fifth highest in the world. The programme is not only a uniquely Hong Kong programme, it is also offered by a business school that is one of only two in the top 11 that adopts a bilingual medium of teaching (the other being Instituto de Empresa in Spain). ‘We are very pleased with the encouraging result. Ours is the first EMBA programme in Hong Kong, and a truly made-in-Hong Kong product. The programme’s success is, therefore, Hong Kong’s success,’ said Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan ( right ), director of the CUHK EMBA programme. ‘As always, ranking is not our foremost pursuit,’ Prof. Chan added, ‘What is important is maintaining 「人 生是沒有固定方程式的。」在加拿大多倫多 大學交流期間,該校英文老師Barry的一句 話,啟發了胡盈姬( 圖 )追夢的決心。今年剛從新聞及傳播 學院畢業的盈姬,是2007至08年度獲利豐獎學金到海外 作交換生的二十五名中大學生之一。她在10月4日舉行的首 屆馮氏學者領袖研討會上演講,向逾一百二十位利豐獎學 金得主述說交流經驗如何啟迪生命。 盈姬獲獎學金到多倫多大學求學半年,她說,Ba r r y 鼓勵她不要隨波逐流,無須刻意跟隨平常人的道路。 她還從瑞典籍室友Emma身上,學習到人應該勇於 追求理想,造福社會。 受到這兩位良師益友的啟發,她立志從事地方和區域發展 的工作,故甫畢業便加入國際顧問公司,安排知名發展研 究專家和世界級領袖舉辦講座,推動社會進步;她還打算 進修發展研究學碩士課程。短短半年的留學生活,竟是一 次改變人生之旅。 利豐獎學金是由馮經綸慈善基金在2006年設立,資助 大學生到海外交流,以培育帶領思潮的未來領袖。截至 2008至09年度,已有逾六十名中大學生獲此獎學金。 Yaki studied for a semester at the University of Toronto. Barry, she said, had made her understand that it is not necessary to conform to the mainstream. Her Swedish roommate Emma also encouraged her to follow her heart and try to make a difference to the world. Thus inspired, Yaki decided to devote her career to local or regional development for a better world. Upon graduation, she worked for an international consultancy firm where she helped to organize seminars by development specialists and world-class leaders. She is also thinking of pursuing a master’s degree in development studies. The Li & Fung Scholarship was established by the Victor and William Fung Foundation in 2006 to support university student exchange programmes in the hope of nurturing intellectual leaders. Up to 2008–09, over 60 CUHK students have received the scholarship. ‘T here is no fixed formula in life.’ It was these words from Barry, the English teacher of Yaki Wo ( above ) at the University of Toronto, that motivated her to pursue her dreams. A fresh graduate of the School of Journalism and Communication, Yaki was one of the 25 CUHK students who received the Li & Fung Scholarship to go on exchange in 2007–08. At the first Fung Scholars Leadership Conference held on 4 October, she shared with over 120 Fung Scholars how the exchange experience had changed her life. our ability to nurture world-class management talent to meet the needs of Hong Kong, the mainland and the region.’ 獎學金改變人生路 A Life-Changing Journey
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