Newsletter No. 326
No. 326, 4.11.2008 徐揚生,自動化與計算機輔助工程學講座教授,著名 空間機器人與智能控制專家,中國工程院院士。徐教授 1997年加入中大,擔任機械與自動化工程學系系主任,2006年兼任校長助理 (內地事務),今年8月1日起出任協理副校長。 Prof. Xu Yangsheng, Professor of Automation andComputer-Aided Engineering, is a world-renowned expert on robotics and intelligent control systems, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He joined CUHK in 1997 and served as chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. Prof. Xu had been Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor (Mainland Affairs) since 2006 and was appointed Associated Pro-Vice-Chancellor on 1 August 2008. Today, higher education is gaining importance on the mainland, more and more resources are devoted to the sector by the state, society, and local governments which raise the incomes of the institutions to a level comparable to that of CUHK. As a publicly-funded university, CUHK’s income is limited. Thus strategic development is required to compete with mainland institutions in the future. Secondly, China’s economic development is clustered around the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Bohai Sea Rim, whose centres are respectively Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing. It is worth noting that Beijing has over 30 renowned institutions and 50 research institutes while Shanghai has over 20 of each. But as for Shenzhen, there is almost none. Clearly the Pearl River Delta is faced with a fundamental lack of complementarity between the development of higher education and that of technology. Thirdly, development on the mainland has opened up many resources in recent years. Research funding has risen at a rate of 20% a year. It is anticipated the growth will continue. Although the money cannot be transferred to Hong Kong due to the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy, a CUHK research unit is qualified for funding to support advanced research if it is established on the mainland. Student intake is another important resource. There are only about 30,000 university candidates per year in Hong Kong compared to 30 million on the mainland. Though Tsinghua University and CUHK both admit only the top students, the difference is still obvious. With excellence in teaching and research, and the advantage of its geographical location, CUHK can help to promote these areas in the Pearl River Delta as well as increase its research funding. In addition, the sector is closely related to Hong Kong. The development of the Delta will enhance the development of Hong Kong as well. 3 對新工作有甚麼期望? What are your aspirations for your new job? 希望協助中大發展為中國的國際大學。內地有很多著名的 大學,但尚未稱得上為國際大學。香港是中國的一部分, 中大作為香港的大學,為何不能成為中國的國際大學? To help CUHK develop as China’s international university. China has many famous universities, but none are regarded as international. Hong Kong is part of China. Why can’t CUHK be China’s international university? 4 已經開展了哪些計劃? Are there projects underway? 目前在深圳開展了兩個項目,一個是中國科學院香港中文 大學深圳先進集成技術研究所(集成所)和中國科學院深 圳先進技術研究院(先進技術研究院),集成所是先進技 術研究院的一部分,而我亦兼任集成所所長和先進技術研 究院副院長。另一個項目是香港中文大學深圳研究院,是 我們獨立開設的機構。 Two projects have been launched in Shenzhen. One is the establishment of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) and its sub-unit, CAS–CUHK Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Integration Technology (SIAIT). I am the deputy director and director of the SIAT and SIAIT respectively. The other one is the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute solely established by the University. 5 這兩所研究單位的任務和工作是甚麼? What are the responsibilities of SIAIT and the Shenzhen Research Institute? 集成所是由中大、中國科學院和深圳市政府合作共建,圍 繞着國家及區域在機械裝備及電子資訊產業發展的需求, 有選擇地開展先進集成技術前沿探索及技術開發。該所 下設十一個研究中心和實驗室,有兩百多名科研人員,近 二十位中大教授參與研究,去年取得一千多萬港元的研究 經費。 香港中文大學深圳研究院則為中大於深圳南山區虛擬 大學園的研究單位,樓高十層,正在興建中,預計明年底 落成,並可作為國家重點實驗室、科技轉移、分拆公司、培 訓和教研基地,有助促進中大與內地院校和科研單位的 合作。 Jointly established by CUHK, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Shenzhen Municipal Government, the SIAIT promotes the development of frontier integration technology to cope with the need of the state and the region in mechanical and electronic industries. Currently there are 11 research centres and laboratories under the SIAIT with over 200 research staff and close to 20 CUHK professors. The institute was granted over HK$10 million last year. The CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute is the University’s research unit in Shenzhen Virtual University Science Park, Nan Shan District. A 10-storey building is scheduled for completion at the end of 2009, providing spaces and facilities for state key laboratories, technology transfer, spin-off companies, training and teaching purposes. 1 新任命涵蓋哪些工作範圍? What are your new responsibilities as Associated Pro-Vice-Chancellor? 我在兩年前開始兼任校長助理,協助大學開拓在深圳和 內地的策略性發展,履任新職後仍然會以這方面的工作 為主。 Since 2006, I had served as Assistant to the Vice- Chancellor (Mainland Affairs) to advance strategic development in Shenzhen and on the mainland. My main responsibilities after the appointment will remain more or less in these areas. 2 為何中大在深圳和內地的發展這麼重要? Why is it important for CUHK to develop in Shenzhen and on the mainland? 原因有三。第一、內地大專院校發展迅速,十年前,內地 著名大學的經費還不及中大的十分之一。隨著高等教育備 受重視,國家、社會,以至各級政府投入的經費和研究基 金不斷增加,現在它們的收入已和中大相若,且會持續增 加。反觀中大,由於是政府資助,收入增長受限制,如再不 策略性發展,日後恐怕難與內地院校競爭。 第二、中國的經濟發展集中在珠三角、長三角及渤海灣三 個區域,它們分別以深圳、上海和北京為中心。值得注意的 是,北京有三十多所著名院校,五十多所國家研究所;上海 重點院校和國家研究所各有二十多所;但是深圳卻幾乎沒 有一所好的院校和國家研究所。由此可見,珠三角面對高 等教育和科技發展未能配合的基礎問題,這為我們提供了 一個切入點。 第三、近年內地的發展資源充裕。首先是研究經費的資 源,每年增幅達百分之二十,預計未來續會倍增。在一國兩 制下,研究經費不能轉到香港,但如果在內地設立機構, 便有資格取得資源,支持前沿研究。其次為學生資源。比如 每年內地應考大學人數是三千萬,香港是三萬,如果清華 大學純取三千萬考生中最好的學生,中大即使同樣純取三 萬中最好的,也無法與清大相比。 是以,中大可善用其教研和地理優勢,協助珠三角發展,同 時亦可增加研究經費,進一步提升研究實力。再說,珠三 角的發展也與香港息息相關。幫助珠三角地區的發展,也 等如幫助香港的長期發展。 There are three reasons. Firstly, the tertiary institutions on the mainland develop rapidly. The incomes of renowned institutions were only 10% of that of CUHK 10 years ago.
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