Newsletter No. 376
8 No. 376, 19.4.2011 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問黃嘉輝同學 Mr. Alan Wong will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming The past three or four decades saw the evolution of the approach to student affairs. At first, student affairs mainly involved student management, which saw students as subjects of management. As times changed, student affairs saw students as people to be served. Our facilities, scholarships and career support are meant to serve their needs. Today our focus is the all-round personal development and growth of students of the University. The OSA, together with other units in the University such as academic departments, Colleges and other administrative units, aims to provide an environment that facilitates the all- round personal development of our students. 5 可否介紹一下uBuddies計劃? Can you tell us something about uBuddies? 推出朋輩輔導員uBuddies計劃,是為配合「關顧校園」的 理念,希望培養學生關心同輩的精神。我們推出很多培育心 理健康的活動,但未必能夠察覺個別有問題的同學,要等有 問題的學生來求助。學生身邊的朋友、同伴,往往能更直接 和更快察覺問題,從而幫助他們。這種朋輩間的輔導支援非 常重要。 The uBuddies Peer Counselling Network was established to promote a caring and supportive culture on campus. Though we have always provided activities that promote mental health on campus, our counsellors would only offer help when approached by students in need. On the other hand, friends or peers of students can become aware of their problems more directly and quickly, and be able to offer prompt assistance. This kind of peer-level counselling support is very important. 6 I • CARE的理念是甚麼? What is I • CARE? I • CARE是大學提出的學生在非形式教育方面發展的框架, 簡單來說,這五個英文字母分別代表德育、創意、美學、群 育與身心健康五個範疇。希望同學按此選擇不同的課外活 動和服務,令自己在各方面有均衡的發展。 I • CARE is a framework that covers five aspects of a student’s whole-person development, namely, integrity and moral development, creativity and intellectual development, appreciation of life and aesthetic development, relationships and social development, and energy and wellness. We hope that this framework will enable students to make balanced pursuit of out-of-class activities, services and achievements. 7 新成立的師生交流會想做到甚麼? What does the newly established Student Consultative Forum want to achieve? 大學非常看重與同學的溝通,師生交流會成立的目的就是 要加強這方面的工作。過去學生事務處和其他單位一直都 和學生保持溝通,校內不同的委員會也有學生代表。但這類 溝通多半針對特定議題,例如交通、環保。師生交流會則是 比較全面的定期溝通平台,不同問題都可以提出來談。 CUHK places much importance on communication between the University and students. The Student Consultative Forum was established to enhance this. The OSA and other units of the University have maintained close contact with students. Student representatives also sit on many committees of 1 學生事務處架構怎樣?主要工作有哪幾方面? How is the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) structured and what does it do? 學生事務處下設四個組別,處理四個特定範疇,第一個是學 生活動及設施組,負責統籌學生活動和管理師生中心內的 場地和設施。第二是來港生組,專門幫助非本地生適應香 港社會和校園生活。第三是學生輔導及發展組,組裏的輔導 員和臨床心理學家負責照顧學生的心理健康。第四是就業 策劃及發展中心,向學生傳授求職技能,舉辦就業講座和實 習計劃。此外,學生事務處也負責與學生組織聯繫和溝通。 There are four sections in the OSA. The Student Activities and Amenities Section coordinates student activities and manages student facilities and amenities. The Incoming Students Section helps non-local students to fit in with local society and campus life. The Student Counselling and Development Service provides psychological counselling to students and promotes their mental health. The Career Planning and Development Centre gives career guidance, organizes career talks and internship programmes. The OSA also liaises between the University and student organizations. 2 中大學生的就業趨勢怎樣? How are CUHK graduates doing in the job market? 中大畢業生的就業率很高,在計劃就業的本科畢業同學中, 約90%在畢業那年的9月底前就收到第一份聘書。我們日後 須加強的,是協助非本地生,特別是研究生。愈來愈多內地 生來唸碩士課程,畢業後想留下來工作。但他們大多不熟 悉香港的就業情況、不會廣東話,也不清楚本地的求職途 徑。我們正提供不同的協助,包括安排更多相關活動、增強 這方面的資訊。 The employment rate of CUHK graduates is highly satisfactory. About 90% of employed graduates secured their first job offers by the end of September of the their year of graduation. What we’re going to enhance in career services is providing more assistance to non-local students, especially non-local postgraduate students. We’re having more and more students from the mainland enrol on our postgraduate programmes. Many want to work in Hong Kong after graduation. But they are not familiar with the local job market. They don’t speak Cantonese and don’t know the ways of finding a job here. We’re trying to help them by organizing more activities and providing them with more information in this regard. 3 學生事務處如何令新生盡早融入校園? How does the OSA help freshmen adapt to university life? 現時不同的大學都看重「大一經驗」,協助新生盡快適應大 學的學習及生活。中學課程比較規範化,大學則自由許多。 剛由中學升到大學的大一生應如何做適當的決定?選哪些 課外活動?這些都需要自主能力和計劃。為協助大一生適應 新的學習形式,我們要培養他們對自我的了解、對環境的認 識。我們協助統籌每年的迎新活動。大一新生還會接受心 理健康測試,好讓我們知道哪些人需要幫助,及早介入。學 習輔導主任還會為每位外地來的學生提供個別指導。 Now all universities stress the importance of students’ experience in the first year, and aim at helping freshmen adapt as soon as possible to life and learning in university. Education in secondary schools is structured while life at university is free. How should freshmen make wise choices? What after-class activities should they choose? All these require independence and careful planning. We focus on cultivating freshmen’s self-knowledge and knowledge about the world. Every year we coordinate orientation activities. And all freshmen are required to receive mental health screening, which can help us to identify those in need of counselling and facilitate early intervention. Every non- local student receives personal guidance from our learning enhancement officers. 4 學生是甚麼?顧客?小孩? Do you see students as customers or as kids ? 學生事務的理念在過去三四十年經歷了不同發展。最早的 概念是學生管理,把學生看作管理的對象。隨着時代進步, 學生事務改為把學生視為服務對象;我們的設施、獎助學 金、就業支援等都是為了服務學生。到了今天,我們更着重 的是學生全人成長,學生事務是配合大學其他的環節,例如 學術部門、書院和不同單位提供的服務,營造能促進學生 全面發展的環境。 CUHK. But these kinds of interaction are mainly specific to particular issues, such as traffic or environment. The Student Consultative Forum is a channel for general purposes. Different issues can be discussed through it. 8 2012年開始新學制,學生事務處需要加強哪方面的 工作? How would the OSA react to the new education system to be implemented in 2012? 最明顯是學生人數增加,需要更多設施。鄰近崇基圖書館 的新學生活動中心落成,並改善現有設施後,這方面就能 加強。此外,也會加強心理健康的服務及推廣活動。另一方 面,學生在校時間長了一年,對於活動的需求也會增加,所 以我們要多辦一些學生活動,例如暑期實習、領袖培訓等, 無論數量和品質都會加強。 One obvious implication of the new system is the need for more facilities necessitated by the rise in student population. This need will be satisfied after the new student amenities centre at Chung Chi Campus has been completed and existing facilities improved. We will also step up mental health services and promotion. And there will be an increased need for extracurricular activities because undergraduate students will stay in school one more year. We’ll enhance activities for them, such as summer internship and leadership training programmes in terms of quality and quantity. 9 為甚麼有興趣投身學生事務? Why are you interested in student affairs? 我喜歡做與人有關的工作。剛畢業曾經在勞工處工作,調解 勞資糾紛、處理工傷個案,後來在大學做人力資源的工作, 現在處理不同的學生事務。看到學生成長,就像看着自己兩 個女兒慢慢長大那樣,覺得自己在他們的發展過程中有所 影響,很開心,滿足感很大。 I like a job that deals with people. I joined the Labour Department upon graduation and was responsible for settling labour disputes and dealing with work injury cases. Later I was in the human resources field of the higher education sector. Now I’m responsible for different student affairs. It’s a very satisfying job. When I see students grow, it’s like watching my two daughters. I feel that I’ve contributed to their development. It makes me happy. 10 公餘有何消遣? What do you do for leisure? 我盡量每星期抽半天做運動,例如騎單車由大圍沿着吐露 港到大埔,沿途景色很美,是放鬆身心的好活動。 I try to find half a day for a workout every week. For example, I like to travel from Tai Wai to Tai Po on a bike. The route is scenic so it makes biking very relaxing. 梁汝照 Raymond Leung 學生事務處處長 Director of Student Affairs
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